
Chapter 2

I woke up in a old truck. I looked around and found a bag, it was filled with paper work showing my new identity, Wilhelm Krupp. I make my way towards Munich. In order for me to get in control of Germany as soon as possible I must use every trick in the book from donations to civilian cause such as orphanages and soup kitchens, to pure murder and blackmailing, and I have the funds for both and will use every option I have to take control. I know I will need Loyal men to follow me and do my dirty work. I need Himmler the perfect choice one Of Hitler's most Trusted supporters. He will lead my SS to eliminate my opponents and sabotage other parties. As I was thinking about what I must do before the 1924 election I arrives at my location the Headquarters of The German Workers party

Sorry I havent posted in a while been going thru some things and Being a Author is a lot harder then i thought it was going to be haha. I have so many ideas for this novel but it just gets hard to translate it to words. But I was wondering would you guys like for me to kinda skip this period where he has to work his way up or go faster to him Being in charge of Germany??

Blacksovocreators' thoughts