
My Reincarnation Is As Abnormal As I Expected

Before reading the synopsis, I will warn you in advance. This fic has NO NTR. However, for you, who think that having your BIOLOGICAL SISTER raped is NTR, not TRAGEDY, this won't be your cup of tea. Also, the TRAGEDY — which many people like to call NTR, despite not being one — only happens in the Prologue — the MC's past life. What can I say? A great hero needs a tragic background! This fic is made to be light-hearted. MC will get the girls, and many surprises later. --- In my life, I have been taught that the world is only one. I believe that. The logic behind that notion is sound. Upon growing up, some people say there is a parallel universe, where many things we don't think exist exist. I have always brushed the notion off, and laughed it off. However, upon dying myself, I get to know that the notion is ridiculously true. ... "Ugghh! Who is the imbecile that ran over me?!" "Oh, my God! I'm sorry. Are you okay, kid?" "What do you think?" "You look ... fine?" I was so outraged that I passed out. Later, when I woke up at the hospital, the lady who had run over me was by the side of my bed. Finding her somehow familiar, I asked her name. She answered simply, "Hiratsuka Shizuka." I was confused. The lady was confused. The Four Dimensional Beings got confused. What the fuck just happened?! --- This fiction is made when I need escape from my premium novel—visit my profile and boost the viewer count! Therefore, the update will not be stable. I can't guarantee a beautiful plot either. I have warned you. Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me. I wish I could draw, but reality is harsh.

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Encounter (2)

Hikigaya family is already inside the Yakiniku Restaurant. Everyone is silent, and the only sound they can hear comes from the meat grilled on top of the griddle.


Of course, the meat didn't just jump onto the griddle by itself. Our favorite hypocrite, Hachiman, was the one who put it on top of the drizzle. He is now flipping over the meat without any care of the stare he is receiving.

"You know, if you guys are Superman, you will blast a hole through this restaurant." Hachiman said nonchalantly.

Maiko who has lost her patience, lifts her glass, and pours down the water on the griddle.


"Ah, the fire is dead." Hachiman clasps his hands together. "May you rest in peace, fire."

Just when he is about to light the fire once again, Shizuka, who is sitting besides him, slaps the back of his head.


"Holy cow! What was that Shizuka? No kinky play in front of my mother, remember?"

"W-what are you talking about, idiot?!" Shizuka's face is burning in embarrassment.

Maiko, in the other hand, looks at Hachiman neutrally. Komachi... well... she is being herself. Which means, she is eating the meat Hachiman has grilled.

"This meat is good. It has even more value than Onī-chan's chastity."

"Komachi-san, I'm here you know."

Actually, Komachi has become more spiteful today.

While glaring sharply at Hachiman, Maiko tilts her glasses. The position of the lamp above them is so convenient, it lights Maiko's glasses briefly.


Upon hearing this, Hachiman ponders to himself. Is that a command or is that a statement? He doesn't know. However, he is sure he is hungry.

"Explanation, huh?" Hachiman rubs his chin. "Well... The story is simple. Shizuka ran over me, she ruined my brain, then I fell in love with her." He nods his head in satisfaction.


"What kind of explanation is that?!" Shizuka shouted indignantly.

Hachiman rubs his head. "Chill out, babe. Your 'other' side is showing."

Shizuka really wants to smack the shit out of Hachiman real bad. However, she is an ADULT! Therefore, she has to remain calm.

Sighing to herself, she bows her head at Maiko. "I am really sorry for agreeing with Hachiman to be his girlfriend. I am aware of my age, and I will not mind to end this relationship." Her voice trembled in the end.

Hachiman frowns. Shizuka has made him feel guilty! He feels the need to clear things up.

"Maiko-chan, actually—"

"Shush!" Maiko puts her finger on Hachiman's lips. "I don't want to hear any garbage coming out of your mouth. Let this maiden explain herself."


Hachiman nods his head, and he focuses on grilling another batch of meat. The first batch has been cleanly swooped by Komachi!

Maiko looks at the bowing Shizuka. "Raise your head, Shizuka-san." Shizuka complies. "When you said you were aware of your age, what do you mean by that?"

Like a responsible adult she is, Shizuka replies quickly and sternly. "It's not an appropriate age to date a 15 year old."

Maiko hums to herself. "Did you accept my son's confession out of pity?" At the familiar question, Shizuka blinks her eyes. "No. I didn't. I accepted Hachiman's confession, because my heart told me to."

"Do you love my son?"

"I do."

Instant answer!

Hachiman thought Shizuka would at least hesitate or blush. But, she didn't! She is very sure with her answer. Hachiman is so stunt, he momentarily forgot how to chew before swallowing.

"Very well. I think it is clear enough." Maiko tilts her glasses intimidatingly. Then, she extends her hand. "Welcome to the family, Shizuka-san. Or, should I say daughter-in-law?"

Shizuka's mind momentarily went blank. Only when she grasps Maiko's hand, does she register what Maiko has just said.

"Huh?" is the most intelligent response she can give.

"Fu-fu-fu. I am glad my son is dating a girl I know. Now, let's enjoy the food as a family." Maiko smiles brightly.

"Eh.. uhh.. ah, y-yes."

"You can call me whatever you want, Shizuka-chan. I prefer to be called Okā-san though. Fu-fu-fu."

"Eh.. uhh.. y-yes, O-Okā-san."

At Shizuka's reaction, Maiko laughs like a noble Japanese woman. On the side, Hachiman is silently watching her.

"Fumu. Shizuka.exe has stopped working." Hachiman nods to himself.

When the meal ends, Maiko quickly bids farewell to Shizuka. She takes Komachi with her, and leaves Hachiman behind.

Now, the couple is standing side by side in front of the Yakiniku Restaurant.

Hachiman turns to Shizuka. Shizuka is still busy registering everything what has happened.

"Are you okay? You shouldn't think too much. You'll risk losing those remaining two braincells."

"Shush!" Without turning her head, Shizuka puts her finger on Hachiman's lips. "I am thinking. Don't bother me! This thought of mine is so profound, a mortal like you will not understand."

Hachiman is hit by a sense of deja vu. Still, he answers nonetheless. "Okay."

Shizuka starts murmuring. "'Welcome to the family,' she said. This means, I am accepted in the family. Throughout the talk, she was very amiable. Furthermore, we have known each other quite well. Yes, I am sure Maiko-san likes me."

Hachiman quirks his eyebrow in interest. "What is the conclusion you managed to reach then?"

Shizuka turns her body to Hachiman. "Your mother blesses our relationship." She pulls Hachiman collar, and exclaims, "That means, I am getting married! Kuhahaha!"

Hachiman bites his lower lip. He is touched by Shizuka's desperateness. Therefore, without saying a word, he hugs Shizuka tightly.

"You poor girl. Even if I don't love you, I will definitely marry you. Your desperateness has managed to tickle my cold heart." Hachiman rubs Shizuka's back warmly.

"Oi. You know I can kill you right here right now, don't you?" Shizuka raises her head.

Hachiman looks down. "I know. But, you won't do that. You love me too much, don't you?"

Shizuka sighs. She can't actually refute that.


Lytton Kaihin-Makuhari, Mihama-ku, Chiba.

Today is the day where Hachiman has officially moved out of his house. His apartment is conveniently close to Sobu High School, and not very far from his family's house.

Currently, his family and Shizuka are helping him organizing some of his stuffs he brought from his family's house.

"Onī-chan, why is your apartment already completely filled?"

"Well, I've been planning this since a long time ago. So, I've prepared many things. Even this room is bigger because I originally bought two rooms, before combined them."

"Heh... Does that mean you are rich, Onī-chan?"


A simple answer, yet it managed to make Shizuka and Maiko nod their head. Both have one thing in common. They have seen Hachiman's balance. To say they were bewildered would be an understatement.

They were utterly baffled!

They still couldn't believe Hachiman, a 15 year old, managed to make that much money from trading stocks in half a year.

Needless to say, they will never know Hachiman was a genius trader in his past life, and still is. Of course, Hachiman's success to bring so much money from trading is not only because of his skills, but also the difficulty of the world.

As Hachiman said, earning money in this world is too easy. The market of this world is too stable, it is predictable. Still, it is predictable by his own standard.

"Ah, Maiko-chan. I'm serious about the cafe thing, you know? Instead of working tirelessly, you should enjoy yourself."

When Hachiman revealed he is rich, he quickly told Maiko stop working. He can't stand seeing her coming home late everyday anymore. Therefore, he decided to reveal the fact sooner than he has intended.

Her answer has always been the same. "Hm. I will think about it, Hachi."

She is still reluctant on using Hachiman's money. Although she is happy her son is filial, using his money doesn't sit quite right with her.

"Now that I think about it. Why do you call your mother that way?" Shizuka looks to Hachiman.

"It's simple. I have forgotten about her."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I have no memory of her being my mother. So, calling her Kā-san doesn't sit right with me. As she has a very youthful appearance, I decided to call her Maiko-chan instead."

That is a very flawed logic, but Maiko seems very happy with that. So, Shizuka decided to drop the matter entirely.

When everything is settled, Hachiman quickly moves to the kitchen. He is going to cook for everyone. He knows they must be hungry.

"Hachi, let me help you!" Maiko stands from the sofa. Hachiman nods his head, then replies, "Sure."

They leave Komachi and Shizuka in the living room. Komachi scurries over, and decided to have a goss— chat with Shizuka.

"Ne, ne, Shizu-chan. What did make you fall for Onī-chan?"

"Hmm... That's a little bit hard." Shizuka cups her chin. "I think it's because I enjoy myself whenever I am around him? He's a fun guy to hang around with. I like his straightforwardness and blunt personality."

"But, don't you think sometimes we need to sugarcoat things?"

"Well... reality is harsh. It is always bitter, and everyone is in a constant denial to it. But, I prefer that way. Living in a sweet lie is like consuming drugs. It is addicting, but very destructive. It is nothing more than running away from the reality."

At this, Komachi tilts her head to the side. As an airhead, she doesn't understand anything Shizuka said! Shizuka noticed that too, and decided to dumb her explanation down.

"I like straightforwardness, because it symbolizes honesty. More often than not, it is unpleasant. But, that's life." Shizuka paused, and says carefully. "Also, Hachiman is sweet even without sugar-coating things." She blushes lightly.

Although Komachi understands the explanation this time, her focus is on the last sentence Shizuka said.

"Awww. That's so sweet of you, Shizu-chan!" She jumps at Shizuka, and hugs her tightly. "Although I'm still reluctant, but I will give Onī-chan to you. Please, take care of him!"

"O-oh, yeah." Shizuka is a little bit flustered, but she quickly develops a smile. "Yeah, I will cherish him."

With that, Hiratsuka Shizuka moves closer towards being Hikigaya Shizuka.

Some people have too much time, they decided to troll in my novel. I don't even know what's happening with them. If you don't mind though, please spam 5 star reviews in my novel.

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