
Will You Be My Daddy

~~~~~~~~Ethan's POV~~~~~~~

We get back to the dorm, unloading all the things we'd got, Marcus going to discreetly wash the teats of my new pacifiers as well as the bottle and sippy cup, leaving me to change my well soaked diaper. At first I was going to put on my usual megamax, but looking at the dino ones that now filled my drawer I couldn't help but throw one on. It was a little softer and thicker than my usual ones and definitely a little crinklier, but it was all in all super comfortable.

I was kind of admiring them in the mirror when I heard the knock on our door. "U-uh, just a sec!" I say as I scrambled to throw on a pair of shorts. They didn't really do much to hide the thickness of the diapers, but after two weeks I had honestly all but given up on hiding them in our room seeing as he already knew.

"Come in!" I say and Marcus opens the door and walks in.

"Okay, teats and cups all clean" he says as he starts reassembling the pacifiers.

"So....how exactly do I do this? Like what do I do?" I ask as he finishes putting the pacifiers together.

"Well, what you do is up to you. Play with toys, color, watch cartoons. Just zone out and have fun." He says, filling the...my sippy cup with juice and handing it to me alongside one of the pacifiers with the clip. "I'm right here if you need anything, okay?"

As Marcus picks up on his work where he left off I sat in the floor with all my new toys. I awkwardly moved them around for a few minutes before starting to formulate a game in my head. I had the little dinosaurs going on a big adventure, across oceans, over mountains, and somehow flying through the clouds! Fighting off imaginary enemies and finding a treasure chest full of gold! I eventually started to talk out loud without really realizing what I was doing. Before long my hand must have made it's way to my mouth without my knowledge because Marcus gently told me that I shouldn't suck on my fingers and to use the paci instead.

I blushed a little but complied, clipping the paci to my shirt with a little difficulty and taking the teat in my mouth. It was surprisingly comforting to suck on and I'd gotten into a rhythm of it, slurring my words around it as I continued to play. Marcus eventually finished his work and got down in the floor with me.

"How's it going, little buddy?" He asked, making me smile.

"Da dinos is going on an adventure to find long lost treasure! Dey can fwy and fight and even swim!" I said excitedly as I sucked away at my paci.

"Aww, is that so? You having fun?" He asked as I nodded vigorously.

"Uh huh! Dis is so much mowe fun dan I tought it'd be!" I said as I smiled up at him through the paci. "Tank chu, Daddy!"

"Daddy?" He asked, making me freeze as I hadn't realized what I'd just called him.

"I-I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I-" I start to get worked up, starting to shake.

"Hey hey, it's okay Bubba. I'm not mad" he says, pulling me into a hug. "I don't mind it, really. Just caught me off guard is all. You can call me daddy if you really want."

"I...it...it won't be weird?" I ask, a bit of a tear flowing down my cheek which Marcus wipes away gently.

"Of course not. Do you....do you want to be my little, Ethan? Like do you want me to take care of you when you're little?" He asked, making my heart race a little.

"U-um...I mean....if...if you don't mind...." I said, looking at the ground again.

A soft, warm smile spread across his face as he held me closer. "Of course, Bubba. I'm more than happy to help you however you need" he says as he gently rubs my back. "Well then if you really want me to be your daddy then you'll need to listen to me, okay?"

"O-otay" I say, feeling so safe in his arms.

"Good boy. I think it's about time for you to maybe go get a shower. It's already getting a bit late" he says, looking at the clock that read 8:45. "How about you go down and take a quick shower and then you can play a little longer, hmm?"

"Otay Daddy" I say, cuddling up into his arms a little more, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Well....I guess I could hold you a little longer...."