
My Sapphic Neighbors' Boy Toy

Ever since I first moved here, I knew my neighbors were weird. Despite their weirdness and the fear I had for them, I was entranced. It wasn't long before they owned me. Using me as a tool to fulfill their sick fantasies. #Milf #Mommy Kink #Sapphic #Bi #Age Gap #Manipulation

SecretFetish · Urban
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5 Chs

The Neighbors

My name is...

Well, I guess my name doesn't matter anymore. That name I was born with was abandoned long ago after I met the two women who now own me.

It all started when I just turned eighteen years old...

"Here it is, our new home!" my mother said as we arrived in front of the place we'd be living at for the foreseeable future. My mom and dad had just gone through a divorce. I didn't want to choose between the two of them when I chose who to live with, so I'd be switching between parents every few weeks. We lived in the same city, so I'd be able to go to and from school from either house.

"It's nice. You have good taste, Mom." I told her before stepping out of the moving van to get a better look. The house was small, but it was more than big enough for just the two of us. The grass was green and beautiful with flowers and bushes bordering them. The house was white and spotless with blue trimmings around the windows.

My mom started to grab one of the boxes from the trunk, but I stopped her. "Oh, I got it, Mom. I'll bring the stuff in, you can relax." I didn't like when my mom overworked herself. She had back problems, so I decided I'd do all the heavy lifting. She and my father didn't get along, but I'm sure she appreciated the values he taught me when it came to being a gentleman.

"Thank you, son." she told me, placing her hand on my shoulder before heading toward the front door. "You will let me help unpack!" she told me. Of course, she didn't like having all things done for her. I had no problem with her unpacking the light things, so I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, of course."

And so, by myself, I took all of our boxes from the moving van. It was getting really hot outside and my shirt was drenched by the time I was almost done. As I grabbed one of the last boxes from the van, I heard a voice coming from behind me.

"Hello there..." a woman's seductive, sly voice could be heard, prompting me to turn my head to see the source of it. It was so sensual and smooth, I could feel my spine begin to tingle for some reason. It was like a spell was being cast on me, in fact, maybe that's exactly what happened now that I look back at it.

When I looked over, I saw two women; a smaller one with brown hair and a kind face, along with a taller one with black hair and a more dominant look to her. She had a couple of tattoos as well. However, when I looked at her tattoos, I noticed scars all over her arms and neck.

"Oh- Hello." I don't know why, but seeing the way these two ladies were looking at me made me incredibly nervous. If I were to describe their eyes, I'd say the taller one had the eyes of a plotting fox and the shorter one had the eyes of a starved lioness. They were both looking at me like I was fresh meat and it was terrifying.

They both giggled after I spoke, covering their mouths with their hands before going back to looking at me with their animalistic eyes. "So cute..." the dark-haired one said under her breath. It was the same voice as before, so I assumed she was the one who first spoke to me.

"Awe, hold old are you, cutie?" the light-haired one spoke to me in a kind, sweet, and motherly voice. If I had a tail, it would've been wagging at that moment. I don't understand how or why, but it felt as if her voice alone cloaked my body in a warm embrace.

"Eighteen... I just turned eighteen last week." I didn't know why I was talking the way I was talking. My voice was almost shaky, trembling before leaving my lips.

"Eighteen, huh." the dark-haired one said quietly and slyly. It was almost as if she was thinking really hard about something after I said my age, tapping her chin with her finger.


'Why do I keep stuttering?' I thought to myself. I wasn't really awkward around women or anything like that, but it was different with them for some reason. Maybe it was their eyes or their age, but I might as well have been trembling where I stood.

"Mmm... well, we'll see you around." the dark-haired one hummed and spoke one last time before turning around and walking back inside their garage.

"See ya, cutie!" the other one waved to me cutely before lightly skipping behind her partner back into the house.

'Holy shit.' I thought to myself, feeling a sense of relief coming off of my chest in a similar fashion to the moment when you get to a checkpoint in a horror game. My thoughts started racing with fantasies about both of them; what they'd do to me, what I'd do to them... I was hooked on them from just that one interaction.

Once those fantasies ran their course, I continued bringing in the boxes and eventually helped my mom unpack.

A few hours later, my mom and I were having dinner together, just some Chinese food we picked up since we were both too tired to cook. As we ate, we heard a ring at the doorbell. "I'll get it!" I told her before I ran across the house and looked through the peephole.

Immediately, my heart sank.

It was them.

The two women I met that morning.

Despite my fears, I was quick to open the door, being met by a bright grin from the brown-haired one and a sly smirk from the black-haired one. "Hello again." the black-haired one said seductively. "Is mommy home?" she asked me in a teasing tone, one that nearly made my knees buckle.