
My Reincarnation As A Slimy Squid

Squids are some of the most fascinating animals that live in our seven seas. Join Alex on his reincarnated journey back to the middle ages where he begins his journey to power one slimy tentacle at a time

Royal_Reaper · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Part 5 Dungeon's

Alex continued to try figuring out a strategy for his dungeon raid when a small rock fell from one of the walls of the dungeon. A fish swimming 2 feet away from it rushed over to investigate while his two buddies continued their patrol, this lit up a light bulb in Alex's head. After the fish was done investigating Alex swam over to grab the rock. He then swam over to the nearest fish and threw the rock roughly 2 feet from it, as expected the fish swam over without its companions. This confirmed Alex's suspicions, these fish had a maximum perception radius of 2 feet each. Not wasting any time he lunged at the fish making short work of his LVL 2 prey with his superior stats. the moment he snapped the fish's spine a pleasant notification echoed through the cave.

[Ding Small bonefish killed gained 15 exp]

Each one of these small fishes gave him 15 exp. there were at least 6 of these easy-to-kill fishes around him, the very thought of the sheer amount of experience made Alex's mouth dripping with saliva. He didn't dare to waste even a single second before resuming his hunt.


NAME: Alex

Race: Juvenile Common Squid

HP: 20/20


Stamina: 20/20

LVL 3 Exp 90/500

Status: None


Strength: 15, Speed: 15, Vitality : 15, Defence : 15,Dexterity 15, Inteligence : 15

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 6],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 3], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 2]

Active Quests: Explore a small sea cave

Rewards: 150 Exp Points, Map


Alex slowly but surely worked his way around the dungeon killing every single one of the bonefish, This gave Alex a good amount of experience and before long he had gained 90 exp points. After taking a small break he turned his attention to the two fish blocking his way to the lobster. Their stats were pretty good considering their level


Name BoneHead Black fin

HP: 20/20


Stamina: 20/20


Status: Alert


Strength: 10, Speed: 10, Defence : 10

Skills: [Water Breathing], [Body armour(passive)] lvl 2


The fish's heads were extremely bony hence its name and the fish had black fins. Their scales were shiny and looked quite hard. Alex pondered how to deal some decent damage to these boneheads. After some time he couldn't think of anything so decided to just hit the duo with a [Water slash] to the spine. Alex knew that a spinal injury would most likely cripple the fishes, At worst it would cause some heavy damage making it easier to kill them. Alex didn't spend any more time thinking. he swam above the duo and send two [water slashes] towards their spine. The moment the attack's made contact the fishes roared in pain as their spines bend in an unnatural way. Locking onto their attacker they rushed toward's Alex who was momentarily busy observing the changes in their status bar's


Name BoneHead Black fin (Severe Spinal Injury)

HP: 20/20


Stamina: 20/20


Status: Alert,Partially Crippled(All stats -5) ,Furious(All stats plus 2)


Strength: 7, Speed: 7, Defence : 7

Skills: [Water Breathing], [Body armour(passive)] lvl 2


Alex made quick work of his opponents with more than twice their stats. In a matter of seconds, the once fearsome fish had turned into a delicious snack for the ever-hungry squid


NAME: Alex

Race: Juvenile Common Squid

HP: 20/20


Stamina: 20/20

LVL 3 Exp 240/500

Status: None


Strength: 15, Speed: 15, Vitality : 15, Defence : 15,Dexterity 15, Inteligence : 15

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 6],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 3], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 2]

Active Quests: Explore a small sea cave

Rewards: 150 Exp Points, Map


Each one of the bonehead Black fin's ad given Alex 30 exp points bringing his total exp to 240 points. The growing proximity to Alex's evolution was making his heart nearly burst wit exitement