
My Saviour from Hell : Are we meant to be together

Her father abandoned them and her mother died of tumour leaving her with debts, she goes to jail for murder suspect, getting the harsh treatments of the world, she has a little sister to look after when her life has no direction. She meets with an angel, a billionaire who craves her but hides his feelings for her until he realize that he can't do it anymore. Tessa and Jordan who shares some identical things in common meets by coincidence would love unite them or.

naa_kallisto · Urban
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60 Chs

Chapter 42 "Broken smile "

Jordan saw Tessa leaving the office in such foul mood, he couldn't just let it pass and followed her behind, he saw her entering a coffee shop just a moment ago, he parked his car nearby. His eyes were about to pop out to see his Aunt Maurice's husband.. Mr.Michael a bug business is kneeling before his girlfriend and that's too in tears, his brain went numb and just stayed in the car watching the scene.

The next moment he saw her coming out of the shop in tears too running to the bus station but she missed it, she stopped a taxi and was about to to enter when she saw Jordan's car pulling over before the taxi blocking it .

Jordan got out of his fancy car and pulled her into her arms , the taxi friver smirk and took a u-turn leaving .Tessa held onto his shirt tightly sobbing, she let loose all of her emotions aa she felt so safe to do so in these broad arms and a hard chest. He patted her head gently letting her pour out all of her worries and troubles.

He didn't care if anyone might see him by the roadsides at the moment and just thought about the cute angel in his embrace, Tessa stopped crying after sometime and the two settled in his car, he opened a bottle of water and gave it to her, she gulped down a bit and returned it to him. "Thank you" her voice was cracking cos of crying too much.

Jordan had a smirk, he doesn't like seeing her in such state and what bothered him the most was... just what the hell was going on between her and Mr.Michael?.

After a second of silence he cleared his throat , "Soooo..... are you gonna tell me what is going on or are you not ready to do so?" he asked rubbing her pink cheeks , she lowered her eyes feeling the tears threatening to fall again, she shook her head in denial "Not now.... I will tell you when it is the right time" she smiled curtly looking at his darkened eyes, she knew he was angry to see her like this but then is she starts yo narrate the story here she would cry all day and end up with a headache.

Jordan closed his eyes and sighed "Okay, I will wait for it, although I hate to" he started the car engine and accelerated away. She wasn't aware where he was taking her but just sat in silence, she could feel the cold aura around him. He stopped by a five star hotel and made her wear a facial mask before he wore his, they stepped out holding hands and the car was taken by the doorman heading to the parking lot. They passed by the lobby and took a card, she was surprised but followed him in silence, Jordan loved it instead of stopping him she was obliging to him, this only shows how much she trusts him.

They stepped out of the elevator at twentieth floor , after a short walk they halted by a door, he swiped a card and got in with her, he reached out his one hand to stroke her cheeks and the other one for her to catch looking into her eyes, she stared back at him for a while before giving her hand to him, Jordan smiled at this step it meant she trusted him regardless what, even after everything that happened until where they are now , they walked into the room hand by hand , step by step.

Jordan pulled her by grabbing her tiny waist, they were so close to each other that if any of them make a move then their lips would touch. She could only look into his eyes curiously but won't say a word....

She was so lost into his eyes , they were calm right now unlike the other time she saw them when she was crying, she wondered how could these eyes switch so fast at a time. Her heart racing with all the closeness but she didn't dare to move to avoid touching his lips, she closed her eyes when she noticed his gaze was on her lips, she knew what was coming it was funny but nowadays she could predict some of his movements before he execute them maybe it had to do with thier relationships, love and staff.

Jordan leaned for his chin up and kissed her forehead, she was glad that he didn't go for her lips instead, she was so confused at the moment to be romancing but she could hold it in it it's for Jordan.

"I know you better than you know yourself baby" he whispered into her ear making her flinch and blushed, "I love it when you blush, you become even more beautiful " he said with a grin this time. Tessa felt so shy and buried her face on his chest, he sniffed her hairs and a smile spread on his thin lips, whatever the thing she was using on her he loved the smell so much.

"Go wash up" he said releasing her from his embrace, "Huh?!" she was surprised, he cupped her cheeks "I said... to go... and take ...a shower, unless you want us to do it together I don't mind it at all" he had that wicked grin of his stepping closer. Her eyes widened and she got out of his hold taking a step backwards "Stop dreaming Mr.brighton " she said running to the washroom with a chuckle.

He shook his head laughing "Gosh, she is so beautiful " he took out his phone and dialled Pharell, he picked up at first ring "Hello boss, I already kept the clothes and everything that you asked for in the closet, and .... your schedules for today are all clear " he reported, Jordan smiled "OK Good! but one more thing..." he paused turning to look at the bathroom before continuing his face serious like didn't smile just now "I want you to look into Tessa and Mr.Michael's relationship as soon as possible " he said lowering his voice for her not to hear. "Okay sir right away, enjoy your day off with.....hahahaa" he teased him again and Jordan cursed "Fuck Pharell!!" he hang up smiling.

Just then Tessa came out in pyjamas with a surprised look, "Who kept the clothes that fits me so much in the closet?" she asked sitting on a couch while dying her wet hairs with a towel. Jordan smiled walking towards her "Let me do that for you baby" he said pointing on tha towel she nodded handing him over. Without further a-do nhe stated to.drynher hairs gently, "I kept them, why .. you don't like them?" he questioned, "Ofcourse not stop speculating, I'm just curious on how did you know about my undergarments sizes too?" she shyly lowered her eyes down saying this.

Jordan cursed inwardly looking at his adorable face 'Fuck!! I can't hold it any longer if it goes on like this' being near her was very dangerous and the way she was blushing makes him go even crazier. "Well let's just say that I've an experience when it comes to your body " he teased her , she pushed his stomach lightly "Ouch! that hurts " he kissed her forehead "Okay it's all dried up honey now let me go and take a shower" he grazed his thumb on her lips on purpose and walked away, she bit her lips "He is always ready to seduce me, his figure alone is seductive and now he is.... aaaagh! " she buried her face onto her palms groaning.

She got up walking around the room so as to shook off the wild thoughts and finally switched on a TV to keep her mind clear for the time being . Jordan took more time than needed in the bathroom, the cold water dripping down his toned body, he wanted to cool down his feelings his nerves specifically, he was turning on very much since they came to the hotel, he chuckled by just thinking about her.

Tessa's thoughts went back to the scene with her father and tears automatically fell down, she felt disgusted to even call him father. She wiped her tears after upon hearing a clicking sound of a doors knob, she didn't want to trouble Jordan even more, what he saw today was enough.

Jordan walked outside the bathroom in pyjamas too heading to the fridge, Tessa gave him a smile, it wasn't a genuine one Jordan knew it, it was a broken smile that she was trying so hard plater on her face once he is around him...

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