
My Reincarnation In Re: Zero

A young man named Yoshiro Masanu gets reincarnated in some type of weird yet familiar place. Then, quite the stuff happens to him. This is just some stupid FanFic that I decided to write. I don't have any story in my mind. I only go with the flow.(Also, copying if you don't mind.)

Quote_ · Fantasy
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21 Chs


"Aaahhh... I'm exhausted yet again!" complained Subaru as he dropped his body in the bed. "I can't believe we're sharing our rooms. I guess a little bit of past time while talking wouldn't hurt me."

"How are you exhausted? Those jobs were clearly not even that hard. I could've finished all the jobs of you, Rem, and Ram in just a couple of hours. Also, you only helped Rem-san with stitching. You barely did anything."

"I should be asking you that question! I never even expected you wouldn't have a single drop of sweat in you even though it was blazing hot there!"

"The sun was kinda just like spring. It didn't even burn my skin that much. Also, I was sweating buckets because of my jacket."

The sun can barely burn my skin.

"Now that we're here, we might as well just talk right? Let's continue to where we left off."

"Sure. But can I ask a question; have many times have you died?"

"That question came out of the blue. But since we're gonna be stuck for a while, I'd say lifetime, I guess we should share a bit. I've died three times in the capital."

That's not that much surprising for me.

"Hm... Well, you're kinda weak, I guess."

"HUH?! Then what about you?! How many times have you died?!"

"I didn't die. I even defeated Elsa myself. Well, barely. Reinhard did most of the work."

"Really?! How?!"

"Don't know. It probably has something to do with magic."

"Wait... you can do magic?"

"Yeah. Well, I guess barely."

"Even though you can from another world?"

"Yeah. Well, I guess I have a certain knowledge from why I know magic."

"Really?! How's that possible?!"

"I can't tell you. I have another question; do you know Satella?"

"Yep. Well, I guess that was the alias Emilia used when I was in my first life."

"Well, that alias is a name of someone real."

"Really? Can you tell me the details of that person?"

"...If it's necessary, can I ask you to ready yourself?"

"S-Sure... Why are you even asking me that though?

"The person has silver hair and purple eyes. She is a half-elf. Everyone calls her with the name that is absolutely terrifying: The Witch of Envy."

"What? You only said every single detail that Emilia had. Also, who's the Witch of Envy?"

He did figure out who the Witch of Envy in his third first day in Roswaal's mansion.

"I can't say more. If you want more answers, I suggest you ask Beatrice. Well, now that I'm done with my questions, I guess you have some. Any questions?"

"Well, when you said you are from another world, what world were you in?"

"In the same world as you, Earth."

"Okay. Next, How did you manage to stay alive?"

"With a merchant-type of thinking, quick-witted."

"Hmm.. Well, I don't have much more. Guess we could just wrap it up for today."

Someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Rem. Do you two have a moment?"

"Yeah, sure. You can come in. There's not much to do around here anyway."

"Was that the first time you ever sounded credible, Subaru-kun? Pardon me, then."

"Hey, you didn't have to make that comment..."

The door opened, and Rem was there, holding a uniform.

"Is that..."

"Yes. The uniform for work, Masanu-kun."

"Well, that's convenient. Even though the sun barely affected my skin, I was still hoarding sweats with my jacket on."

I stood up, grabbed the uniform, took my jacket off, and tried the uniform on.

"Hmm... I gotta say, both you and Subaru did a fine work making the uniform. It's comfortable and it fits me well."

"You can praise me more!" said Subaru.

"But you barely did any work, Subaru-kun."

Subaru flinched.


"I guess most of the things I said was just directed to Rem-san. You got barely any praise." I said.

"Oh, come on! At least give me credit!"

"Well, I guess I could both thank you."

"It's no problem, Masanu-kun. Well then, excuse me." said Rem.

She walked out of the room.

"Well, I guess that was it. Shall we go to sleep?"

"I guess. It's been awhile since I last gotten sleep."

"Okay then. Goodnight-"


Subaru was just about to tuck in bed when I stopped him.

"I have one more question."

"Fine. Just make it quick. I'm tired."

"How many days have you spent here in Roswaal's mansion?"

"Hmm...about a day. It's been 2 days since you got here."

That makes it much more convenient.

"Tomorrow in the afternoon, I recommend you to not touch any puppy. It would be a lot more dangerous than you think."

"Huh? What are you talking-"

"Well then, goodnight."

I turned off the lamp, and tucked into my bed quickly.

Can I get a Power Stone?

Edit: I can't think of any title for the next chapter. Can anyone help me in the comments?

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