
My roommate is a devil

Excerpt: "Now the most important rule," he paused to gain her full attention and when he was sure, she was listening carefully he added, "we do not touch, or let others touch our body except shaking hands, and friendly hugs, no matter what's the case."  Bella looked at him and blinked, "but you touched my ass, Alex." she accused him again making him dumbfounded. Alex coughed embarrassed, remembering how he  was enjoying touching her and even commented it was firm and perky. "I was in sleep Bella, i did not know." he was telling the truth. But Bella added, "but you said in any case, Alex." her reasoned left him speechless once again.   Now what shall he do, if he said this was an exception, she would ask him to make a list of exceptions.  He sighed, "okay, it was  a mistake Bella, i apologise." he replied sincerely, he should not take advantage of her childlike innocence. "It's alright, let me touch your ass, and we will be equal" ****** Alex was broke, he doesn't have enough money to pay his sisters fees and buy something for her for Christmas. He wanted to do something, special for her this Christmas, so he took the advice of his best friend to give his room on rent. But due to Christmas holidays, he didn't get any application from a man to take the room. In desperation, he accepted the girl who had asked many times for the room. What he doesn't know is, the girl is a demon ran away from the group who came to destroy the happiness of festivities. She, who is like a child of the superhero. Innocent yet powerful met with a pair of humble and mature Alex and funny and flirt Michael with the sweetness of Anna. What chaos will they make together? Come and find out. THIS BOOK IS THE GOLD TIER WINNER OF WPC #149, HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Hope you would give this sweet and unique love story a try. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The cover is not mine. I have taken it from Pinterest. If the owner wants, I can change it anytime.

nishidurani · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
263 Chs

the battle

"Looks like I am right on time for the party."

They both turned only to find the demons had surrounded them. There were twelve demons in total, covering the vicinity.

Mother elf glared at them and then at Bella, who was also looking around with cold eyes.

"So this was your plan demon, bring me here and get me killed." snarled mother elf at Bella.

"Huh, you are the one who brought me here, how would I have known about this?" said Bella tilting her head and cracking her knuckles.

"Then how are they all here," she asked again, not ready to believe that all this was just a mere coincidence.

"Are you dumb or trying to play dumb? They had smelled us," said Bella with a disgusted face.

Taking a leg back and moving her body forward she took out an ancient dagger from her pockets, taking the stance to fight.

"At least you are not that foolish number 15. I will give you another chance, come back and help us in killing mother elf. I will forgive what you have done with the other three demons." said the head of the bunch of demons licking his lips.

But Bella instead of replying elbowed the one demon who was just behind her trying to attempt a sneak attack.

"Stubborn, aren't you?" said the head demon, shaking his head with a chuckle, "too bad, I always wanted to taste you before killing you." then his face turned serious as he ordered, "attack"

At the order, every demon ran towards them but most of them attacked Bella, covering her from everywhere.

Mother elf was surprised at Bella's behaviour, she had noticed changes in her emotions in her but she always thought that it was all a scheme. As she was a demon, but right at this moment, she was not sure anymore. As all the demons were attacking her with pure blood lust. This was not an act anymore as she had predicted.

As mother elf was still standing, Bella had already started fighting with the demon behind her.

She was using the ancient dagger to hurt those who were once her companions.

At that moment Bella threw the dagger at mother elf, which made the latter's eyes widen. But instead of hitting her, the dagger went past her and wounded the demon who was going to kill her.

That's when she realized that the demon (Bella) whom she wanted to kill had saved her life.

She came out of her stupor and finally joined the battle. Taking out the dagger from the demon body, she started attacking and killing the demons with Bella.

But still, the number of demons outnumbers them.

They were covered from all sides as the demons were using their long claws to cut their body parts.

They both looked at each other and nodded. Touching their back with each other they both took half part of the area, to fight with the enemies.

Bella was using her claws like them while her dagger was with mother elf. They both kicked the nearby demons to throw them away and used their weapons to slit their necks and stomach.

Two demons collectively held each arm of Bella when each elf chanted a spell and they both went flying to other sides.

The one who was running towards them was hit by the flying demons and he too fell.

Both were fighting efficiently despite being less in number, which infuriated the head demon.

He waved his hand in the mid-air looking towards the ground.

The earth cracked from that point and melted fire and lava could be seen from there.

"Throw her in the hell" ordered the head demon to the leftover demons who were still fighting.

The demons nodded, though they were losing the battle. The roar of their head brought a new spirit in them.

Now instead of hurting or killing Bella they just focused on dragging her to the pit of hell.

Four demons covered mother elf from all sides while the rest 8 demons held Bella tightly.

No matter how much she scratched or wound them with her nails, they were not letting her go.

Blood was splattered all around as the battle intensified. Leaving a stream of blood and shredded skin now mostly were in their real form and so as Bella.

Her outer skin was shredded into pieces as they continued to cut her body. She started losing her power. Yet she continued to fight with them.

"Bella catch" with that mother elf threw the dagger back to Bella.

"Stop her" shouted the head demon but it was too late. Bela had already caught the dagger and now she had the power to kill the demons.

She beheaded the demon who was holding her from the front without an ounce of hesitation as his head fell on one side and body on the other side.

The other dug their nails deeper and a gush of blood started to flow from Bella's stomach. She winced in pain, but her grip on the dagger tightened ready to kill more.

She again held the demon who was holding her from the stomach. She yanked the demon by his hairs and hit the dagger straight at his forehead between her eyes, she took the dagger out, and then hit him again at the same spot back to back three times.

On the other side, the mother elf was using her spells to make the demons fly in the air and then threw them on the ground. She repeated the process until the demon started seeing stars in front of their eyes and lost their consciousness.

Bella once again kicked the demon holding her as the demon scratched Bella's face, but before it could push Bella on the ground, Bella jumped in the air and kicked the demon which herself fell straight into the hell pit.

"Useless bunch of cowards! So, you are killing your own people now huh? Tch.. tch... And here I thought you were just playing around!" said the head demon summoning her sword and walking towards them, "you had wasted enough time of ours number15. Now it's time to say goodbye."
