
My Reincarnation As A Slimy Squid

Squids are some of the most fascinating animals that live in our seven seas. Join Alex on his reincarnated journey back to the middle ages where he begins his journey to power one slimy tentacle at a time

Royal_Reaper · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch8 A frutious Encounter

Gorgy Alex stretched as he tried to wake up. When he regained about 30% of his body's functionality he noticed his evolution. His upper body had curled up and was in a coiled shell, like someone took a candy cane and rolled it up. the only thing that was out was his tentacles. They were dangling outwards and looked pretty stupid if you asked him. His status also had changed quite a bit.


NAME: Alex

Race: Ammonite

HP: 50/50


Stamina: 50/50

LVL 4 Exp 50/1000

Status: None


Strength: 25, Speed: 20, Vitality : 35, Defence : 35,Dexterity 25, Inteligence : 25

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 6],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 3], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 3]

Active Quests: explore 5% of the coral reef

Rewards: 450 Exp Points, One random low-grade attribute stone


Alex's stats had received a decent boost, his defense and vitality had more than doubled. 'As expected of the armored variant' was what went in his head. He was relatively pleased with his attributes and after a minute or two he opened up his map. A small green ball came in his tentacles and as he touched it a large green screen opened up before him. His body was highlighted so he knew where he was and everything in an approximately 50m radius could be clearly seen. lt sort of looked like a sonar instead of a map but well it was better than nothing. Just then Alex noticed a massive blob appear on his map. Comparing it with his size on the screen Alex was sure that this 'Thing' was more than 500 times his size which considering his length was over 30 cm was massive. The creature was approximately 150m in length 6 times the size of a blue whale. Alex quickly dived back into the dungeon hoping that 'The Thing' wasn't hungry for some calamari. The seconds seemed to stretch into hours as the 'Thing' continued to get closer until it was right above him. Cautiously poking his head out of his hole Alex peeked out to catch a look at this massive monster. What he saw nearly made him want to cry. Outside was a massive shoal of fish. Each one 5 cm in length and so tightly packed together that they blotted out the sun. 'This thing' wasn't some kind of divine aquatic beast just a bunch of small fish that couldn't even hold a candle to a crab. Relieved Alex took a look at the stats of a fish that had wandered off from the shoal


NAME: Star Headed Danio

HP: 10/10


Status: None


Strength: 5, Speed: 10, Defence : 5

Skills: [Water Breathing]


Alex was overjoyed when he saw the stats of these fish. 'It's like a swimming Exp farm' he thought. Even if each one of him only gave him one or two points there were so many of them that even hundreds or thousands of points could be gained in a matter of moments. Alex didn't want to waste any more time, Such a godsend opportunity definitely wasn't going to go unnoticed, He knew that where there was food there was a feast, there were bound to be powerful animals coming in soon. Wasting no time Alex sent two water blades into the swam instantly cleaving dozens of fish. His interface went beserk because of that

[Ding Star Headed Danio killed gained 1 exp point ]

[Ding Star Headed Danio killed gained 1 exp point ]

[Ding Star Headed Danio killed gained 1 exp point ]

[Ding Star Headed Danio killed gained 1 exp point ]

[Ding Star....]

As he thought, each individual Danio gave pitiful amounts of experience but there were several hundred thousand of them so it was well justified. Alex went on a killing spree sending water blade after water blade until his mana ran out. Just as expected several uninvited guests showed themselves before long. A group of large fish dove into the shoal eating a dozen fish with each mouthful. Alex didn't bother wasting time by examining their stats because he could tell from their speed that they were weaker than him by a large margin. Alex's tentacles grabbed a few fish each time crushing them. He was like an Exp generator. The points kept rising by the second. Soon a swarm of larger animals had arrived. From dolphins to sharks to bizarre creatures that only belonged to the human imagination. Seeing the crowd of beasts Alex finally decided to withdraw lest the situation took a turn for the worse. Swimming back to his little cave Alex Took a look at his stats.


NAME: Alex

Race: Ammonite

HP: 50/50


Stamina: 50/50

LVL 4 Exp 650/1000

Status: None


Strength: 35, Speed: 30, Vitality : 35, Defence : 40,Dexterity 25, Inteligence : 25

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 6],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 4], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 5]

Active Quests: explore 5% of the coral reef

Rewards: 450 Exp Points, One random low-grade attribute stone (Completed)[Claim Yes/no]


Unexpectedly he Gained over 600 exp in his little encounter but more importantly, he even completed his quest. Alex hurriedly claimed the reward and his exp bar skyrocketed leveling him up. All his stats had increased by 10 so it was stounding. He was more interested in the small attribute stone he had wrapped in his tentacle. The stone was a deep shade of green and was radiating a hypnotizing light. Alex had to fight the urge to gobble it up the moment it had appeared in his grasp. Then slowly he brought it to his beak and started biting it. It broke with a loud crunch and a tantalizing heat spread through his body. The head dissipated in a moment and Alex noticed his Intelligence hit the 40 mark. Just then his status panel showed a significant change


NAME: Alex

Race: Ammonite

HP: 50/50


Stamina: 50/50

LVL 5 Exp 400/5000

Status: None


Strength: 45, Speed: 40, Vitality : 45, Defence : 50,Dexterity 35, Inteligence : 40

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 6],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 4], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 5], Water bullet [Lvl3],[Water Blade Lvl4],

Skill tree: locked (Requirement 3 LVL 8 corpses)

Active Quests: Leave the reef's and enter the deep blue

Rewards: Creature repellent


Alex had unexpectedly gained a skill tree alibied locked at the moment. He was extremely exited and rushed towards the edge of the reef