
My Real Me

After the loss of her memory, her parent killer took her in and used her as a bait to get her parent's company. She lived most of her life thinking The Hion's family were her family, but later on she found out they weren't. As she went in search for her true identity, she found out that those she claims to be her family and friends were actually the ones behind the loss of her family and memory How will she regain her memory? How will she find out about the killer? What will she do after finding out? Find out the answers to your questions in this novel

Saucy_Odion · Teen
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14 Chs

There's A Connection


*Hello Jerome. Where did she say we will meet?

*She said Junky Cafe

*Oh okay... So where are you now?

*I'm going to Subway Eatery, Mim said I should check out something for her

*Okay but make sure you get home on time okay?

After hanging up, I drove to Junky Cafe and luckily I saw Thonia standing outside beside her car. I turn off the car and walked to where she was standing

"Oh you are here... I should have texted you the location but you might not get the place correctly that was why I said we should meet here first" Thonia said and i nodded as I gave her a warm hug

"So where are we going to now?" I asked as I broke up from the hug while she smiled

"Just follow my car from behind okay?" She said and I nodded before walking to my car while she entered her own car, started it and drive off. I followed her behind too but when she was close to a dead end, she increased her speed then I paused. She reversed the car and drove towards me. I tried reversing too but there were two black cars behind me

"What's she doing?" I asked myself as I stopped the car trying to figure out what was going on but I couldn't place my hands around anything

"Who are these mean?... I don't think I'm save... Let me call Jerome" I said as I sighted some guys walking towards where I was standing. I quickly picked my phone and dialled Jerome's number but before he picked Thonia and some guys came to where my car was. Two guys were already pointing gun at me. They forced the door opened and two guys dragged me out of the car

"Thonia what's all these?" I asked her but she smiled and landed a slap on my face

"This was what I got when I couldn't bring you on Saturday, your brother is working with Forte to spoil my own business right?" She asked but I just stared at her and they drag me to their car and we drove off.


"Hey Sam I thought you were joking when you said you were coming" I said as soon as I saw Sam coming out of her car.

"I told my parent that I won't return home until they bring Elsa back" She said then we hugged before walking to her car together

"But why do you always look out for Elsa?" I asked as we drove to whatever destination

"That's because my parent hate her, all they do is to use her" she replied and I gave her a confused look

"Use her? For what? As how??" I asked curiously and she sighed

"My dad took her parents company, so in order to keep the Company intact in their hand, the decide to use her to threaten her people so that they'll not try to take the company from them" Sam replied and my face fell. I guess the poor girl has been passing through a lot

"Okay... Why not call your brother and ask him where Elsa is living?" Sam suddenly asked breaking the silence. I brought out my phone and dialled Forte number then I put it on speaker

"Hey Forte where are... I was about completing the sentence when I had a scream

"What do you want?" He asked hurriedly

"I want to ask about Elsa's location" I said and he hissed

"Go to Junky Cafe, asked for Berry, then tell her what you need... But for the meantime, do not disturb me" he said before hanging up

"What's wrong with him?" I muttered as I placed my phone inside my bag

"My instinct tells me that something is wrong somewhere" Sam suddenly said as we drove to Junky Cafe. The drive was a quite one till we got to Junky Cafe. Sam parked beside the road side before turning off the car. She came out and I did the same before walking into the cafe

"Good day, we want two Americano please" I said as soon as I got to the counter

"Please who's Berry?" Sam suddenly asked after receiving her Americano from the attendant

"I'm Berrys, any problem?" A male attendant said and we shook our head before walking to an empty table and sat down there

"Hey! I heard you girls are here to see me... Any problem?" A pretty lady said as she stood beside Sam, smiling brightly

"I'm Forte younger sister" I said and her eyes widened. She looked around cautiously before signalling us to go outside and we obeyed. We both stood up and followed her outside

"You guys are very careless... You don't just come here anyhow looking for Forte or his friend or else we all will be in serious trouble" Berrys said and we both nodded

"My brother told me to come and ask you about Elsa's location" I said immediately and she signalled me to bring my voice low. I gestured an apology and she nodded before bringing out her phone

"I'm like Forte's messanger but Elsa is my friend... I'm the one he sends to give her her food whenever he's at work" Berry said as she diallya number on her phone

*Hey Elsa... They are here now. Should I bring them to you?* Berry said before hanging up. She went into the cafe to put off her apron before coming back to take us to Elsa's location


I moved to and fro like a restless chicken waiting to be slaughtered. I knew my sister was definitely missing. The call was quite strange and i could suspect something was odd. I walked to meet Forte who was busy trying to figure a way out for me

"My sister is in trouble" I reminded him as I kept my phone on the sofa. Few minutes later, I stood up and walked towards the door but Forte was too fast to stop me

"Hey man... Where do you think you're going to?" Forte asked as he held my shoulder and i broke down. Mom said we shouldn't go out but I never listen cause I wanted to please my girlfriend"I muttered as Forte comforted me and took me to the sofa to seat down. Just then my phone rang and I sprang up and quickly picked the phone

*Hello who's this please?

*I think you've heard the news right?... Your sister is in our custody. If you want her alive, tell Forte to release Elsa before tomorrow evening or else your sister's dead body will be brought to you

*What?.... You're going to kill my sister?

Before I could say another word, the caller hanged up and I slammed my phone angrily on the sofa before walking to the wall. I hit my fist against the wall as sweat rolled down my face

"They can't do that to my sister!" I said as I hit the wall again. Forte quickly rushed to where I was when he noticed blood on my fist. He held my fist and prevented me from hitting the wall again

"Jerome!... You need to put yourself together. Just calm down and tell me what the caller said" Forte said and I sighed my fist tighten

"He said I should tell you to release Elsa or else my sister would be killed tomorrow evening" I said and he hit his fist on the wall before sighing

"What is that fucking bitch up to now?!" He asked and i was puzzled but just then my phone rang. I rushed to where it was and picked the call

*Hello Thonia... Are you with Goldie?

*No but I heard people saying she was kidnapped few minutes ago. She was driving behind me but just then I heard gun shot and every scattered. I came out of the car only to find out that she was kidnapped

*Okay sweetie... Hope you're safe?

*Yes I am... Who would have kidnapped her now?... Who did she offend?... Baby please we really need to find her. Make sure you include me in your finding plan okay?

*Yes sweetie... Just be safe for now okay? I'll let you know when I have a plan

*Okay baby... Please calm down, we'll surely find her

*Thanks babe... Bye

After hanging up, I moved to where Forte was standing, he was already bleeding from his hand as he operated his phone

"Who we're you referring to before?" I asked curiously but he smiled ate making feel uneasy

"Don't worry... Just let it slide for now, you will find out about it very soon but I just hope you won't be shocked" Forte said and I tried to punch him but he dodged it off

"Okay... What idea have you gathered so far?... What should we do about my sister?... Holy shit, I already forgot, my dad said we should be back by 5:30pm but it's already 6:28 pm. What should I do now? What will I tell my parents if they ask about Goldie?" I asked Forte and he pulled me to a warm hug

"You'll be fine Jerome... Just go home, I will try to settle things up here" Forte said and I pulled out from the hug, took my phone and walked out of my house leaving Forte alone there

I drove home quietly, thinking of what to cook up for my parents as regard Goldie's disappearance. I got home few minutes after 8pm.

"Dad... Mom sorry I'm late, there was something that came up that I had to handle" I said as soon as I saw dad and mom at the sitting room watching documentary

"What about your sister? When will she be home?" Mom asked and I looked away to avoid suspicion

"I don't know... Mom I'm really tired so I'll be upstairs" I said as I walked a bit faster to the stairs. I was about climbing when the sitting room door opened. I paused a bit, dad and mom were still sitting on the sofa. Then who was that?

"Mr Hion? How did you gain access into my house?" Mom asked and I reverse and walked slowly back to the sitting room

"I was the one that allowed it. I lightened the security system" Dad said while Mr Hion smiled as he walked to the sofa and sat down. I walked fully into the sitting room and I met the average old man in his 70's sitting on the sofa looking annoying

"Sweetie go upstairs for now... Let's attend to the visitor" mom said and i nodded as I walked slowly out of the sitting room but my eyes were still fixed on the man

"Hey! Hold on... What about Goldie?... I'm not seeing her anywhere around. Where is she?" Mr Hion asked and i stopped walking and looked back immediately, the old man was busy smiling. I got angry and walked to where he was sitting. I landed a heavy blow on his face and he busted out laughing

"Sweetie calm down... Do you know him from anywhere?" Mim asked as she walked to where I was standing

"What did you do to Goldie?! Mom Goldie is missing... She was kidnapped few hours ago and I was trying to find her that was why I came home late. I think this man knows something about it" I said as I moved closer to him to hit him but the door opened and two hefty men came in with guns on their hands

"Him where is my daughter?" Dad finally spoke up as he walked to Mr whatever his name was and landed a blow on his face. The two hefty men walked to dad and pulled him roughly but I landed blows on their faces. They pulled the trigger but Mr whatever signalled them to hold on

"So you're Jerome right? The guy that's working side by side with Forte right?... I see you've regained your memory that's why you're trying to protect your cousin" Mr Hion said and i clinch my fist trying to cool myself down. But come to think of it, what's he talking about? How does he know about my memory loss? Who is he referring to as my cousin?

"What the hell is he talking about?" I asked and Mr Hion laughed as he stood up from his seat

"Now let's talk business... Green hand over your company and I'll release your daughter to you and don't think of involving the police cause I, myself, I'm the police force" He said and mim fell to the sofa staring at Mr Hion

"And what if I refuse to hand over the company" Dad asked boldly as Mr Hion walked to the door with his two men behind him

"No problem, I won't do anything to her but if your son's friend refuses to hand over your niece to me, then I'll have to kill Goldie. Let's see who you love most, your brother's daughter or your biological daughter. The choice is yours Green" he finally said before walking out of the house and I clinch my fist tightly trying to calm myself down


I got to SamJohn Hotel, Elsa's room and I met Rica, Berry and one other girl which I guess is Sam. They were busy laughing and gisting that they didn't notice when I walked in

"Hello everyone... Hope I'm not interrupting your discussion?" I said and they all smiled as they created a space for me to seat and I did

"Sorry I brought the good for Elsa, I never knew you guys will still be here" I added and Rica frowned at me while I laughed

"Thanks alot Forte" Elsa finally said and i nodded. I stood up to leave since they were already having fun, I don't want to be a hindrance to their fun time

"Elsa... That Reminds me, there's huge problem" Sam suddenly said and i paused and look back to hear what it was

"What's that?" Rica asked while Elsa was becoming curious

"I heard mom and dad discussing with Lukas. They said if they don't find you on time they'll loose the company and I also heard that Mr Waylon assigned Thonia to find you and I have an indifferent feelings towards that Thonia girl... I feel it's your school friend" Sam suddenly said and I have her a confused look. "Mr Waylon?... So there's a connection between Elsa adopted father, Mr Waylon the school President and Thonia? Wait I feel I can arrange this puzzle" I muttered as I brought out my phone

"I don't think it's my Thonia they are referring to... Maybe it's another Thonia" Elsa said with confidence and I chuckled at her ignorance

"Hey! If that Thonia is the only Thonia you know then it means she's the ine because I heard Lukas saying that Thonia and Elsa are friends in school. And with the way he said it, it means you two are close friends in school" Sam said and I smiled

"I knew there was something fishy going on. All I just have to do is to link those three to Jerome's family. Wait... Jerome said the company belongs to Elsa's adopted father and at first it was his uncle's own. Does it mean?..