
My Runic Ability is Copy Paste

The World suddenly faced an Apocalypse and I struggled for 3 months, until my head was suddenly hit by an arrow. After I woke up, 10 years have passed. I found out that the world had changed. The world is now in a new era where humans have supernatural abilities. But we... The human race are no longer at the top of the food chain. The World is now ruled by Superbeast! And, this is my story where I have the greatest Rune... Copy Paste. ————— Author’s note: I am an aspiring author and English is not my mother tongue so forgive me for my mistakes. REMINDER: this is NOT AN ORIGINAL NOVEL, I just copied some(a lot) Ideas from other novels. I'm not satisfied with the original novel because it was not delivered properly, so I tried to re-write it. I only wrote this for my own satisfaction but I will promise you that I will write this seriously. I am also making my very own big novel but I'm not good enough to deliver it. I just don't want my very first original novel to be a disappointment so I used this novel as my practice target. For now, I will use some other novels out there to hone my skills so expect some copy pasted contents. ————— PS: Mc is not Chinese, just another regular Asian dude! ————— Disclaimer: The cover photo is not mine, I just copy-pasted it(my power). all credits to the owner.

Mr_HonestReview · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 6 Family

January 30, 2028

Alliance of South East Asian Nations(ASEAN)

P-Base Sanctuary, Sector 2

South Of Sector 2, Xīng Villa


A war that lasted for eight years, the most horrifying war! In this war, deaths totaled to nearly 10 billion. Only the system maintained by the five alliances stayed intact, and the rest of the countries' survivors are just mixed together in various human bases.

Until now——

On land, humans maintain the advantage, but the countless Superbeasts in the sea maintain their control over the sea.

"From 2016 to 2024, in these eight years, was the AWAKENING period of human history!" Larry sat on the couch.


The clock's sound echoed within the house.

The clock on the wall rang 6 times, which signals that it's currently 6 PM.

"The Awakening period." Lester marveled.

"Brother, truthfully, in my heart I really miss the old world before the Awakening Period. There were less than 200 countries, so how many people were there? 8 billion. The Superbeast now is so powerful that some past countries would be in grave danger; just one powerful beast would be able to wipe an entire country off the map."

Lester nodded, "Which is why the whole world is comprised of five powerful Alliances and less than 200 cities."

ASEAN have twenty six human bases, which are the present A to Z bases, and every base is divided into 3 Sectors.

Larry's home was in P-Base Sanctuary Sector 2, in the past, it was part of Laos. They were lucky that P-Base Sanctuary was created in their area so they didn't have to migrate.

The current entire population P-Base Sanctuary neared 6 million, and every Base cities only have an average population of 5-8 million.

Lester looked towards the clock hanging on the wall, "Right now it's 2028; the awakening period is already more than 4 years into the past. In our society, virtually everyone has to go train in a dojo. Our society is getting stronger than it was 4years ago."

Larry nodded.

In 4 years, the human race is getting stronger along with a steady progression in technology. The World Council is perfectly running, they are encouraging people to give birth to replenish our population, knowing there is still a hidden threat in the ocean.

The good thing is, the gestation of humans are getting shorter. It was speculated that the stronger the parents, the shorter the gestation period. Giving birth between 19 to 26 weeks are getting more common.

Now that the world is run by the World Council, things are now flowing smoothly; No corruption, low crime rate, racial discrimination are fading, and everyone is helping each other. Humans are Strong if United!



The door was opened and a middle-aged couple walked in. The man's shirt was drenched in sweat and had some paint stains. It was clear he was very tired. The woman, holding a basket containing vegetables and meat, wasn't very tall.

"Dad, Mom" Larry immediately rose; they are his parents,

Father Leonard, and Mother Xīng Jia Li.

"Haha, Larry, keep reading, keep reading. Don't bother with me." Leon(Lee•yon)* laughed. Since his son has exams soon, studying is of utmost importance in Leon's eyes.

Leon lowered his head and saw a large plastic bottle of tap water. The fact that there was always water ready for him everytime he returned warmed his heart. After working all day, he would take this bottle and drink the entire thing in one gulp, letting out a satisfied breath of air.

"Hurry up and go take a shower, you reek of sweat." Xīng Jia Li laughed.

"Haha" Leon laughed and immediately went to get a change of clothes, headed towards the public bathroom that served the family as the only working 'bathroom'.

Xīng Jia Li laughed and looked at her two sons, "Larry, Lester, today Mom is going to make roasted meat!"

"Roasted meat is my favorite!" Larry yelled right away.

As Larry watched his mother put on her apron and prepare to cook dinner, Larry was clear… Mom always went grocery shopping in the evening after her work, since the price for the groceries are much cheaper than in the morning. However, the groceries wouldn't be as fresh by then. Larry then glanced at the bathroom, thinking «I must hurry and get the 'Titled Elite Warrior' so Mom wouldn't have to go grocery shopping during the evening and Dad wouldn't have to go work so much.»

In his heart…..

Larry has always wished for his parents to be able to take a break and enjoy the sunlight and good food in peace.

"Larry" Leon walked towards Larry after finishing his shower, "Dad has something to tell you."

"What?" Larry smiled at his father.

"It's like this, Larry. I never asked you what your plans you had for after Senior-Highschool graduation. Could you tell me?" Leon rarely talked about these kinds of matters with his son because he didn't want to pressure him. He knew that his son worked very hard and has performed very well.

Right when Leon said this, Jia Li's cooking movements started to slow down a bit. Larry's parents really cared for their son's future.

"Dad, I was thinking like this."

Larry added, "According to my grades, I'm sure that getting into number one military academy wouldn't be difficult. Now that I have earned the school's Martial Warrior title, I would be raised as an officer in the military academy. Mom and Dad can enter into the family section of the military."

There were also different tiers in the military.

ASEAN, of course, recruited soldiers. However, regular soldiers didn't receive much. However, for a young man holding the title of 'Martial Warrior' and getting into the number one military academy, and have the intellect and strength. The country would surely focus on such people and give their families a better life.

For the family of an officer, the conditions would be tens or hundreds of times better than this empty villa.

"Then what if you can't get in that number one military academy?" Leon said, "Larry, don't give yourself too much pressure."

"I'll just pray that I awaken my Champion seed in the Runic Test before the academy exam. If anything goes wrong in both ways and I'm not able to get into any military academy, there is absolutely no problem with becoming an office worker." Larry clearly understood his grades: normally, he can score around 50 points higher than the average Bachelor. For the Champion Academy, he only has to awaken the Champion seed. But he doesn't put that much hope in the Runic Test, the chance of awakening the Champion Seed is so small you don't have to bother attending the test."

"In the Runic Champion course compared to the Special Force course of military academy, the only difference in treatment is the Runic Champions will have more special resources." Larry laughed.

To become a Runic Champion…...

Only 1 out of 200 people could make it.

"Yup, if you got the confidence then that's great. However, Larry, don't give yourself too much pressure. Me and your mom just need a stable life, that's all." Leon nodded his head slightly, "This kid, just gives himself too much pressure."

"Not at all." Larry laughed, "I don't really have much pressure. Since I'm young, I just have a bit more energy and motivation."

Larry says that out loud, but in his heart: «Mom, Dad, brother, and sister after my exams, you will soon be able to enjoy a good life. After I achieve the rank of 'Titled Elite Warrior', you guys won't have to live so bitterly.»

"Hurry and get the bowls and chopsticks and move the dishes onto the table. Dinner is ready!" Jia Li laughed and urged.

"Aight." Leon laughed and stood up to get the bowls and chopsticks.

"The vegetables smell great!" Larry sniffed the pot and helped carry the dishes.

"I smell the smell of roasted meat, yay~~~" Alexa shouted excitedly, she woke up from her nap after she smelled the roasted meat.

Lester Smiled

A family of five, enjoying their time.


1* Leon, the pronunciation is Lee-Yon, like the protag in Resident E.