
Bonus: The Talk

"Why did my son call you daddy?"

~~~~~~~~Marcus' POV~~~~~~~

"I-I....Mrs. Price, I can explain" I say, shaking a little nervously.

"Please do, Marcus" she says as she sits back, crossing her arms.

I sigh, explaining everything from Ethan's accident on our first day, to the concept of age regression, and everything between. Mrs. Price simply nods along, listening intently as I explain, looking bewildered.

"So... your saying my son mentally reverts to a child to cope with everything that happened in his past?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am. I know it sounds weird, but it's a healthy coping mechanism, and it really does help" I say, shaking with nerves, trying to read her expression.

"It definitely seems to" she says, looking down at her hands in her lap. "It's like Ethan's come back a completely different person than when he left. Before he'd barely talk, barely go anywhere, heck, barely even get out of bed most days except to go to school. I never thought I'd ever see him so...happy."

"I see what you mean. That first day he was so shy and nervous. Barely said a word to me and kept looking down every time he talked. Given what he went through, I guess it's not a big surprise" I say. "Mrs. Price, please don't judge him."

"I would never judge Ethan. It's just...this is a lot to take in...and he's calling his roommate...daddy... When I said you'd make a good father, I didn't think it'd be to my own son" she laughs slightly, looking down conflicted.

"I know it's a lot" I say, looking down as well.

"Please don't tell Ethan I know yet. I need some time to process this" she says, looking like she was deep in though.

"But...I can't lie to him" I say, feeling unsure.

"I'll tell him myself, I just...I need time to understand it. I don't want him worrying what I think ruining his Christmas. Not with him finally smiling" she says as she looks at me in the eyes.

"I.... alright" I say defeated. I really couldn't argue with her logic. "I guess I'll go ahead and head back to bed then. Goodnight Mrs. Price."

"Goodnight Marcus" she says as I turn to go back to Ethan's room before she stops me. "And Marcus....thank you for looking after Ethan." She says, making me smile.

~~~~~~~Justine's POV~~~~~~~

After my conversation with Marcus I stayed up for a couple hours, googling ageregression trying to learn everything I could about it, slowly starting to understand what it is and how it works. The more I read, the more I understood how helpful it was for Ethan and thoughts of him in his younger years flooded my head. Thinking back to before everything with his father started. How happy he was as a toddler and how much I missed seeing him giggling and playing with toys, something that ended all too soon for him. In that moment I KNEW I had to support him, but how could I show my support?

Just as I was thinking of what to do I saw an ad on the site I was researching on about a store for littles. 'LittleDayz?' I thought to myself. That's it! I can make this his best Christmas ever! I clicked on the ad, looking for the address and noting it in my phone. Christmas was a week away so that gave me plenty of time to make it there.

A couple days after that I headed out, telling the boys I was going to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Ethan protested, telling me that I should save my money, knowing my job as a waitress didn't pay well enough, but I insisted, telling him I wanted to make this Christmas special. Soon I took off, arriving at LittleDayz, caught in awe at everything inside. Baby furniture sized for an adult, pacifiers, and diapers, and toys, and so much more. I came to realize that I didn't even know what he liked little, nor his little age to even guess at what he might like. I felt dismayed thinking my plan had derailed before it could even begin before I hear a voice call out.

"Justine? Is that you?" I heard from behind me, spinning around to see a face I hadn't seen in nearly twenty years.

"Alice? What on earth are you doing here!?" I asked, hugging my old friend.

"Oh I'm here shopping for my grandbaby" she said.

"Grandbaby? You already have a grandchild?" I asked confused.

"Oh dear, no. My son adopted a little at the beginning of the year. But what about you? I had no idea you knew about age regression. Who are you here shopping for?" She asked.

"Oh I um...I only just learned about it a little over a day ago. I um....I found out that my son is a little and his roommate in college is his caregiver. He doesn't know I know yet so I wanted to show him I support him by buying him some presents for Christmas" I said, feeling a little embarrassed.

"His roommate in college is his caregiver? Wait.... weren't you dating Austin Price in highschool?" She asked, seemingly switching subjects.

"I...yeah. I don't like talking about him though. He was quite... awful to our son, so I divorced him a few years back. He's...part of the reason my son regresses" I say, feeling ashamed that I'd ever loved that monster.

"Janice, is your son's name Ethan by chance?" She asked, catching me off guard.

"What? How did you know my son's name?" I asked in shock.

"Oh my gosh! Justine, he's who I'm here shopping for!" She exclaimed excitedly, a little too loudly, gaining a bit of attention from those around us, making her blush.

"Wait, YOU'RE Marcus's mother?" I asked, lower than her, to not garner as much attention.

"Yes! Oh my gosh I can't believe I didn't see it. Little Ethie looks so much like you!" She exclaimed, barely containing her excitement.

"I-I...wow what a small world it is I suppose" I said, my head spinning at the realization that my high school best friend was actually Marcus's mom.

"Oh dear, do you know what you're getting him?" She asked, grinning widely.

"U-um... actually no....I don't. I didn't even think to ask your son what Ethan's little age is or what he likes, not that I'd have much chance with Ethan practically stuck to his hip all the time" I chuckled a little.

"Well then, petal, you're in luck running into me then" she said, making me grin almost as madly as her.

After a bit of a shopping spree we come to the register, ringing up everything coming out to more than I'd intended to spend.

"Justine, is everything okay?" She asks, looking at me with concern.

"Huh? Oh yeah I just went a bit over budget on Ethan's gifts, it's okay, I'll manage" I said, with a weak smile.

"How much are you over? I'll cover whatever you don't have" she said.

"Alice I couldn't" I started to say before I was cut off.

"Nonsense, I was gonna buy Ethan all of this stuff myself. I don't mind helping out. If anything you're taking some of the cost off me, hon" she said, pulling out her card. "So no arguing, we're family."

After paying we walk out to our cars, Alice inviting me over so we can wrap the presents at her house. As we were wrapping, Alice hesitantly looked up, clearing her throat.

"Justine....if I remember correctly....my son told me that Ethan's mother....you....were struggling to make ends meet after divorcing your husband....is that true?" She asked, making me look down in shame.

"Y-yeah" I responded meekly.

"Well....my husband Charles and his brother Richard are looking for a new secretary for their tech repair business. It pays quite well... would you be interested?" She said with a warm smile.

"You...you can't be serious?" I ask, stunned.

"Hon, I can't leave my best friend and the mother of that little cutie living in poverty when I'm able to help out. I was already thinking of telling Ethan to offer you the job, but now that I have you here in front of me, I figured I'd just ask you myself" she said, putting her hand on my shoulder with a smile.

"Alice, you always were the most generous girl I've ever known" I said, smiling back.

"I take it that's a yes then? Good. Now how about we finish wrapping these gifts for that beautiful baby of yours? I know he's gonna be so excited to see them" she said, a tear rolling down my face as I sat up straight, even more determined to make this Ethan's best Christmas ever.