
My Road to Becoming A Demon Lord

The story follows the exploits of Suzuki Souta a solo adventurer who dreams of become the strongest adventurer in the world. On his way to a raid, some high level monster somehow find their way down to the lower dungeon where as he has no choice but to beat them in order to ensure his survival and ends up almost being killed. On the brink of death he suddenly awakened a hidden skill which allows him to beat the monsters. With the new powers he had attained his dreams of becoming the strongest adventurer in the world had now become a reality. ¶ PS This is my first time on web novel and I'm still learning how it works but I'll promise you this "My Road to Becoming a Demon Lord" gets interesting with every passing chapter ¶ What to expect •Plot twist •Character development •Daily update •Add this novel to your library •Show appreciation by voting on it •Give me reviews and constructive criticism aimed to inspire ma •Stick with me till the end of the novel

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17 Chs

The Smell of Blood

Souta moans as he gets up slowly only to see the girl he had saved. "Heeey" He calls out to her getting close to her to see if she was still alive. In doing so, she wakes up and seeing how close Souta's face was to hers she immediately turns beet red "Ah you're awake, I'm Souta by the way what's your n-" before he could complete the sentence she instantly used an earth spell to knock Souta back. Souta screams in pain while rolling all over the place

"Hey shrimp, what the hell was that for" he asked placing his hands on his stomach

"S-s-sorry it was an accident, also my name is not shrimp it's Murakami Akiko" she replied with a pouted look on her face as she quickly runs over and heals Souta's wounds. "So what's a C ranker doing down here? Are you alone, where's your party" he asked when suddenly Akiko's facial expression changed and the whole place fell quiet "Oh, I see. Ummmm I know a place where you can chill for a bit" he offered


Souta comes out of the shower with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and sees Akiko still sitting on the couch with her hair still wet since she showered.

Souta tries to hand her a towel to dry up but due to his wet feet, he slips landing partially on Akiko when suddenly Hina enters the room and catches Souta in such an awkward position the whole room went quiet as they both stared at each other.

"Hey Miss Hina, it's not what it looks like" Souta said smiling nervously as he tries to get up. Not paying any attention he mistakenly touch Akiko's boobs causing her to turn beet red "S-sorry Akiko" he apologized quickly taking his hands off her boobs.

Akiko immediately screamed kicking him off her body


After the whole awkward incident, Souta explains the whole thing to Hina on how Akiko was new to town and went adventuring with a small party that was massacred on the 7th floor.

"Ah I see, guess she could stay with us for a while" she said causing Akiko fall down to her knees and thank hina


Souta currently at the adventurer's guild because a friend of Hina named Hashimoto Mai, a member of The Crimson Demon guild had requested assistance from her due to a shortage of party members to fill in the spot of a supporter and go on a raid on the 20th floor.

Souta picked up a bag filled with weapons, medical supply and other stuff needed by the adventurers inside the dungeon.

"Huh, why the hell is this kid coming with us on such an important quest last I checked he should be around Crank" a tall handsome male coated in a golden armor asked with a proud look on his face.

"Ummm sorry but I was invited by--" before Souta could finish the sentence he received a light jab to the face which caused him to fall to the ground.

"Kids shouldn't speak when the adults are talking" the man looked down on Souta

"I hear you but I feel like an adult wouldn't listened to what the kid had to say" Souta sighed as he slowly got up.

"Tch, you brat" he said, pulling out his sword and charges towards Souta. As he was about to slash Souta his sword was blocked by Mai's, "Calm down Hayato, I'm the one who asked for their help so Souta here is under my custody" Mai explained

"Understood" Hayato immediately put away his sword and they marched into the dungeon.

They were finally on the 20th floor but for some reason, there were a lot of tunnels. Hayato suggests the party splits into two groups with Mai leading the first group down the left tunnel and Masuda the second, Souta fell under Masuda's team and they immediately went their separate ways.

Some low-level monsters came out from most of the caves but were finished off by the high ranking adventurers in less the time that Souta would have spent "Wow, so these are S-rankers" Souta thought to himself smiling in excitement

"Alright let's wrap this up quickly and meet up with the second group, the rest of you gather the crystals" Masuda instructed. Souta out of boredom decides to take a look around and headed into one of the caves which in one he found a den infested with Fenrir "There should be about 10 of them, though I'm not with my weapons I should be able to take them on at my current level" he stated while charging towards the Fenrir's.

One of the Fenrir's leaped towards Souta but he reacted on time and forcefully struck it on the stomach with his fist which ruptured right through it.

The second charges at Souta with full speed and tries to bite Souta, however, was grabbed by the mouth and ripped in two halves. The other Fenrir's tried to attack but Souta swiftly hops in the air "Hoo, seems like killing those two Fenrir's kinda increased my agility a bit" he thought to himself, using water magic he floods the entire cave while crashing down n the ground causing the whole water to freeze. Most of the Fenrir's were taken out by sharp icicles while the others were completely frozen. All Souta had to do was shatter them into pieces.

"Huh, did they leave already" he thought to himself, he decided to head out and try to find the others when suddenly he heard a loud scream from the cave Mai and her group took. He rushed to see what had occurred and to his suprise, half the squad had been wiped out.

But the wounds didn't seem like something done by monsters


Souta heard a loud noise, he marched deeper into the cave to see Hayato and Masuda facing off one another. Hayato pushes Matsuda back and uses his skill rapid to get behind him, slashing Masuda on the back. "What are you doing" Souta screamed as they both made eye contact with each other.

"Ah its the puppy Mais looking after" Hayato said smirking at Souta.