

~~~~~~~Marcus' POV~~~~~~~~

It was officially out first day back at college, which Ethan was rather hesitant about. After spending several weeks little it was understandably hard for him to get big. Once we're done with college I intend to make sure Ethan never has to be big unless he wants to be, but I need to make sure he gets a good education. As the day wrapped up Ethan held my hand to my car, something neither of us were nervous about doing now being a couple. All was well until we reached my car, seeing someone leaning against the car next to it, making Ethan cower behind me.

"Tom, what are you doing next to my car!" I yell out, instantly going into protective mode after what he'd done last semester.

As I approached him he raised his hands defensively. "Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not here to fight, Marcus, I'm just here to talk" he said, backing up a little, obviously scared.

"What on earth could you possibly want to talk about" I said, crossing my arms.

"I....I wanted to apologize, to both of you, for how I acted last semester. Especially Ethan. It...it wasn't right the way I treated him" he said nervously, but with sincerity in his voice.

I relaxed a little, but kept my guard up as Ethan hid behind me. "Oh? Why the big change all of a sudden?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Thomas looks around us a bit, seemingly checking to make sure no one was near by before nervously, stepping towards me a little, leaning in and keeping his voice low.

"I....I heard....I heard what Ethan called you...after I left that day...he called you...Daddy, right?" He said, looking up at me.

"I swear to God if you tell anyone I will-" I start to say.

"No no no, let... let me finish, okay?" He sighs. "After that happened, I went and talked to my girlfriend about it and she...she got really mad at me. Completely quit talking to me. It...it took two weeks to get her to tell me what made her so mad, aside from well...the obvious I suppose..... She told me what a little is and that she....is one...."

"Your girlfriend's a little?" I ask, my eyes widening as he continues.

"Yeah...she... explained it all to me and how much hearing that I'd bullied someone like her hurt her. I was stupid and never thought about how my actions affected people until I saw just how much they can. I can't even begin to imagine what Ethan's gone through to make him regress, but she told me what she'd been through and I....I just felt awful about how I treated him" he said, looking down at his feet. "I hate that I could hurt someone like that who's no doubt been through so much already and I....I'm sorry Ethan, I truly am."

I stood there completely bewildered by this complete shift in Thomas. He'd gone from an arrogant jerk to a remorseful man in the span of just over a month.

"You've really changed, haven't you?" I smirked a little, letting my arms fall to my sides and go into my pockets.

"Yeah, parenthood will do that I suppose" he chuckled a little.

"Oh? So you mean that you're...?"

"Yeah, I'm um... I'm... I'm Kate's caregiver now.... I've got a lot to learn still, but seeing that side of her.... it's like I've fallen in love with her all over again and I wanna be a better boyfriend, daddy, and just all around person for her" he said, blushing a little.

"Well, maybe she and Ethan can have a playdate sometime, assuming Ethan has forgiven you" I said, making him look down in shame as I turned back to ask Ethan if he accepted his apology or not, only to see Ethan dart around me, hugging Thomas, his head meeting his chest.

"Is otays Tommy. Chu hurt me, but chu learned and chu twyin be better perso so...so...I fowgives chu" Ethan said, warming my heart.

Thomas reached up, ruffling my baby's hair and hugging him back. "Thank you Ethan, and I'm so so sorry again for how I acted" he said as he smiled down at him. "And ain't you just the cutest little boy too?"

Ethan giggled as I walked over, placing my hand on Thomas's shoulder. "If you need any advice being a caregiver, just let me know, okay? I'll help out any way I can" I say as he smiles and nods.

Thomas waves goodbye to us, getting an enthusiastic wave back from Ethan as he walks off to his own car.

"Well baby boy, you ready to get home?" I ask, smiling down at my bouncy boy.

"Yes Daddy" he said, taking my hand.