
My roommate is a devil

Excerpt: "Now the most important rule," he paused to gain her full attention and when he was sure, she was listening carefully he added, "we do not touch, or let others touch our body except shaking hands, and friendly hugs, no matter what's the case."  Bella looked at him and blinked, "but you touched my ass, Alex." she accused him again making him dumbfounded. Alex coughed embarrassed, remembering how he  was enjoying touching her and even commented it was firm and perky. "I was in sleep Bella, i did not know." he was telling the truth. But Bella added, "but you said in any case, Alex." her reasoned left him speechless once again.   Now what shall he do, if he said this was an exception, she would ask him to make a list of exceptions.  He sighed, "okay, it was  a mistake Bella, i apologise." he replied sincerely, he should not take advantage of her childlike innocence. "It's alright, let me touch your ass, and we will be equal" ****** Alex was broke, he doesn't have enough money to pay his sisters fees and buy something for her for Christmas. He wanted to do something, special for her this Christmas, so he took the advice of his best friend to give his room on rent. But due to Christmas holidays, he didn't get any application from a man to take the room. In desperation, he accepted the girl who had asked many times for the room. What he doesn't know is, the girl is a demon ran away from the group who came to destroy the happiness of festivities. She, who is like a child of the superhero. Innocent yet powerful met with a pair of humble and mature Alex and funny and flirt Michael with the sweetness of Anna. What chaos will they make together? Come and find out. THIS BOOK IS THE GOLD TIER WINNER OF WPC #149, HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Hope you would give this sweet and unique love story a try. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The cover is not mine. I have taken it from Pinterest. If the owner wants, I can change it anytime.

nishidurani · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
263 Chs

Death of the old man

Alex rides on his skateboard in a daze. He blinked many times and chanted God names but whenever he closed his eyes. He only sees the nude girl taking her shower with closed eyes. And then her eyes opened and she looked at him.

The water flowing her white skin, her face red with the heat of warm water. 'No, no. You can't be a pervert Alex. That was a mistake. Just a mistake.' He slapped himself hard to come out of the spell and finally, it worked.

Just when he reached the entrance of the cafe, he saw a lot of crowds was collected there. He tried to make a way for him. And it took all his efforts to do that.

But when he reached in front, he wished he wouldn't have done that. I'm in front of him was a dead body, flies were covering the body badly. Two policemen wearing gloves were checking them thoroughly. The whole entrance was covered with a yellow tape to keep them out. There were poodles of blood. Covered with flies too.

He almost pulled when he saw them turning the body, it faces was badly disfigured with big claws like something and her staff was cut open. All the organs rotting could be seen. But when he looked at the face back he was stunned.

Then was the eldest staff of the cafe who was going to retire in a week. They were even planning a small gift for him at the last working day before Christmas. He was one of the kindest soul he had ever met.

His disgust turns into grief. He just looked at the body with sorrowful eyes. His eyes turning red, thinking about the time the man had helped him.

He looked above and blinked his eyes, to stop the tears coming out. When someone put a hand on his shoulders. He turned and found Adam(the waiter referred in 1 chapter) looking there with the same expression on his face.

Then he looked at him and gave a sad smile, "come let's go. Liam (the manager)is waiting at the backside. He nodded his head and went with him. It took them some effort to come out as the crowd was increasing.

" Just look at them, as if it is a show," Adam said looking at the crowd with contempt.

"Hey, they are just curious or sad. Let them be let's go" he said patting his shoulder at which he nodded and started walking again.

"You are too kind brother Alex, not everyone is as good as you." He said walking beside him

He smiled and ruffled his hair, "I don't know about others but you are a very good boy Adam."

Adams mood improved but he glared and said, "I am not a boy Alex, I am 19 next month. And you are also just 22"

Alex chuckled and raise his hand in surrender, "okay, young man. Happy"

They reached the backdoor or cafe, which is for chef and staff to unload goods and stuff and throw garbage out. When they reached there. 7 other waiters and 3 other chefs were standing with Liam.

They all have grim look on their faces. Leo smiled at them and he nodded in return. When everyone was collected. Leo looked at everyone face and took a deep sigh, after a pause, he started "Like you, all can see, one of our friends was killed last night when he was about to leave the cafe."

"The police has asked me to keep the cafe close for a while as they are sealing the entrance. And as Christmas is around the corner, I am announcing a holiday.

These are the envelopes of your bonus and paid leave salary. We will start working after the police will give permission. I will notify you once that happens. For now, happy Christmas all of you. Take care of yourselves."

He took envelopes out of his jacket and started distributing it. There was a deep silence there. Everyone who should have been happy with their bonus and leave was sad because of the sudden death.

They were just murmuring about the accident when a man in a police uniform approached and talked with Liam. He nodded his head in understanding and looked back at them.

"The police wants to know about Mr Miller from all of you. So stay here for a while a cooperate with them. Once they allow, you can go home."

With that, he went with the policeman who had come to talk to him.

"They must be interrogating him," said the eldest member. And everyone nodded. They sat there om some benches in groups and started chatting about their holiday plans. Sudden leave and about Mr Miller who died last night.

In every 15-20 minutes, one of them was called to ask questions. When it was Adams turn he was looking nervous, so Alex patted his shoulder and gave an encouraging smile.

He nodded his head and went. Next was Alex, so he stood up and went out. Two men were standing together one was asking a question while other was noting it down.

They both have serious or should he say the frightening expression on their faces.

"Since when are you working here?" One asked

"It had been 5 years sir," he said with a paise.

"Hmm, it's a long time. So you must know Mr Miller very well" he continued

"Yes sir, we have worked together as a waiter for one gear before I started working as a chef in the kitchen." He replied honestly.

"So, do you know if he has any argument with someone or somebody threatened himhim?" He asked.

" I don't think so sir, he is a very kind man. I mean he was, he was a kind man. He helped many here in settling down. And also supported us in working." He replied with a sad face.

They both nodded, these are the same answers they got from everyone else. Even the people around said he was a very kind man.

"You can go now, but don't leave the city and if you remember anything, call us on helpline."