
Ch. 2 Traveling

I was going to a school in Germany. I lived in Texas where it was increably hot in the summer. It snows in the winter which could be a pain, but I really liked the snow. After a couple of months of appling for college, I alright applied for a room. So I alright got all my stuff packed up and sent over there to the room. From my information I have 2 roommates. At least that's what they told me. I'm unsure if they're right there right now. After all the classes haven't started yet. I'm unsure if I should go or go until college start. But then again I would be busy to unpack and I would worry about. I am glad my friends and family memebers helped me packed some of my stuff. Although I am going to bring some of my own stuff over there. And, I slowly took a card out of an letter smiling slightly. Everyone has been supportive and there for me. This card is speical and I will forever keep this to remember how amazing my family and friends are. I spend some days being with friends and talking to some family memebers before I leave. I when to my room seeing my packed bags on my bed. My bag is mostly clothing but I also have my phone and laptop packed up. Hm makes me wonder how the house looks like. My dad, mom and some of my friends come to see me leave to the airport. I hugged them all and walked into the airport. I checkout my luggage and sat down waiting for my flight. To pass the time I just started playing on my phone. Just playing some games or going though my media's. Soon my flight was announced on the speakers. I quickly when to my flight turnning off my phone getting on the plane. I sat down beside the window waiting and watching the outside view. After hour's and hour's the flight was done. I got off the plane rubbing my eyes tiredly. I turned my phone on looking at the time. Its the afternoon, I said softly. I when down the port to get my luggage. After I rent an car to get some food. I then opened my phone searching for the address to my house. I looked at the roads and store's so I could get an idea of where everything is. I drive out looking and driving to the house address. Hm I think i'm here, I said slowly rereading the address. I hope i'm in the right place. I parked the car near the house and got out. I should first check if I am in the right place. I walked to the house and knocked on the door. I waited there for a second before the door slowly opened. "Oh hey," they said opening the door. Oh hello, I said nervously scratching my head. "So... What brings you here," he asked softly lending on the door. Oh im Cassie one of your roommates, I answered. "Oh come in," he replied opening the door wider. I walked in slowly as he closed the door behind me. "I'm Leon," said slightly bowing his head. He seems polite. Leon had a light brown hair and green eyes. Nice to meet you, I said looking towards him. As you walk inside you first run into the living room and beside it is the kitchen. "Shall I show you to your room," he said leading me into the hallway. I followed behind him as he opened a room full of boxes. The bed was alright up and cleaned up. Did you put up the bed?, I asked questionably. "Oh no I didn't Oliver is the one who put it up," he replied. I see, I said softly. Leon hands me an key, "That's the house key." Oh thank you, I replied with a slight smile. "I'll leave you be but if you need any help i'll be in my room okay," he said. I nodded as he walked away. I sighed softly as he walked off. I guess I am the only girl here. I guess I should get my stuff in the car. I walked back out getting my bags and stuff out of the car and putting them in my room. Lucky the room has a bathroom. I put my stuff on the small desk. I should get my stuff set up. I started setting up my laptop pluging in cords and stuff. I left my clothes in the bags because I don't want to already make the room a mess with my clothes. I opened some of the boxes and started to get somethings set up. Stuff like snowglobes, notebooks, old birthday cards, coloring supplies, ect...

I opened another box with hangers so I could just put at in the closet. Hanging all my jackets and sweaters inside the closet. I grabbed my phone and charger putting them at my bedside beside a small lamp. I when though the boxes organizing and placing them in the right places. When I went though the boxes I found some blackets, pillows and sheets. I could probably put some of these things on my bed so I guess I should put the other stuff into the closet. As I worked on going though the boxes, I heard a soft knock at my door. I looked towards it walking to the door opening it. You must be Oliver right?, I asked questionably. "Yeah, I just wanted to see how everything," he said plainly. Everything is just fine thank you, I replied to him. "There is some pizza at the table so if you're hungry its there," he said. Yea okay thanks, I replied. "I'll see you later then," he said walking away. Hmm I guess it is a little awkward, because I am the only girl in this house. I guess I should go get myself a slice or two knowing that im going to be here for awhile. I when out my room making my way to the kitchen. The pizza box sat on the counter closed up. I grabbed a plate from the cabinet grabbing two to three slices of pizza. Then started walking to my room. I closed my door and sat down on the desk eatting the pizza. Looks like I would have to do a little bit of shopping. I wonder if they have any good produces. After eatting all the pizza I grabbed a bottle of water from my bag and drank it. So refreshing. I looked around my room still seeing some boxes around and stuff in a pile. I sighed softly tired and exhausted. I should get to bed. I looked at my phone clock. Its still kind of early. I guess it's all the jet lag making all tired. I yawned putting my phone back down. I'll just called it a day. I when to the bathroom and turned on the shower getting an towel from my bag. Lucky I have some shampoo with me I should really go buy some. I took off my clothes and when into the shower. I scrubbed and rubbed my body softly as the water hit my skin. I poured shampoo into my hands and started scrubbing my hair. I closed my eyes letting the soup drip off my body. I brushed my hair back pulling back my hair. After the soup is gone I turn off the water and grabbed my towel. Slowly I rub the towel on my body to my legs to my chest then my hair. I wrapped the towel around my chest and walked into the room. I quickly get a change of clothes out of my bag and put it on. Then just hopped into bed putting the covers and blackets over me. I closed my lamp light and opened my phone just listening to some music with my earplugs. Slowly closing my eyes and listening quietly.