
My right eye is a god-level computer (MTL)

I am an artificial superintelligence in your eyes. You humans call an IQ of 85 stupid and an IQ of 135 smart, but humans will never understand what an IQ of 125,000 is! From now on, I will be your right-hand man! Original Author: Wang Zilu Original Name: 我的右眼是神级计算机

Destiny_Splash · Urban
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62 Chs


"Miss Yan, these two vases are nice. Where did they come from?"

Liu Di entered Yan Qingwen's office uninvited, and was looking at the three 'grave incense' with interest.

"That's a gift from Vice President Zhao of the group. It's an antique. You'd better be careful. You can't afford to pay if you break it!"

Yan Qingwen said impatiently without looking up.

"Oh, where's the landscape painting?" Liu Di asked again.

"Vice President Sun gave it to me!"

"Well, what about these two balls?"

"That's called the Water Dragon Ball. It's an expensive handicraft! It was given to me by my brother-in-law Ouyang!"

Ouyang Fengyu?

No wonder!

This kid is not just insidious!

It seems that Vice President Zhao and Vice President Sun are his helpers!

Is the Yan family going to be deserted by everyone?

Liu Di shook his head helplessly.

But the name of this evil spirit sounds annoying, let's break it first!



The antique vase fell to the ground and shattered!

Yan Qingwen was startled and raised his head suddenly, only to see the fragments on the ground!

Besides, Brother Liu was still pushing the remaining two vases at this time!

"Brother Liu, what are you doing, stop it!"


The remaining two vases were smashed again!

Brother Liu shrugged and said calmly: "I accidentally lost my hand!"

Yan Qingwen quickly got up and came over to check the situation!

Zhao Qianqian from the neighboring room also came over after hearing the sound. After seeing the situation clearly, her face was dull!

"Brother Liu, you did it on purpose!"

Yan Qingwen raised his eyebrows and said, "You said 'Ouch' first, and then broke the vase. It was obviously intentional!"

Brother Liu was speechless.

You are so smart at this time?

Then why didn't you realize that your handsome brother-in-law wanted to kill you, wanted to snatch your Yan family shares, and wanted to sleep with your two sisters?

Do you believe me when I tell you this?

"It's just three vases. At worst, I will compensate you!"

Brother Liu was helpless and didn't want to explain at all.

"Can you afford to compensate you?"

"The market price of these vases is at least 6 million!"

Yan Qingwen said with heartache, holding the vase fragments.

"Tell me the account number, I will transfer it to you!" Brother Liu shrugged.

"You actually... forget it!"

Yan Qingwen was speechless.

6 million, you'll have to sell everything you have, right?


"I'll put these in the account first and deduct them from your salary!"

"But I don't know if I'll have the chance to deduct them in this life!"

Yan Qingwen tried hard to adjust himself and gave Brother Liu a way out.

But Brother Liu smiled and said, "I don't think I can make enough money to be your driver! But I can take time to run some business for your company."

"It's just a vase worth 6 million, just open an order for 100 million!"

"Brother Liu! You talk about an order of 100 million as if it's 100 yuan, where do you get your confidence from?"

Yan Qingwen was speechless again.

How can an order of 100 million sound as simple as selling a cabbage in your mouth?

Zhao Qianqian on the side quickly changed the subject and said, "Boss Wen, it's almost time to go see Boss Li from Ciren Hospital!"

Yan Qingwen took a few deep breaths, unable to bear to see his vase, and stood up and said, "Brother Liu, go drive the car."

Yan Family Manor.

The twin girls who had just finished playing tennis came to the sun room on the second floor together.

The two were about to drink a pot of tea here and bask in the sun.

When Yan Kaikai picked up the teapot on the table, he was suddenly stunned!

"What is this?!"

"No way!"

Yan Kaikai picked up the card in a daze, "This is... This is the card that my father gave to Brother Liu???"

Yan Xinxin also came over and looked at it carefully for a long time, "Oh my god, it's true!"


"He put this card back?"

The two hurriedly looked back. This sun room is usually cleaned once every three days!

Could it be?

Did Liu put the card here the day he got it?

He didn't use the money in it!

Oh my god!

Is he a gentleman?

Wealth and honor cannot corrupt, poverty and humbleness cannot change?

The two little beauties suddenly thought of all the things they did to Liu Di.

"Oh no, we called him a gigolo!"

"We also set up a trap to frame him!"

"We also ate his fried rice and then deducted money from the 5 million?"

"He is so upright?"

"You are such a good cook?"

"And he is so handsome!"

Oh my god, I am too embarrassed to see him!

"Yan Kaikai, why are you so stupid! You made me wrongly accuse Liu Di!"

"Yan Xinxin! You should be responsible for what you say! You are also involved in this matter!"

The two little girls were so anxious that they were running around. What should they do?


Yan Kaikai suddenly realized something and said seriously: "If Brother Liu really didn't take the money, then where did his dozens of bags of clothes come from?"

"Yes, those clothes must be worth millions? Brother Liu used to live on part-time jobs, where did he get so much money?"

After 5 minutes of silence.

"I know!"

Yan Kaikai slammed the table and gritted his teeth and said: "He must have used the money of the third sister!"

"Moreover, he deliberately put the card here, just waiting for us to find it and make us feel guilty!"

"At the same time, he spent lavishly with the money of the third sister!"

"I said why Brother Ouyang talked to me for half an hour that day, saying that Brother Liu's purpose was to get our family property."

"So this is true."

"Brother Liu has been planning for a long time!"

"People's hearts are unpredictable. I just felt guilty for 5 minutes!"

Yan Xinxin Then it dawned on me, "Is he so scary? What about this card?"


Yan Kaikai showed a self-proclaimed sinister smile, "We won't tell father, let alone third sister!"

"We'll just pretend we know nothing."

"Sooner or later, he will be exposed!"

Yan Xinxin nodded slightly, "It's great to stay the same in the face of change!"

"But we're just going to leave the money there? What about 5 million? It's my pocket money for several months!"


Yan Kaikai licked his lips and whispered, "How about we spend it secretly?"