
My Reincarnation As A Slimy Squid

Squids are some of the most fascinating animals that live in our seven seas. Join Alex on his reincarnated journey back to the middle ages where he begins his journey to power one slimy tentacle at a time

Royal_Reaper · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Part 4 Cracking Crabs

Sometime later Alex woke up from his nap and continued practicing his skill roughly 15 minutes he finally heard the system notification indicating that his skill had leveled up

[Ding] Basic Water manipulation has leveled up to lvl 2]


NAME: Alex

Race: Juvenile Common Squid

HP: 10/10


Stamina: 10/10

LVL 2 Exp 0/200

Status: None


Strength: 10, Speed: 10, Vitality : 10, Defence : 10,Dexterity 10, Inteligence : 10

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 5],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 1], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 2]

Active Quests: Eat 20 small crustaceans.

Rewards: 50 Exp Points


Alex tried his water slash and his results were much better this time. He actually managed to make a water slash that traveled about 5 feet. Turning towards a piece of kelp Alex was eager to try out his creation, A slash of water hit the piece of kelp nearly cutting the 30cm thick plant in two. 'Great even if I can kill that goddam thing I can at least cripple it'. Feeling really pleased with himself Alex swam forward to hunt for his prey, It didn't take long for him to find his 'little friend' scuttling on the sea bed, taking careful aim Alex send a water slash towards the crab. A small dent appeared on the crab's armored body and it fell into a sort of daze, The crabs status panel also showed a change.


[Small crab ] (Dazed)

Lvl 1

Hp 5

Mp 5

Stamina 5/5

Strength 4

Speed 3

Def 7


Exited Alex rushed forward to take advantage of this opportunity, he quickly grabbed the crabs giant pincers with his tentacles and used his eight arms to restrain its movement, His beak made short work of the crabs already damaged shell tearing it apart as he ate the soft and tender meat of the crab relishing each bite. 'Man, that tasted good' Alex gave a small burp as he looked at the crabs remains. The system had given him two notifications while he was busy eating but he hadn't bothered to check them. The first notification was about him gaining 10 exp for killing the crab, but the second one was what caught his attention,

[Ding Skill created (Water slash lvl 1)]

[Water slash, Sends a lateral blade of water towards the enemy, levels up with usage and Water manipulation skill]

This actually surprised Alex, he hadn't known that he could create a new skill just like that. Waving his arms around Alex quickly swam over to look for his next victim.

After hunting for an hour or so Alex had managed to kill over 7 crabs, however, his trip was uneventful, to say the least until now that is. Alex was simply lazing around near the sea bed when he was a large crab, He wanted to go attack the crab but then something unforgettable happened. A long barbed tail emerged some distance from the crab and impaled it as easily as piercing a piece of paper. The crab didn't even get a chance to struggle before it was dead, The long tail slowly descended towards the sand from which a flat figure emerged, Alex took one look at the creature's stats and he wanted to run as far away as he could


[Sting ray ] (Hungry)

Lvl 8

Hp 250

Mp 30

Stamina 49/50

Strength 200

Speed 150

Def 90


Alex was stupefied, '@!# @#$@ was wrong with that thing's stats, is speed and strength was over the roof.' Alex couldn't help but hope that the crab was enough to fill that thing's belly, If it wasn't then well that ray was going to have some calamari for desert. Thankfully the ray just buried itself in the sand after it was done giving Alex the chance to run away with his tentacles between his legs. This proved to be a great reality check for him, he had become complacent after his continuous victory over his victims, but now he was shaking from fear because of the terrifying power of the ray. Alex swore he would level up enough not to be afraid of it anymore. With new vigor Alex restarted his hunt alibied much more carefully.

It took Alex another 2 days to complete his quest and he received a giant blob of exp during his quest not counting the 50 exp he would get by completing it. His level also increased to lvl 3 but he didn't evolve this time.


NAME: Alex

Race: Juvenile Common Squid

HP: 20/20


Stamina: 20/20

LVL 3 Exp 0/500

Status: None


Strength: 15, Speed: 15, Vitality : 15, Defence : 15,Dexterity 15, Inteligence : 15

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 6],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 3], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 2]

Active Quests: Eat 20 small crustaceans. (COMPLETED)

Rewards: 50 Exp Points


Alex quickly claimed his reward eager for his next quest.


NAME: Alex

Race: Juvenile Common Squid

HP: 20/20


Stamina: 20/20

LVL 3 Exp 0/500

Status: None


Strength: 15, Speed: 15, Vitality : 15, Defence : 15,Dexterity 15, Inteligence : 15

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 6],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 3], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 2]

Active Quests: Explore a small sea cave

Rewards: 150 Exp Points, Map


Alex was eager to get the map 'finally I don't have to go around blindly, now the question is where do I find a small cave'.

Alex eagerly began his quest for a small cave but they were rarer than he thought, even after hunting for the whole day he didn't even find a crack never mind a whole cave. Sighing Alex decided to take a small nap in a hole he saw some distance from him. The moment he entered the hole a surprising notification entered his ears

[Entered small sea cave] difficulty (E)

Alex slapped his face with one of his arms to wake himself up before taking a good look around him, the hole was connected to a small chamber filled with fish and aquatic plants, The funny thing was that the fish were swimming around in formations like they were a well-organized army, at the far end there was a large lobster sleeping in a small chamber, at the entrance were two fishes larger than the there ones with bone plated heads and largemouths. Alex suddenly realized that this "cave" was actually a dungeon. He didn't waste any time and began examining his foes


Small Bonefish (Alert)

HP: 10/10


Stamina: 10/10


Status: None


Strength: 10, Speed: 10, Vitality : 10, Defence : 10


Alex cursed his luck, Each one of the smaller fishes might not be stronger than him but each unit had over 3 of them, combined Alex knew he had no chance of leaving the fight with his life