
my reincarnated little sister

we always hear about hero or heroine saving the world.. but why did they become hero..and why only they have the heavens defying luck and not others.. why villains always lose even after having everything.. why... well answers is simple.. its because heavens set their fate like this.. well enough nonsense.. this story is not about any hero or heroin.. its about a family.. heroine family.. heroine who leaves everything and do everything just to help the hero without even thinking about her family ... its about the heroin elder brother.. who was named as the heir right after being born. . who never got to enjoy his childhood a boy who got destroyed because of heroine selfishness... what will happen if.. a teenager girl get transmitted into her favorite novel will she follow the same route or will she try to protect the character she always feel grateful for.. a novel where nothing seem to make sense but the family who still feel like reality to her. . let's go on a journey where we will see and understand the mystery behind the novel and heroine Family.. . . . . .let's go... follow me there can be grammical mistakes so sorry for that.. straight romance but still not so straight.. there can be boy x boy or boy x girl or girl x girl depends on my mood this story is omega verse so there will be male omegas too so don't get too shocked my darlings all quotes are mine and if someone thinks their quote idea is same as mine then congrats you are at the same level as mine and that is beginners level . all the pictures uploaded belongs to someone i don't know..I got them from Pinterest..so thank you whoever made these fabulous arts

Ashika_7818 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

green house

Ambrose pov

After we done eating our lunch,the physician responsible for my step mother delivery and my father left to check on my step mother..and i decided to rest in my room while destiny decided to read a book in Library and ethan went to his room to play.

Apollo pov

I was heading to jade's room with the physician..she told me he was bleeding in the morning which was a fake sign of delivery and he was just having contractions and according to her knowledge the baby should be here before morning. *I hope Ambrose loves his soon to be born sister like destiny*.we soon reached his room and maids opened the room .

In the room there was a little metalic smell that was expected as he was bleeding in the morning...I went towards the bed and there i saw a man with small feminine figure,he had red cheeks and eyes closed ,long eye lashes and perfectly arch eyebrows, greyish hair laying loosely on the pillow with one hand on his stomach and other on the bed ,he looked to be sleeping but I know better to believe that act of close eyes to be sleeping ."jade " i called softly.. slowly he opened his eyes and i saw the beautiful deer like eyes with watery fountain like lens..he seems to be in a trance before his eyes widen and he smiled softly.." husband ." He said softly making me go stiff .not because it's the first time he called me husband but also because.the word came out the same way she used to call me and I couldn't help caressing his head..I hate how i am still finding her in every single way ..he is not her i know...but then why my heart can't seems to understand that .

"hmm..?" I hummed in a way as if asking him , because I can't trust my voice to not let out a little sob that I was holding back ."you are here , are you excited to meet our little girl?" I hate how he is so excited and i am still stuck in the past..he is my future and i should pull myself together..our daughter is about to be born , i need to move forward "I am ...did you decide any name for our daughter?" He smiled wife and asked me to name the girl after she's born..I just hummed a little and then nod at the physician to tell her ,now she can handle the situation..then.i left quietly

I don't know where I was going..I just let my body take me wherever it wants...i didn't realise how i ended up in her green house..the same green house I gifted her on our wedding, the same one where she used to gently take care of the plants and flowers..where we used to sit together talking for hours ... where she used to laugh happily whenever I would make a stupid remark on something ,the same place where she told me that I was going to be a father...,I stand firmly on the ground thinking about old time.. not realising there's someone in front of me with water can in hand .." Ambrose" i called ,looked at me and then continue watering the flowers..i know our relationship have taken a worse turn but he will always be my little rose..the same little child i once held in my hand and shedded tear of happiness..the child who used to looked at me like I was his hero.. now he doesn't even want to look at me .."Ambrose" i called again..this time he looked at me..more like past me ..i signed and walked near him ,I wanted to caress his head and he seems to sense what I wanted to do as he moved his head in other direction..and asked " are you lost father.. because it's my mother's property you have stepped in " he said these words with such voice that I felt my heart breaking i know he thinks I betrayed his mother but that's a lie and i can't even explain the circumstances regards my second marriage with jade..." Ambrose,you should let the maids take care of the green house" * again wrong words* after uttering these words I thought..i know i made a stupid mistake as he looked at me like finding the missing piece of a riddle " it's my mother's green House,maybe you forgot because my dear mother used to take care of this same green house,now I am taking care of and i would hate to let someone else step in here " he said and continued with the work..i simply signed at the situation and my stupidity..but I didn't left even if he would hate my presence here ,i sat on the same chair I used to sit while my wife used to sit in frontbof me.. .I can still feel like she's sitting in front of me and talking happily about the things she likes ..I smiled softly ,not realising someone is looking at me with eyes filled with emotions unknown, was it sadness or anger or both...but one thing that can be understood is that the rose in his hand looks more beautiful than normal as the blood drops on its petals gives it a unique charm , blood that flowed from the very soft hand that held it , bruising it , it must be painful but his face says some the other story , the story unknown to everyone but him , as he knows what the person sitting in front of him is thinking and h can imagine the very scene ...and the very thought of that person hurts him more than the pain caused by the thorns of this flower ..

" Ambrose" i shouted a little seeing blood of my littlle child on the rose . .."hmm ." He hummed as waking up from his thoughts."you are bleeding, MAIDS gets the first aid kit quickly.." i shouted the as the maid standing outside the green house ran to get the first aid kit.. I gently held his hand while he looked at me .

"No one enters the green house.." i looked at him .." it's either she enters with the first aid kit or I'll have the gardener remove all the roses you worked so hard to cultivate" he looked at me with little anger then soon signed, knowing I won , I asked her to enter and gently cleaned his hand and put the medicine on the red marks caused by thorns ,i looked at the roses with killing intent while he seeing my actions, looked amused,his eyes as if curved like smiling while his face remained calm, I saw his face and felt happy, knowing better not to call him out for it..* i should use holy water for it * , he before me uttering the words said " it's a small injury, no need to use holy water" i looked at him and nodded not arguing so soon when I just got to see that beautiful expression ..I smiled a little and embraced him , taking him to his room .he was stiff for a little while but soon melted in the hug , a hug that I was desperate to do after so long .i know we both needed this hug more than anyone... I walked slowly with him in my arms but still the time went fast and soon we were in front of his room ,I entered in the room and gently put him on his bed ,and after taking a last glance at his face i left .

My babies growing up so fast🥲