
Meeting the Family

~~~~~~~~Ethan's POV~~~~~~~

Nearly two months have passed since college started and it's been going great! I've been getting more and more used to regressing and it's made me feel so much better. Marcus, or rather Daddy and I have grown so much closer and it's to the point where I have no worries. He feeds me, changes me, plays with me, and even helps me with my homework. I can genuinely say I've never been happier!

"Wakey wakey, baby boy" Daddy sings, as he shakes me gently, waking me from my sleep.

"Mownin dada" I yawn, stretching my arms.

"Morning baby" he says, kissing my forehead, making me giggle. "Baby, daddy has to go somewhere today."

"Where go?" I ask, tilting my head.

"My mom and dad need a little help with some stuff at home. It'll only be a couple hours, but I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me" he says, making me a little nervous.

"B-but....what if dey finds out?" I ask.

"Oh baby, it's okay. Mom and dad already know about my lifestyle. I bet they're gonna love meeting their new grandson" he says, ruffling my hair.

"D-dey nu fink it weird?" I ask, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"No baby, they won't think it's weird. They've met my cousin's little before. They have a few fun things set up and some toys for when he visits too, which I'm sure if you wanna use you can while we're there" he smiles at me. "So baby, what do you say?"

I look down, making a thinky face. "Chompy come too?" I ask, looking back up at him.

"Yes Chompy can come too" he chuckles.

"Hmmm....Otays!" I say, making grabby hands at daddy.

"That's my sweet baby. Let's get you changed real quick then we can get ready to go" he says, grabbing a diaper and changing supplies from my drawer.

Daddy lays my dino changing mat on the end of the bed, helping me into it before untaping my diaper. I just lay there contently cuddling Chompy and sucking on my paci as he changes me, patting my fresh diaper when it's done.

"There you go, baby. Now are you brave enough to wear little clothes out or do you want daddy to pack some in your diaper bag?" He asks, as he fills his emptied backpack with a couple diapers, my changing mat, and powder.

"U-um....I fink....I fink I can wear my dino hoodie and it not look too out of pwace" I said.

"If you're sure, baby boy" Daddy says, ruffling my hair as he gets me an outfit ready before dressing me in it.


In the back of the car I play with Chompy, sucking on my paci Daddy gave me after we got off the college campus. Daddy insisted I sit in the back so I'd be safe and so I could play, which I don't really mind. I still feel nervous about his parents seeing me like this, despite them knowing already. No one but Daddy's seen me like this before. About an hour passes as I sit babbling to myself before a large house starts to appear in the distance.

"We're almost there, baby" Daddy says as he starts to pull up in the driveway.

"This is your house!?" I ask in total shock.

The place is HUGE! Two stories, probably at least four or five bedrooms and who knows how many baths, fenced in for privacy with a big yard surrounding the house. Daddy told me his family was wealthy, but this is insane!

"Yes baby, this is Daddy's house, or more rather Grandma and Grandpa's house" he says, making my eyes go wide.

"Is so biiiig!" I say amazed, making Daddy chuckle.

"Yes baby, it's quite big" he says as he parks the car, getting and walking around to my door, opening it and unbuckling me before helping me out, Chompy still in my arms.

He holds my hand as we walk up to the door, my diaper bag slung over his shoulder as he knocks, making me shake a little from my nerves. Before long a big, burly man with salt and pepper hair and a beard opens the door.

"Marcus!" The man says, hugging daddy tight.

"Hey dad" he says, hugging the man back.

"How have you been son? Has college been going well?" He asks.

"I've been good, and yeah, it's going great" Daddy says as I shuffle nervously, still holding my hand.

"Oh! Where's my manners? Hello there, you must be Ethan, Marcus's roommate" the man says, looking down at me.

"U-um...H-hi" I say shyly as he notices Marcus holding my hand and Chompy in my other.

"Oh! Are you.... Marcus is he your little?" He asks Daddy.

"Yeah, he's been my little for the last month and a half" daddy tells the man, making me blush.

"I'm so happy for you! How did that end up happening?" He just manages to ask before another voice calls out behind him.

"Charles, are you gonna keep them on the porch all day or are you gonna let the boys in?" Asks a woman with hair as fiery orange as Daddy's, a little gray peaking through, as she walks up behind the man.

"M-my bad, come on in, boys" he says nervously as he steps aside, daddy leading me inside by my hand and over to the couch in the living room.

"Hello there, hun. My name is Alice. I'm Marcus's mother" the woman says to me as we sit on the couch.

Daddy gives me a little nudge on my arm, looking at me expectantly. "U-um...H-hi, I'm E-Ethan. I'm D- Marcus's....r-roommate." I say nervously.

"Sweetie there's no need to be shy. I'm sure our son already told you that we're excepting of age regressors. You can call Marcus Daddy in front of us" she says with a warm inviting smile.

"O-otay" I say, feeling small as I blush.

"Oh my gosh, dear, he's adorable" she says to Daddy as he smiles at her.

"Do tell us, how did you end up being his caregiver son? How'd you find out?" The man asks Daddy, making me blush even more.

"Um... well... actually Ethan wasn't really a little before meeting me" Daddy says

"Really? So how did you end up....?" His mother asks, trailing off.

Daddy looks at me, his eyes soft and full of concern, asking me without asking if it was okay for him to tell the story. I think for a minute before nodding softly.

"Well...so Ethan has a bit of a disability...he needs diapers...and the first day in the dorm he kinda... forgot to change and leaked" he said, making me blush even harder before he goes on to explain the rest of the story.

"Oh dear, Ethan I'm so sorry, that must have been so hard on you" Alice says, looking at me with soft, loving eyes as she pats my knee.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, my boy. It's so awful that a father could ever treat his son so horribly for something he has no control over. And those kids at school, just absolutely vile" Charles says.

"I-it's okay, M-...D-Daddy's been helping me lots! I've felt so much better since I met him" I smile at them. "He makes all of it feel like a bad dream."

Marcus's mother looks like she's on the verge of tears as his father pats him on the back.

"I'm so glad my boy could help you to feel better. I want you to know Ethan, you are welcome in our family" Charles says, smiling at me.

"Th-thank you mister-" I start to say before he stops me.

"No no, none of that now. You're family, boy. You can call me and Alice by name or if you're comfortable doing so, Grandpa and Grandma" he says as he smiles at me.

"Y-you... you mean it?" I ask, starting to tear up a bit myself.

"Of course, son. Welcome home" grandpa says, pulling me into a hug, grandma joining in, followed by Daddy.

"We're not interrupting something, are we?" I hear a woman say behind us. I turn around and see a tall woman, holding a man, or rather boy about my size, sucking on a paci with a wolf stuffie gripped in his arms.


~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~