
Rumored Student

"Jay, kindly buy all the things I've listed on the paper, just get the money on the table." Her mom was heading out to her work, while Jaydi was eating her breakfast and reading a newspaper.

Since her mom have no time in going to market due to her work, Jaydi was always the one to do so. She's the only family Jaydi have, since the day her father died on a cardiac arrest when Jaydi was still in her mother womb. Most of weekdays they rarely see each other, but they still left weekends as their bonding time. She knows her mother's earning was just enough for their living expense and was not enough for her tuition and school projects, so right now she was trying to find a part-time job which does not conflict to her studies.

She tried to have a scholarship for the school, but only to find out that they don't offer a thing. That's the first she've ever encountered a school without a scholarship offers. Even sponsors was backing out when she tried to tell about the school she was going to enter. They said that, most of their scholar student who went on the same school gave up halfway the school semester. That made Jaydi wonder how that even possible?

Locking the door of the house, Jay was heading out for the school. Along her way, she saw a school bus full of Erudite University student. That was one of the previlege of most student, just to show their ID on the bus driver they could freely ride all the way to the school. But, Jaydi prefered to ride her own bike. She can easily manuver wherever she goes and had a short way to school.

As she arrived infront the gate, she held out her ID and scanned. The gate opened and she freely went in. She went where most of the student placed their vehicle, she arrived at a parking lot and place her bicycle, with a padlock. Good thing her room was nearby, so she easily arrived at her room.

She entered the room, noises of student which are talking with each other of all the things they've done in their vacation could only Jaydi hear. Nobody gave attention to her, so she went silently in the back seat.

As soon as she have her seat, the place fell silent. That made her to turn toward the door, which she expect their teacher have arrive. But, it was only a student with an attractive appearance and sophisticated look, maybe an influential student in school. Their face was glued to him until he reached his seat which was opposite to hers. She felt inferior towards the person beside her, he must have so much achievement and capability to be treat like this. No one dared to talk about him and was sitting obediently in their seat.

Jaydi shake off the thought about the person and started to write down her application letter for the part time job she picked. After the afternoon class, she was going to visit the address and pass her requirements.

All of a sudden she felt a cold stare from someone, it felt like the hairs of her skin went straight. She knew it came from the person who arrived earlier. She wondered why would the person had a grudge on her. Good thing she brought her sweater which she get from her bag and wear it immediately.

At last their teacher arrive, which is also their homeroom adviser. Their teacher was a tall man with a fine look which could also be called handsome. He smiled at them as he stand in the front desk.

"Okay class, I'm glad you're all complete for the first day. Anyway, I am Ian Zen your class adviser " the class buzz off when the teacher spoke. "Since some of you does not know the whole class, please introduce each other starting from here" he pointed at the front desks. They started to do so, which took a little while before it will reach Jaydi.

Until it reached Jaydi's desk, she stood to spoke.

"Good Morning everyone, Jaydi MontBlanc, 16, from Monte Louis School"

As soon as she finished, the whole room erupted with small murmurs. She could hardly distinguish what they were talking about.

"Oh, so you are Ms. Mont Blanc thay've been talking about. Its good to finally meet you" Their teacher spoke all of a sudden, he knows all his student and as well as their look, but he'd been wanting to meet the student who they've been talking about.

"Is that really her?"

"Now we knew who she was"

"She seems very simple, she's not even wearing a makeup"

"There seems nothings special in her appearance"

"Who's family does she belong?"

"She might have all things to achieve that level"

"Is that really her? Might be good to be one of her friend"

"Well, lets do that later"

This is what she really hated the most, their attention towards her and the gossips they've been doing. What things are they talking about her? Did she do something that make them talk about her? If only she could ask someone what they were talking about, but she has no one.

The person beside her grew even more colder as the murmurs grow louder.

"Well, Xian Parkinson was the last person, which I'm sure does not have a mood, so that settles all" after it Mr. Zen started to discuss the rules and regulation, which was the usual routine happen.

The next subject followed, with a middle age woman as their teacher. Her look seems strict, add that she was holding a stick in her hand. She raise her brows as she scanned the room.

"Surprisingly you are all complete, I hope this attendance will be the same at the end of the year. Well, first let me introduce myself, I Mrs. Eliza Hadson will be your Physics I professor for this whole year…" a few minutes later passed before she is done with her discussion about the subject. Jaydi thought it would take years to be done. She did not request their introduction since she does not care about their names, she just want their good mark in the quizes and exams that she will record accordingly. 'Well, not bad for a teacher' Jaydi thought.

The morning class end too fast in Jaydi's expectation. Since she does not want anything dealing with other student, she went to the place she's been before and have her peaceful lunch with her own packed food. She take a little nap after it.

Without Jaydi's knowledge, someone was coming towards her silently. A twig snapped made Jaydi to wake up.

"Sorry, I disturbed your rest. I justt want to personally thank you in saving me"

That's when Jaydi recognized the boy who's facing her.

"You don't have to, I just did what is the right thing to do. And please don't ever come at me again, I didn't plan to have any connection in any students around here, got it? I don't want trouble come my way as I stay on this school. And don't take it personally when I forbid you to come at me." Jaydi could still remember what Nurse Sy tells her about the school.

"If that's what you wish, but that does not mean if any trouble you have I wouldn't pry to it, 'coz I will."

"I dont care whatever you decide on your own, but I really mean what I said, so you may go now" The guy leave with a hurt look, Jaydi felt disturbed. She just warned him but he take it personally.

"Ugh, why do I even bother to care? Its up to him how he accept it" she picked her bag, leave the place and went back to their room.

As she went towards her chair, a feet was blocking her way which she avoided easily. It seems there are haters to her now. Even though she tried to keep herself away from trouble, it just come naturaly to her, just like her previous school she went. Maybe trouble was really part of her life wherever she goes.