
My Russian Cat

Yuri is a normal college student living a normal life. However, there's a catch. Yuri has a secret, a secret no one should know. He doesn't realize it yet but an out of the ordinary encounter will change all of that...

Panda_Lun · Urban
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14 Chs


For the rest of the week, I mainly stayed home. I did check out a few other presentations with Shinji but other than that, I didn't go out much. The good thing is, I've studied up on Chinese all week long. The bad thing is, I don't remember a single thing I've learned. The language was so hard to understand I thought my brain was going to explode. I'm starting to really, really regret coming to China...

In a blink of an eye, the weekend was over and it was Monday again. The day that I dreaded the most. Classes will officially start today and I have zero communication skills ready.

Leaving my apartment, I nervously stood at the bus stop. I came out early because I knew if I stayed home any longer, I would've convinced myself not go to school. Standing by the curb, I see a few other people at the stop as well. I purposely distanced myself so I won't have to speak to anyone but I hope no one thinks I'm some kind of a weirdo. Eventually, the bus came and let me just say, I was not prepared for the amount of people on that vehicle. There were no seats and no standing space. I literally crammed myself between two people and stayed like that during the entire ride.

Luckily, ten minutes later I was able to squeeze myself off that bus. Taking a big breath, I walked onto the campus. Unlike last week, the campus was filled with students today. The diversity here made me felt slightly better about coming to school. At least this way, I won't stand out as much. Looking around, I spotted Shinji looking at a brochure in his hands. I immediately walked up to him.

"Good morning Shinji!" I said as I tapped him on his shoulder.

"Hey Yuri, what's up?" he said as he looked up from his pamphlet.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, pointing to the brochure.

"Oh this? It's a map of the school. I'm trying to find my class. I am not good with directions," replied Shinji.

I offered to help him and after figuring out where Shinji's class was, I set off to find my own. I intentionally memorized the map of the school last weekend. In this way, I wouldn't ended up being lost and having to use my poor Chinese to get help. I got to class with ease and sat myself right in the middle. I don't want to sit too close upfront because the professor might call on me and with my current language skills, things will only get awkward from there.

Class started 15 minutes ago and so far, I'm liking it. The session was in English so I'm extremely grateful for that. The professor was also very chill and there weren't that many people either which made me felt less self-conscious.

Another 30 minutes later, my first class was over. Walking out of the room, I checked my phone. I still have another 45 minutes until my next class, what should I do in the meantime? I finally made up my mind to go to the cafe across campus. I remember being too nervous for my first class this morning that I had forgotten to get my daily cup of coffee. As I walked across the street, I spotted the same fancy black car that I saw the first time I came here. Is Mr. Han here today? I thought to myself as I entered the coffee shop.

Inside the cafe, I ordered my drink and was about to sit down when I spotted Mr. Han. He was sitting near a window seat, his back facing me. In fact, he was sitting quite near where I sat last time. I was about to go thank him for the internship invitation when I noticed that he wasn't alone.