
my reincarnated little sister

we always hear about hero or heroine saving the world.. but why did they become hero..and why only they have the heavens defying luck and not others.. why villains always lose even after having everything.. why... well answers is simple.. its because heavens set their fate like this.. well enough nonsense.. this story is not about any hero or heroin.. its about a family.. heroine family.. heroine who leaves everything and do everything just to help the hero without even thinking about her family ... its about the heroin elder brother.. who was named as the heir right after being born. . who never got to enjoy his childhood a boy who got destroyed because of heroine selfishness... what will happen if.. a teenager girl get transmitted into her favorite novel will she follow the same route or will she try to protect the character she always feel grateful for.. a novel where nothing seem to make sense but the family who still feel like reality to her. . let's go on a journey where we will see and understand the mystery behind the novel and heroine Family.. . . . . .let's go... follow me there can be grammical mistakes so sorry for that.. straight romance but still not so straight.. there can be boy x boy or boy x girl or girl x girl depends on my mood this story is omega verse so there will be male omegas too so don't get too shocked my darlings all quotes are mine and if someone thinks their quote idea is same as mine then congrats you are at the same level as mine and that is beginners level . all the pictures uploaded belongs to someone i don't know..I got them from Pinterest..so thank you whoever made these fabulous arts

Ashika_7818 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


-it feels so warm ..the same warmth when my mom used to hug me , mamma is that you? I can't move , where am I , why can't I move ..... what's happening..wahhh..hurts...why....ahhh..

Nobody pov

A family that used to be full of warmth

A family that once was filled with love and kindness..now feels empty.. that's the situation of grand Duke APOLLO ALEX LIONHEART

A grand Duke with power and riches ..the emperor favourite subordinate..a military general.. the topic of envy for everyone but he is envious of those who have happy families..a family where children run around happily and don't look at their parents with dead eyes ..

He feels envious of his subordinates when they come and complain about their children mischievous behaviour..how they create trouble and it's hard to control them ..they may praise his eldest son for being perfect engima heir ...his second son for being the perfect supreme omega ..his third son for being cute...but when you look at them with his eyes ..his family doesn't feel like family in reality...they pretend to be the perfect family


My eldest son


The heir of Lionheart family and the future military general of Lionheart army .

According to everyone he is perfect engima heir ..he is someone everyone wants but impossible to get , he hates everyone but still cares for his family even though he doesn't show it but his second brother is an exception..he can kill and die for him.. sometimes even I feel envious...as now he looks at me like I am a stranger..his father is a nobody for him ..but it's my fault that turn our relationship cold .once we father and son used to be sight of envy for everyone...but now ...I just want my son back the cute little kid who used to fight with me to steal kisses from his mother and who used to hug me and tell me how much he loves us all .. 'sigh'...it's not like I don't care about him..he is my first child..the second ray of light in my dark world and ..he is actually perfect intelligent, handsome, powerful even through he is a still 6 but nobody can ignore the aura he carries...

My second son


Our Lionheart family heart he is kind , gently, have a heavenly voice and the beauty of his can even make the spirit feel shame , his dawn like light hair and his big watery ocean eyes , little straight nose , he is just a perfect example of a fairy in your dreams ... everyone thinks they can steal my kiddo .(he is still 3 and they dare think about stealing my child .they are just looking for death)

He doesn't like me and Ambrose fighting so we pretend to get along in front of him ... I know we can't fool him as he still can feel our relationship drifting apart but to be honest he is the only one keeping us together...if there's is a deity I beg you to keep my child safe because if i lose him I'll lost my first child too

My third child


He is 10 months younger than destiny .he is a playful kid even though he don't cause trouble but he is still like to run around and sometimes with his nanny running behind him to catch him and i know a secret of his that's supposed to be a secret well , his eldest brother is his idol (am i not someone worth admiring kid)

He wants to impress his brother but always fails .but i know AMBROSE appreciate him and he also cares for him but feels bad for destiny as if his love will be divided and he will disappoint destiny but what he don't know is that destiny also wants Ambrose to accept him as his family so he tries to make them talk ...I hope Ambrose forget the past..but can't hope much he is still a kid... anyway this lil guy can definitely win some place in Ambrose's heart , this Little ethan loves his mother and i know he feels he will be replaced by his mother when his sister will be born (he thinks too much)

My second wife

JADE ALISON LIONHEART (used to be jade Alison de Augustus)

(He is emperor concubine's omega son)

A rank rare male omega . Don't think I betrayed my wife and married him ..it's just situation happened...our relationship is normal.. because of an accident our third child was born ..and I married him ...now he is pregnant with my 4th child a girl again my fault for trusting someone and causing this situation but still..I am happy..but somewhere i feel i betrayed my love..

I like him he is kind and manage the house very well

But I can never love him as much as my love

But that doesn't mean I don't love him I do like him but can not love him ..

Right now is not the time to introduce my loving wife she is my first love and will always be the first in my heart..the first ray of hope , light and happiness in my dark world

For now I am just waiting for my daughter..i am bad at showing my feelings but somehow she (my love ,my sun )was always able to understand my feelings without me telling her anything..she was like my other half now ..it's hard to express my feelings and unlike her no one can understand me ,even my eldest son understands me but jade can't understand my feelings if i don't express them and that becomes the problem as I have hard time expressing them .*sign"

I miss her

Nobody pov

A beautiful child who looks less than four year old is sleeping peacefully while dreaming of little lion cubs who's playing with the beautiful butterflies when someone comes to wake him up

- Little bunny wake up ..it's time for breakfast..

- nooooo.... I don't wanna ...please ..

- oh okay it's alright if destiny doesn't wanna wake up but then who'll drink your favourite strawberry milkshake on your behalf..

Destiny - wait brother Ambrose..you baddie .. no one drink my milkshake..no..one only i drink my milkshake.

Ambrose - oh really but i thought you didn't wanted to wake up .

Destiny- no ...see i woke up..now my milkshake is only mine..okay

Ambrose - okay my little bunny your big strong brother understand..

Destiny - me no bunny ,me lion...rawwwrrr..

Ambrose - wahhh..so scary lion...but this little lion needs to get ready or no milkshake..

Destiny (pout)- okiieee... brother rose up... please (he said while putting his arms up)

Ambrose - aish just because my little bunny is so cute

"Ambrose pick destiny up and take him to get ready"

Ambrose - now you get ready and come down okay ..

Destiny - no brother please wait I'll get ready quickly..

Ambrose - okay

"They went downstairs in dining room"

Ambrose ( no emotion )- good morning father....

Destiny - good morning dadda..and little ethan

Ethan - good morning big brother and brother destiny

Ambrose - hmm . morning

Apollo - Good morning ...

Destiny - dadda where's mother

Apollo - he will have his breakfast in his room my little sun

Destiny (pout) - is this because mother will give us little sister soon..

Apollo - yes .he will give birth to a new lionheart kiddo .

Ethan(excited )- so we will soon have a sister..yeahhh..

Apollo - yes Little kiddo...

Apollo - how is your studies going Ambrose

Ambrose - well..

Apollo - oh...*my lil rose dadda sorry..for making you go through all this things and lectures when you should be playing as a kid*

In mind - *_*

Talking - "_"

I hope you enjoy this chapter...