
My Reincarnation Is As Abnormal As I Expected

Before reading the synopsis, I will warn you in advance. This fic has NO NTR. However, for you, who think that having your BIOLOGICAL SISTER raped is NTR, not TRAGEDY, this won't be your cup of tea. Also, the TRAGEDY — which many people like to call NTR, despite not being one — only happens in the Prologue — the MC's past life. What can I say? A great hero needs a tragic background! This fic is made to be light-hearted. MC will get the girls, and many surprises later. --- In my life, I have been taught that the world is only one. I believe that. The logic behind that notion is sound. Upon growing up, some people say there is a parallel universe, where many things we don't think exist exist. I have always brushed the notion off, and laughed it off. However, upon dying myself, I get to know that the notion is ridiculously true. ... "Ugghh! Who is the imbecile that ran over me?!" "Oh, my God! I'm sorry. Are you okay, kid?" "What do you think?" "You look ... fine?" I was so outraged that I passed out. Later, when I woke up at the hospital, the lady who had run over me was by the side of my bed. Finding her somehow familiar, I asked her name. She answered simply, "Hiratsuka Shizuka." I was confused. The lady was confused. The Four Dimensional Beings got confused. What the fuck just happened?! --- This fiction is made when I need escape from my premium novel—visit my profile and boost the viewer count! Therefore, the update will not be stable. I can't guarantee a beautiful plot either. I have warned you. Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me. I wish I could draw, but reality is harsh.

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

How He Lives His Life

{Yoshida Saki's POV}

It has been a month since I became friends with Hachiman-kun. He is so different from his previous self. The previous him would always avoid people as he wasn't good at socializing. The previous him also had a very thin presence.

But, the current him is very different. Even though most of the time he always indulges himself in his own world, he has a very thick presence. Even everyone can recognize his footstep when he is about to step inside the classroom.

What amazes me though, the way the people behave around him. Even though he is always blunt, and rarely takes things seriously, everyone likes him.

I may attribute this to his capability. Not only is he apparently good at academics, but also at sports. He joined Basketball Club a month ago, and everyone already admitted his skills.

Of course, all of us were baffled. This Hachiman-kun is the complete opposite of the Hachiman-kun we knew.

However, upon Homura-sensei's explanation on what usually happened to someone who has amnesia, we can accept what happened to Hachiman-kun.

Apparently, Hachiman-kun must have had all of those in himself. But, due to some reason, the previous him couldn't develop it. Now that he has eventually forgotten what stopped him from developing his gift, he has finally bloomed.

That's what Homura-sensei said to us.

"Saki." I heard a baritone voice that strangely tingles my spine.

I turn my head to the side, and meet the caller of my name, who is none other than Hachiman-kun. "Yes, Hachiman-kun?" He smiles faintly, and says, "I didn't know that my monologuing is contagious." He chuckles softly, and it makes my heart race.

"W-what do you mean by that?"

"You were monologuing."

"No, I wasn't. I just had something to think about."

"Your boyfriend?" Unconsciously, my face contorted.

Why will someone as boring as me has a boyfriend. Furthermore, why will I have a boyfriend when I have Hachiman-kun as a friend?

"Do you think someone like me can have a boyfriend?"

"Eh, sure. You are not ugly in the very least."

My heart skips a bit, and I bury my face in my lunchbox to hide the blush. But, I know Hachiman-kun is aware of it. He is chuckling by himself!

"Good Afternoon, Aniki!"

My attention is moved to the voice I just heard. Turns out, it belongs to the leader of the delinquents Hachiman-kun has beaten not long ago.

"Tsk. How many times do I have to tell you I am not your Aniki? Call me Boss instead!"

"Yes, Boss!" The seven delinquents answered in unison.

I look at Hachiman-kun funnily. Yesterday, he told them to call him Aniki instead of Boss. Today, he is telling them to do the opposite. Although he has said to me how irritated he is with the delinquents, the way he plays them makes me sympathize them.

Well, almost.

They have done a lot to Hachiman-kun in the past. Therefore, I have no sympathy over them.

"What's wrong this time?"

"Aniki, we have been mugged!"


"Help us, please! Takacchin is now in the hospital, because of it."

Just by hearing it, I can deduce they were involved in a gang conflict. If it was me, I would never help them. However, Hachiman-kun is different.

He hums in contemplation, and looks at the seven delinquents.

"Firstly, I don't know who the hell is this Chinko."

"Although he is a dick, his name is Takacchin, Boss!"

"Meh, who cares?" Hachiman-kun shrugs. "Anyway, you must have been involved in a gang conflict, no?"

Under Hachiman-kun's sharp and fear inducing gaze, all of the delinquents squirm in their place. None of them dare to raise their head.

"Hmm... Normally, I will never help you guys. But, I smell money. How much you have been mugged?"

"I-it's ¥3,000,000."

"So, it's around $26,300. I assume it belongs to your gang, and your lives are in danger because you lost it."


The delinquents keep their silent. As always, Hachiman-kun's analyzing ability is fearsome.

When Hachiman-kun smiles, I can see it. I can see the well hidden mischief he he hides underneath it!

"Very well. I will help you. But, I can't just go to your opposition gang, and shoot heads. I will retrieve the money the other way."

"T-the other way?"



"It's gambling, simpleton. I will rob the casino that belongs to your opposition gang clean. Therefore, I need backups, in case they don't let me take the money away."

"T-that's brilliant! As expected of our Boss!"

Ah, I can see it. I can see where it leads to. Like always, Hachiman-kun will have everyone dances on his palm.

Aside from his overly calm demeanor, what I notice about Hachiman-kun is that he is manipulative — VERY manipulative.

"Like usual, accompany Saki home. Do your job properly or I'll celebrate Watanagashi with your intestines."

"Yes, Boss!"

Well, at least, he has never done a single bad thing to me. So, I guess I'm fine with that.


Two days passed, and the expected outcome came out. When he said he would rob the casino clean, Hachiman-kun really meant it. On top of retrieving the ¥3,000,000, he also managed to bring ¥12,000,000 home.

Needless to say, the legend about the Gambling God Hachi was born after that.


{Hiratsuka Shizuka's POV}

I am crazy. Yes, I am surely crazy. How old am I? I am 25 for Odin's beard! Yet, I got fond of a middle school brat! Even my habit of cursing has started to resemble his!

"Hiratsuka-sensei? You look spent."

I raise my head to look at Motoyama, my fellow teachers, and a newlywed accursed riajū.

"Well, I have many works to do. So, yeah..."

"Hahaha. You need to loosen up a little bit, Hiratsuka-sensei. Spend some time with your boyfriend."


This motherfucker!

Do you think I would be worried about my age if I had one?! I have none for Odin's beard!

Wait... Actually, there is...

Nah. I'm crazy. I'm crazy for thinking about him.

Get yourself together, Hiratsuka Shizuka!


Suddenly, my phone is ringing. Motoyama quickly moves away to give me some privacy. I look at the caller's name, and my heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach. He really has the perfect timing.

"What?" I picked up the phone.

[Hey, mommy. How are you?]

As usual, his calm voice is soothing me. Still, his word irks me!

"Brat, I have recently learned witchcraft. I know how to curse."

[Wow. That's scary. But, everyone is born with the ability to curse. Ever since we are baby, we have already cursed. Those babies saying 'Mama' may also means 'Gimme yo tits, bitch!'. Who knows what they are talking about? It's all just gibberish.]

I can even imagine he is shrugging his shoulder right now. As usual, he gives me an absurdly logical reasoning. Still, it doesn't mean I accept it.

"That's not the kind of curse I'm talking about, idiot! Furthermore, baby's words can mean everything. It's not just curse!"

[Chill out, lady. I'm not claiming baby cursing all day. It was you who came up with that conclusion.]

"This little—!"

[Anyway, I'm glad you have regained your mood. You are really spent, aren't you?]


I can't say a thing. As usual, Hachiman can instantly grasp my condition. He knows when I'm tired, he knows when I'm bored, he knows when I feel lonely. He is quick to adapt to my mood swing, and always faces it maturely.

That part of him attracts me. He is more of a man than any other men I have seen, to the point he feels unreal.

If only I was born ten years later, I would have dated him. I am sure of it.

[Oii, why are you silent? Thinking about your unfair fate?]

Like usual, his guess is terrifyingly spot on. Still, it doesn't mean I accept it!

"I will seriously smack the hell out of you when we meet."

[Sure. Let's meet then. It's been three days. I miss your cringey-ass.]

"This little shit..."

It's weird. Normally, I will be having an outburst if anyone calls me that way. But, why? Why am I smiling instead?

Ah... I am completely smitten by him. I am the worse. I fall in love with someone 10 years younger than me.

What a shitty life. Why does my first true love have to be an unrealized one?

Fuck you, Romcom God!

[What are you thinking about? How many times do I have to tell you to not afraid of not getting married. I'll propose your sorry ass.]

This insensitive guy. He always says it lightly. I am mad. I am mad this time! I feel the need to make things clear!

"Then, take responsibility of your words!"


Hmph! Take that, idiot! You must have been speechless by my outburst. But, damn. It hurts hearing the silence. I thought he would reply with one of his joke.

I am about to open my mouth, when suddenly Hachiman speaks.

[Just wait. I need to graduate first, before marrying you. So, before that, let's practice being a couple.]


This insensitive bastard. He should have said it jokingly. Why did he have to say it seriously?!

Dammit, what's wrong with me?! I want to cry. It feels like the dream that I will never realize is finally in my hands.

Fuck, now I have to hide my burning face from the people here!

[I won't interrupt your moment. So, let's meet on Sunday at 9. We will do something fun!] Hachiman ended the call.

His word is still ringing in my head. That kid really knows how to play a woman's heart. I don't understand why he was unpopular before.

I slap my face to regain my focus, and turn my attention to my paperwork.

Since I'm already losing my mind, I'm anticipating of the fun thing we will do on Sunday. Therefore, I have to finish all of this abomination!


When the D-Day comes, I am slightly disappointed by the fun thing he said we would be doing.

Hachiman has just bought a sports bike, and he is eager to ride it. I don't know how he gets his license, but I just brushed it aside. I am sure he is using his cunning mind to get it.

Now, he is asking me to ride with him.

At first, I am slightly afraid to his riding skill. But, it turns out, he is a better rider than me. Of course, I won't admit it. I know how smug he will look at me if I do so.

Although I am little bit disappointed of the thing we do, Hachiman is right. The ride is fun.

Because, I can hug him for the entire ride!

Ahh... I'm really losing it.

Since I have to focus on my novel too, I will sometimes upload the chapter late.

I hope you pay attention to every paragraphs I commented.

Frona_Gorgophonecreators' thoughts