
My Reincarnation As A Slimy Squid

Squids are some of the most fascinating animals that live in our seven seas. Join Alex on his reincarnated journey back to the middle ages where he begins his journey to power one slimy tentacle at a time

Royal_Reaper · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch7 Treasure

Alex was swimming a good foot out of the lobster's reach, trying to think of a feasible way to deal some damage. Meanwhile, the lobster was slashing and attacking anything it made contact with, in a seemingly random manner. Alex dared not come any closer, although he could easily see the attack pattern and dodge appropriately it wasn't guaranteed due to the random nature of the lobster's attacks. Alex was confident that even if he took one a single direct attack it wouldn't bode well for him. Since swimming around for a few minutes didn't do him any good Alex started to launch a barrage of water bullets towards it until his mana ran out. This though showing some results didn't really make much of a difference. Most of the spells didn't even pierce through its defense instead ricocheted in all directions and the few that managed to deal any damage were lucky enough to get between the armor plating. One however hit the base of the lobster's tail and managed to tear a thin section of the armor off. Preparing himself to jump in to attack Alex used his [Jet Propulsion] skill to shoot towards the lobster covering the distance of one foot in under a second. The moment he reached his target Alex viciously bit the small gap in the armor causing a cloud of something blue to spurt out everywhere. The lobster roared furiously, trying to get Alex off of him. Under the constant jerking, Alex lost his grip and had to let go, Just then a massive claw slammed into him sending him in a daze. His Hp bar also plummeted at a visibal rate


NAME: Alex

Race: Juvenile Common Squid

HP: 5/20


Stamina: 10/20

LVL 3 Exp 240/500

Status: None


Strength: 15, Speed: 15, Vitality : 15, Defence : 15,Dexterity 15, Inteligence : 15

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 6],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 3], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 2]

Active Quests: Explore a small sea cave

Rewards: 150 Exp Points, Map


A single hit had snatched more than half of his hp almost killing him. Despite this, however, Alex wasn't that depressed because his previous attack had caused grievous damage to his adversary


Name Juvinnile Northern lobster

HP: 25/40


Stamina: 40/40


Status: Dazed(Reaction speed halved), Blinded (Evasion halved, Attack speed Halved), Enraged (All stats plus 2), Severe Bleeding (-3 hp per second).


Strength: 18(+2), Speed: 15(+2), Defence : 20(+2)

Skills: [Water Breathing].


Ding... (Juvenile Northern lobster killed gained 160 Exp points )

Alex knew that he had to just sit back and relax for a few seconds before he won this fight. Just the very thought of this made him drool thinking of the rewards he would get from the dungeons. 10 seconds later the lobster collapsed on the ground with a sorrowful wail as its hp bottomed out. A system notification rand ou in his head.

Ding... (Juvenile Northern lobster killed gained 160 Exp points )

Of course, there wasn't any of the 'Monster bursts into light and leaves behind a pile of loot' shenanigans. Instead, a small hole opened up behind the body, Alex didn't think much about it and dived in headfirst. Inside there was a small wooden box, Heart thumping Alex slowly raised the box's lid, and inside there were a few items randomly placed. Alex closely examined each one of them.

3 [ Small bottle of recovery ]- Recovers 10% of users hit points and stamina under LVL 10.

3 [Small bottle of Impure mana] - Recovers 10% of users mana under LVL 10

[Water wave Skill book]- A weak defensive skill that pushes the enemy outward. The number of waves increases with an increase in level. Duration 3 seconds (Increases with level).

Alex was really satisfied with these items, the defensive skill in particular lightened his mood. The recovery items weren't that bad either. Remembering his quest Alex opened up his interface to claim his hard-earned reward


NAME: Alex

Race: Juvenile Common Squid

HP: 5/20


Stamina: 10/20

LVL 3 Exp 400/500

Status: None


Strength: 15, Speed: 15, Vitality : 15, Defence : 15,Dexterity 15, Inteligence : 15

Skills: [Tentacle control LVL 6],[Water Breathing], [Jet propulsion Lvl 3], [Basic Water Manipulation lvl 2]

Active Quests: Explore a small sea cave

Rewards: 150 Exp Points, Map (Completed) [Claim (Yes/No)]


Alex quickly claimed his reward as his level also rose by one which was followed by a barrage of notification

Ding [LVL 4 reached Criteria of evolution met see options (Yes/No)]

Ding[Map Acquired Enable (Yes/No)]

Alex decided to finish evolving before he had a look at the map so he selected (Yes) on the evolve menu

[Ding request acknowledged generation evolution routes]

1) Adult common Squid [You're commonly seen squid noting special about it] (Future evolution routes) [None]

2) Ammonoidea [An armored variant of the Squid family boasting high defense and moderate offense and speed] (Future evolution's) [Several]

3 Poison Squid [A poisonous variant of the squid family] (Future evolution's)[Few]

One look at his options and Alex went with the second option. If he wanted to be strong, a few evolutions weren't going to cut it. He needed something that could give him several options and well Ammonoidea fit that requirement very well. Choosing his options Alex's world became dark as he fainted.