
My Reincarnation Is As Abnormal As I Expected

Before reading the synopsis, I will warn you in advance. This fic has NO NTR. However, for you, who think that having your BIOLOGICAL SISTER raped is NTR, not TRAGEDY, this won't be your cup of tea. Also, the TRAGEDY — which many people like to call NTR, despite not being one — only happens in the Prologue — the MC's past life. What can I say? A great hero needs a tragic background! This fic is made to be light-hearted. MC will get the girls, and many surprises later. --- In my life, I have been taught that the world is only one. I believe that. The logic behind that notion is sound. Upon growing up, some people say there is a parallel universe, where many things we don't think exist exist. I have always brushed the notion off, and laughed it off. However, upon dying myself, I get to know that the notion is ridiculously true. ... "Ugghh! Who is the imbecile that ran over me?!" "Oh, my God! I'm sorry. Are you okay, kid?" "What do you think?" "You look ... fine?" I was so outraged that I passed out. Later, when I woke up at the hospital, the lady who had run over me was by the side of my bed. Finding her somehow familiar, I asked her name. She answered simply, "Hiratsuka Shizuka." I was confused. The lady was confused. The Four Dimensional Beings got confused. What the fuck just happened?! --- This fiction is made when I need escape from my premium novel—visit my profile and boost the viewer count! Therefore, the update will not be stable. I can't guarantee a beautiful plot either. I have warned you. Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me. I wish I could draw, but reality is harsh.

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Prologue: No Is The Best Answer (End)

"Yo! I got the information you gave me."

"Y-Yes, sir."

It's been three days since Jason's death, and now I'm in a coffee shop, meeting with the pathologist from that day. Needless to say, he is still as cowardly as ever. I am chill, but he never dare to look me in the eyes.

"So, from the information you gave me, the leader of MS-6.5 is in prison?"

"Yes, sir. He was caught for a robbery six days ago."

"Huh, the date matches. I also got the phone call six days ago. So, the waiting of three days is the attempt to save this bastard's ass?"

As expected, the coward remains silent. Not that I expected any answer out of him. Humming to myself, I ponder my next course of action. I have killed Jason and his bitch — my cousin. Now, it leaves the bastard of a gang leader.

"Let me thank you for covering me up. As a reward, your dirt is safe with me." I thank the coward, quite sincerely in my opinion. Then, I proceed to look at him in the eyes, and say, "Also, your attempt to hack into my system is useless. Another attempt, and you will have your ass busted."

His frantic face is amusing to say the least. I need to kick his crotch to calm him down. Seriously, the reason I keep this bastard alive is because he managed to cover the evidence of me being the culprit of Jason's death, that I accidentally missed.

Also, I still have another use of him.

"Hey, I believe you know where this MS-6.5's base is located."

"I-I don't have any information of such thing. B-but, I can ask someone!"

"Sweet! You know what I mean by the 'base', right?"

"Yes, sir!"

Nodding my head, I pick my car key, and gesture the coward to follow me. We are riding off to the prison, of course. I have forged my fake police ID using my money and connection. It's a perfect time to use it now.

Surely, the coward is the one who drives.

"Just drive, dickhead. You don't have to know what I am doing."

The coward is sure a curious person. He keeps looking at my direction. I'm just trying to register my temporary database to the LAPD's system. Fake ID doesn't guarantee my success infiltration to the prison. Therefore, I have to do extra.

"I need you to act as the forensic team I am escorting, later. You don't have to do shit. Just walk, and I will do the rest. Can you do it?"

"Y-Yes, sir."


The database is set, and the plan is ready to be put to motion. Quickly enough, we arrive at the prison. I have changed into black sweatshirt under a black jacket, black pants, and equally black glasses. To put it simply, an outfit befitting of a police officer.

"Walk ahead, idiot. What are you gaping at?"

"Ku-kuhum... Yes."

The idiot is too bewildered at my Ethan Hunt like stunt that he can't wrap his mind around it. I can't help it. I'm born to be an agent.

We proceed to enter the building. The officers in duty swiftly stop us, once we get inside. Quickly showing my badge, the officers salute us.

"What is the purpose of your visit today, sir?"

"I am surprised you haven't notified yet." I quirk an eyebrow, and the officer scratches his head awkwardly. "I am sorry, sir. We are not notified yet," he apologized. Putting my best distasteful look, I say, "Then, you should check your time table?"

The officer quickly bows to me, before moving his ass towards the computer. Quickly realizing that there is indeed a schedule of my visit, he returns to me.

"I am sorry, sir. It's really our miss to not notice it."

"Forget it." I wave my hand, and give him my drive. "Instead, stick this boy up to the CPU, and copy everything inside. The data Sergeant Albert requested is there. Make sure to do your job correctly this time, Jacob."

"Yes sir!" Jacob answered enthusiastically. Still, he is curious. "If I may know, what are you going to investigate, sir?" I answer simply, "We will perform a brief examination on one of the inmates. We are afraid that he has an STD on him."

"Ooh... That will be bad."

"Yeah, that's why we came here."

"Well, I hope you can perform your work to your best, sir!"

I don't care! Still, I need to show a little bit of courtesy, so I nod my head. Moving our feet, we are locating the person I am looking for. Meanings, Eduardo Diablo Martinez Orlo, the bastard who raped Christine to death.

"Do your job to distract any officers coming here. I hope you do well."

"Y-yes, sir."

Paying him no mind right after, I take out my M4 Carbine from the bag I carry. Putting on the silencer, my baby is ready to rock.

I quickly find myself surrounded by inmate cells. Looking above, the CCTV are already shut down. Meanings, Jacob has successfully done his job, installing the malware.

Copying files is just a gimmick. Once he put the drive, the malware is installing itself automatically. Great job, Jacob! Now, I get to enjoy the fun.

Taking out my phone, I select which cells I want to open. Surely, I will open the cell that contains Eduardo the last. Quickly enough, I can see some confused inmates get out of the cells.

They are my prey!

Aiming my baby at them, I draw the first blood.


Bodies stacked against each other. Blood flows like river, painting the white floor in red. A man, dressed entirely in black, walks among the bodies with his rifle in hand. He is smiling gleefully, while looking forward with his black glasses covered eyes.

Surely, the man is me. I have told you, I was so mad that I want to do a mass shooting. Well, I am doing just that! Of course, I will do it to the people with sin. There is no way I will do that to innocent people. That's counterproductive!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Stay at your place! In the name of law, I order you to stop shooting!"

"Damn, this bitch is loud! In the name of law my ass! The last person saying that got caught raping a kid. So, shut your hypocrite mouth!"

Why are these bitches watching me, again? Ah, right. Because I have shot too many inmates. Still, no one can touch me. It's not my fault, they made a separate gate between them and the inmate cells!

"Ah, finally! You are the bitch!"

I have finally arrived at the cell that contains the bastard I am looking for. The bastard, Eduardo, is the typical big and bald Mexican man. His face is intimidating enough to scare away any grown woman. This bastard's guts is also admirable. He is unfazed even in this situation!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I shot the three other people in the cell, and open it. Eduardo steps forward, and faces me. So, apparently, he is just big, not tall. I am taller than him, by a few inches.

"¡Hola! Eduardo, ¿cómo estás?"

The bastard keeps his straight face. He is unamused that I just speak Spanish.

"I don't understand Spanish. I am an American."

"Well, damn. You have the Mexican face. Did your mom give birth to you while crossing the border?"

Still no reaction, huh? Okay, then. Might as well, just shoot this bitch to get a reaction out of him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Woah, I forgot it's in full auto. I planned to just hurt his knees a little. I separate his feet instead! Still, the dude keeps his straight face.

"Dang, bruh... Are you sedated or something?" I crouch and look at him weirdly. "I am more amazed by the fact you grinning right now," the bastard retorts. Surprised, I touch my mouth, and find it is true.

I shrug. I am a fucked up individual since I was born. I can't help it.

"Now, tell me, little guy. Do you know this girl?" I proceed to show him Christine's photo. He nods his head, and says, "Had a little fun with her." I hum, and punch him right in the face, breaking his nose artistically.

"So, can I assume you have done much on her?" The bastard keeps his mouth shut. Either he is unwilling, or he is in too much hurt, I don't know. Luckily, after some time, he opens his mouth. "I fucked her once. The rest is done by the boys. I don't know who killed her. There were twenty of us."

Unconsciously, my M4 Carbine's butt lands upon his forehead.


This guy just turned a JAV to reality, and killed my sister in the process! My emotion is in turmoil, and I don't know what I am feeling right now. Rage, fury, sorrow, pity, indignation, all of them are mixed into one.

"At least, you can tell me where is your leader. I know you are not the real Eduardo."

"I am Eduardo."

"Don't lie."

"Our leader's name is not Eduardo," the bastard says quietly. "I'm all ears." I close the distance between me and him. "He is likely the one who ordered the boys to kill your bitch." He paused, then says, "His name is Miguel. He is on..."

I don't know what gets into him, but he tells me everything about this bitch, Miguel. That is also including his position. Righting myself up, I stare at the bastard for awhile. In the end, I decided to end this bastard painlessly — he has suffered enough pain already.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There goes the head! His head is now unrecognizable. Brain matters are sprawled in the floor, decorating it awesomely. Moving my ass towards the gate, I get out of the scene immediately.

I know the news must be speaking about me already, and I know the useless cops must have surrounded the entire place. Still, none of these bitches know I'm undercover. Jokes on them, I wear a silicone mask!

Thus, my stride to outside is easily carried out.

"Let's go to the next place. We got a business to be done."

"S-sir. T-the cops completely surround this place. How should we get out of here?"

"Don't worry, we have Joe."

"J-Joe who, sir?"

"Joe mama! Haha, gotcha!"


This bitch is too loud, just like the other bitches. Shaking my head, I proceed to resume my outfits change. When it's done, I walk outside the building, dressed like a perfect SWAT agent.

It's not that hard. I just need to wear a tight fitting black sweatshirt, and a bulletproof. Coupled with my black glasses, I become the SWAT agent!

Once again, the idiot gapes at me. Moving my ass outside the building with the idiot in tow, we are quickly met with the cops, and the SWAT team. Raising my hand, I flex my badge at them.

"Sir! May I know the situation inside?"

"Well, what do you expect, Roger? It's a literal hell."

"How about the suspect?"

"Why don't you see it yourself?"

"Th-that is..."

Shaking my head at the one blocking my way, I pass through him, and head to my car. The idiot, being the idiot he is, follows me obediently. No one stops us. Not even when we enter the car. That's just how powerful my badge is.

Quickly driving to the place Eduardo had told me, I refill the ammo in the process. The second wave of mass shooting will be proceed soon. I don't know what will happen to me right after this, but I don't care.

I have never been pushed around before. Not even the world can dictate how I should live my life. Now, that the world has decided to fuck with me, should I do nothing?

No! I will fuck the world back!

I love this word! 'No' is the most useful word that everyone needs. In my dictionary, 'no' is written on top. I like to use it a lot. The reason is simple. Because, 'no' is the best answer.


I can see the place where the bastards I am searching for stay. It is a fairly worm down apartment in the ghetto. It looks suspicious, however no one will expect a good place, here, in ghetto. Everyone is having a hard time, after all.

Knock I do not, kick I do.


The bitches inside are so startled they forgot to pick their weapons. Surely, I won't miss this chance. With the idiot pathologist in tow, I start the indiscriminate shooting.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Screams and gunshots filled the building quickly. I don't know how many bald dudes I have shot, but everytime I blow their heads off, a satisfying sensation washes over me. The idiot pathologist is also doing a great job covering me, despite how cowardly he is behaving.

I have many scrapes, and some gunshot wounds around my body. But, I can still function just fine. Nothing a right dose of morphine can't do. My heart is beating faster the closer I get to the person sprawled on the floor.

Upon arriving right in front of the bastard, I stomp his wounded abdomen as hard as I can.



"¡¿Cómo estás, Miguel?!"

The bastard tries to clench his abdomen tightly to no avail. My foot is still there. Cackling in mirth, I look at him with the most shit eating grin on my face.

Aiming my baby at his crotch, I empty the shell while making sure the bullets don't hit any of his vital organ. I know, I am crazy. But, we've all been in this situation, right?

The sensation I got when the shell is empty, and his crotch is perfectly destroyed, is simply amazing. I can hear my laugh that is full of mirth. Crouching myself over him, I punch the hell out of him.

All my rage, and my buried furies fueled my every punch. I don't know how long I have punched him, but I stop when he stops moving. His face is already dented, and his blood covers my two fists entirely. Miguel is completely dead.

"Huuh... Damn, it's been my expressive moment, since the 26 years I have lived."

Turning my body to the back. I am met with the dumbfounded idiot's face. I walk pass him, and he can only follow suit. We get into the car, and I drive this time. The entire ride is silent, untill I break it.

"You know... I found out the sperm sample I got from Christine's cervix didn't match the DNA from the people I have killed."


"I though it must have belonged to the scapegoat."

"W-well... At least, you have found out the people who killed your sister?"

"Yeah. And then, another puzzle is solved. The reason why I have to wait for three days before I get to see Christine's body."

"W-what is it, s-sir?"

"The body is well preserved. I figured out, it must have been the work of a formalin. At that time, I realized the real 'evidence' must have been cleaned. There is another possibility why sperm was found in Christine's cervix, aside from someone purposefully setting it up."

I pause, and look at him in the eyes, while driving. At that moment, I feel like Brian O'Conner, except I am looking at a man.

"You performed a necrophilia on Christine's dead body, didn't you? You are so fascinated with her perfect body, and couldn't hold the urge, right?"

I don't need him to answer verbally. Just his reaction is enough. I sigh to myself. This world is as crazy as I have thought. If I were to be reborn, I want to reborn in an acceptably absurd world, so I could accept any crazy shits happening in that world.

"I have told you that I wouldn't spare you, if you even had a boner on my sister's body, right?"

Now, it's the time to fulfill my promise. I know I am not Brian O'Conner. The best I can be is Paul Walker. Therefore, my car crashes into a big ass truck that I don't even know there.


This way, my life ends. I can still faintly hear the news on the radio talking about my masterpiece. A faint smile quickly adorns face. With the necrophiliac weirdo on the passenger seat, I die as a fucking legend.

Now, there you go. Prologue is done!

Anyway, my message is filled with Super Gift notifications! There are so many rich gals nowadays?!

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