
My Regressor System

[Do You Wish To Be Regressed?] [Yes] [No] Damon was a loser who couldn’t make it in life, and after finally getting a promotion, he was stabbed to death by a stranger. Thanks to a mysterious System, he regresses over twenty years into the past, when he was just a young adult preparing for his college exams. Now that he has been given a second chance at life, Damon intends to stop being the failure he once was. Using the help of his System, and knowledge of his past life, Damon wishes rise to power and conquer the very world that held him down. “I’ll become the most powerful man in the world. Just watch me!”

Tehn · Urban
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190 Chs

First System Quest

I squared my shoulders, staring at the two bullies who once made my life miserable. The alley felt tighter, and the dim light flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows as if nature itself anticipated the showdown.

My heartbeat thudded in my ears, but this time, it wasn't the rapid pulse of fear. It was a rhythm echoing newfound resolve.

The leader of the duo, a broad-shouldered guy with a menacing smirk, stepped forward. "So, what's this, heh? Damon suddenly thinks he can fight back? Well, think again, pal. There's two of us and only one of you." His accomplice chuckled, cracking his knuckles.

I clenched my fists, my palms sweaty but unyielding.

"I'm not the same person you used to bully," I snapped back, the words escaping my lips with a recklessness I never knew I possessed.

The bullies exchanged glances, uncertainty flickering in their eyes.

"Enough talk. Give us your money if you know what's good for you," the leader snarled.

I merely stared back coldly, my focus unwavering.

"You already asked me, and I said no. Let's just get this over with." I said.

Memories of past experiences and humiliations fueled my rage. I was no longer the timid target who everyone could push around; I was Damon Darhk, reborn.

The first move came from them. The leader lunged at me, swinging his fist.

Instinct kicked in, and I sidestepped his attack, newfound agility surprising both me and my assailants. I countered with a swift kick to his midsection, causing him to stagger backward.

The other bully, fueled by anger, charged towards me. Ducking his punch, I seized the opportunity to deliver a quick jab to his stomach, doubling him over in pain.

The alley echoed with the sounds of struggle. I moved with a fluidity that felt foreign yet empowering. Dodging and weaving, I felt the energy coursing through me, a stark contrast to the helpless teenager they once tormented.

'I guess those self-defense classes I took in my previous life paid off,' I thought.

The leader, regaining composure, swung a wild haymaker. This time, I parried the blow, retaliating with a series of well-placed strikes. Each hit felt like redemption, retribution for every taunt and insult I endured in the past.

The second bully, now on his feet, tried to grab me from behind. Leaning forward, I used my newfound strength to flip him over my shoulder, sending him crashing to the ground.

The leader, realizing the tide was turning, took a step back.

Then, they resorted to hit-and-run tactics.

The first bully distracted me while the second attempted a cheap shot from behind.

"Tch, petty as always," I said while running to the edge of the alley, my back against the wall, facing the two bullies.

The second bully charged towards me, and I decided to play dirty too. I dodged his blow and delivered a heavy kick to his groin area, causing him to scream in agony. Grabbing him by the waist, I threw him into the wall behind me, and he hit his head hard against the wall, knocking him out.

I turned my eyes to the leader of the two and began to advance, wiping the blood from my mouth. I was bleeding as a result of the injuries I'd sustained, but I didn't seem to care as adrenaline pumped into my veins, fueling my every move.

"Who! Who are you!" The bully screamed, fear gripping his heart. "Pfft, I'd expected more from you, but I guess you guys are as petty as ever," I said, spitting the blood from my mouth with a level of confidence that made me feel like a giant overshadowing the bully.

With a final burst of courage, I delivered a powerful kick, sending the leader sprawling to the ground.

The alley fell silent, the bullies defeated and disoriented. A mix of adrenaline and satisfaction surged through me.


*Quest complete*

<5 SP has been received and added to status.>

*Would you like to see your status window?*

[Yes] [No]

I tapped [Yes] and the status window popped up.

[Status Window]

Name: Damon Darhk

Age: 18 years

Occupation: Student

Current Status: Injured/Unemployed

Hp: 71/100

Sp: 5

The only notable difference was that my SP had changed to 5. As to what I needed SP for, I had no idea.

I closed the panel by swiping right and began heading home, leaving the unconscious bodies of my enemies.

I had faced my bullies and won. Although it came at a cost, as I finally started to feel the effects of my injuries–the adrenaline losing effect.

I stumbled away from the alley, feeling my body throbbing with pain.

"Ugh," I coughed in agony, blood pouring from my mouth.

Thinking about how to dress my wounds, I stopped at a nearby convenience store and got a first aid kit. Other customers and the receptionist stared and mumbled when they saw me, but I couldn't seem to care, checking out my goods and not looking back.

The dimly lit street held an empty echo as I approached my home—a small, solitary apartment reflecting the emptiness within me. I pushed open the creaky door, announcing my presence with a half-hearted "I'm home."

The silence that followed was a stark reminder of my solitude.

Leaning against a nearby wall, I assessed the damage. My knuckles were scraped, my cheek stung, and my ribs ached with each breath.

'I have to gain more stamina, I can't keep going on with this lanky frame.' I thought.

Blood staining my clothes, I knew I couldn't rely on sheer willpower alone. I needed to learn how to fight properly.

My gaze fell upon a dusty family portrait, a relic of a time when warmth and togetherness filled my life, the good times that never lasted. A flashback hit me, engulfing me as I covered the portrait, putting it face down, shielding it from my hollow reality.

In that moment, the emptiness felt suffocating, and I no longer yearned for a connection.

Stripping off the blood-stained clothes, I entered the shower as the warm water soothing my battered body.

As I dressed my injuries with supplies acquired on my way home, I assessed the pitiful state of my current life. Failing grades, relentless bullying, an unfulfilled existence, plus I was broke—I had missed my first chance. Now, with this unexpected rebirth, I vowed not to repeat the same mistakes.

Sitting alone in my small apartment, I evaluated my life choices.

Dependent on family, struggling academically, and a victim of bullying and an unhealthy lifestyle—these were the aspects I needed to change at least for starters. The scars on my body mirrored the scars on my life, and I refused to let them define my future.

With a steely resolve, I made a decision. It was time to take my life seriously, to harness the potential of this second opportunity.

The echoes of my past failures fueled a burning determination. I would learn to defend myself, excel academically, and no longer rely on the ghosts of my family's support.

I embraced the loneliness of my room, surrounded by the echoes of my renewed commitment. The picture of my family, now hidden from view, served as a reminder of where I came from.

The person I used to be was a shadow, but the person I could become stood before me—an embodiment of resilience, strength, and the will to change.

I sat on the edge of my bed, still contemplating how to open my status window.

'I think the last time all I had to do was say status. Okay let's give this a go' I thought.

"Status!" I screamed and nothing happened.

"Open! System! Come on!" And nothing still happened.

'I guess I'm not doing something right' I thought waving my hands in the air only for the system to flash before my eyes, displaying the status window.

"Huh, so I guess if I swipe right, the panel closes and if I swipe left, it opens." I said actively practicing and realizing how it worked.

Swiping right again I displayed my status window. 'I have 5 SP now, I wonder what I need that for' I thought.

Tapping the *SP* icon, another smaller window popped explaining the significance of SP, and I was perplexed.

Moving on, gathering SP would be one of my most important tasks

It said there that SP could be used to upgrade stats like strength, agility, intelligence, charm etc, and could also be used to purchase skills that would be useful to me later on.

By gathering SP, I could increase my physique without having to work out and could level up my intelligence without even having to study.

The possibilities that this concept presented were endless and I danced around the various decisions I could make with my SP.

I decided to stack as much SP as I could without spending them yet and then doing a mass upgrade later.

As I fell asleep, the decision to embrace this second chance felt like a beacon in the darkness. The journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but I was prepared to face it head-on, determined to mold my destiny and rewrite the narrative of Damon Darhk.

Deep down I couldn't help but still wonder if this was all some big dream and I'd wake up from it pretty soon. Either way, it was a dream I would enjoy and live to the fullest.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

It’s my first time writing, so I hope you all liked what you read.

Please add this book to your library if you haven’t done so already.

(PS: Power Stones are also appreciated)


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