
My Re:Demption In Another World

Nagisa, a guy who has been traumatized his entire life by school bullies decides once and for all to enact his revenge with a masterful plan. However his plan proved futile as a new adventure would take place, trapping him in alternative world (Isekai) with his classmates, crush and bullies. What adventures or misfortunes awaits Nagisa? Only time will tell. About me as an author: I am just a guy from Sweden, the kind of guy who has watched probably like 1,500+ anime + read manga and likes to watch multiple TV-series on repeat and movies etc. For the longest time since a young age, I have always been aspired of becoming an author. I have multiple ideas, but my favorites always combine, romance, fantasy, isekai, magic with a lead that progressively gets stronger. My writing skills always tend to improve the more I write, and I have written things for years without publishing them! Hopefully you can both endure and enjoy my work as this light novel particurarily has been an expanded idea ranging from 5 whole years back. Will attempt daily, however if I do not release one, it means I was feeling under the weather or having a hard time during the day to find time to write. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy! Contact information: Nagisa#4965 (Discord) Re:Demption Discord: https://discord.gg/DRVdEPG4Jj I am always looking for mind-liked people to talk to, and would appreciate any help/criticism! Early/bonus access chapters might be a futuristic thing, but if some people help me write and advance, the access will be shared amongst them and I, then others. The book cover does not belong to me: Credits to the rightful owner.

NagisaFate · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Nagisa shook the entire way to the assumed bedroom thinking, "This cannot be happening... this cannot be happening," repeating his thoughts quietly.

Risa changed into her night garments with Nagisa's eyes closed the entire way, just the sound of her changing and her scent was too overwhelming for him.

"Wow, you are a real gentleman," Risa laughed and teased Nagisa while finishing up and got into bed, "Why don't you join me?" She continued her charade.

"I sleep on the left side, but my right side is open," Risa kept at it.

The teasing was kept on going and she gestured with her hand playfully by tapping the bed.

Nagisa gulped, "Is this really a good idea?" A shook Nagisa posed the question with his voice trembling and opened his eyes.

"It is alright, I trust you not to do anything, unless you cannot resist your urges," Risa winked and turned around.

"Don't think you are the assertive type, and you are a bit too young for this sort of thing, don't you think?" Risa stated bluntly.

"Besides, who knows, the age gap is not really that big between us, after all, I am only two years older than you. Maybe one day you might man up or charm me," Risa playfully concluded with a tiny bit of laughter.

Nagisa stepped in the bed and turned around, so their backs were facing each other.

"Good night,"

"Good night," they said to each other with Risa going first.

Nagisa kept trembling, and thought to himself "I am not sleeping tonight by any means…"

With his eyes open, staring out the window, this made it possibly the first time he would have prayed internally for the morning to come early, and then for the sun to arise and blind him through the slim gap between the two curtains.

The night grew long and Nagisa was still not able to catch any wink of sleep. Suddenly a pressing, soft thing pressed around his back.

"Ha… ha… it cannot be… ?" Nagisa cracked a laugh and turned around.

Risa was moving in her sleep and had invaded his side of the bed. And now what he feared had pressed against his back, was pressing against his front. A frail-looking girl with beautiful silky and smooth looking hair, rosary lips glistening in the moonlight and just the right size of slightly over a handful size of a bosom pressed against Nagisa's chest. It had begun to overwhelm Nagisa once more. She was so defenseless and the temptation at hand was not in favor of him.

"I need to turn around…" Nagisa whispered to himself quietly and tried to turn back around.

Nagisa barely managed to turn around halfway through, when two arms rapidly grabbed his head and plummeted it against her chest. Nagisa tried to fight against it, but the softness of her breasts through her silk-based smooth garments almost felt like touching a girl's skin itself by how soft and thin threaded it was.

Slowly suffocating into euphoria, not only by means of oxygen, but also by the other kind, Nagisa's consciousness began to fade exponentially, bit by bit. The long-awaited sleep came to play in the event of him being a victim to what his classmates would surely kill him for, had they known the details of the event of how he was put to sleep during his first night at the new home.

* * *

"Rise and shine!" Risa announced and pulled the curtains for the sun to fully blind the sleeping Nagisa.

"Huaaaaaa---" Nagisa panically awoke, propelling into an upright position.

Nagisa came gasping for air as he awoke by the blinding light and put his hand up in order to shade the incoming sunlight. However through the gap of his fingers, there they were, the pair at hand, right in front of him, the very one that had put him to sleep last night.

His nose began to slightly bleed from the left. Risa immediately noticed and looked down to see where his attention was gazed then put on the same smile, but a different aura to it.

"Ah… I see… in your world, it is custom instead of saying 'Good Morning' to pervertedly stare at a girl first thing come morning," Risa rolled and cracked her knuckles.

"Erm… no… I did n… I mean… it was an… acci---" Nagisa tried to explain as Risa came approaching and slapped his left cheek leaving a nice red mark first thing in the morning.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Risa stared at Nagisa.

He thought for a second to try and explain that it was a chain reaction based on the chain events that happened last night, but thought to himself, if she was upset now, what would she do if she found out as to why and what transpired when she was asleep. The very thought shook Nagisa to his core.

"I am sorry," Nagisa lowered his head and spoke apologetically.

"And?" Risa asked.

"And… good morning, Risa!" Nagisa smiled and looked up.

"Good! Now let's have breakfast! I made rice porridge," Risa smiled back at Nagisa.

They both headed to the kitchen right after Nagisa had changed his clothing while Risa looked out the window. The two of them sat down and Risa poured both two plates of rice porridge.

"Eat up! There is plenty more to go around!" She cheered with her hands.

Nagisa took a spoon and then a bite of the rice porridge, then a look at Risa who was eating it normally herself. She gazed for a reaction. However Nagisa was thinking carefully if it was a test or not, the porridge was definitely not the rice porridge he remembered making, it was a blend of ingredients!

"Risa?" Nagisa carefully tried to strike open a conversation.

"Yes?" she responded.

"Do you like your own rice porridge?" he dared to ask.

"Well… it has gotten better over time, but it is not really that bad is it?" Risa replied and Nagisa sighed as a response.

"Considering your personality, I thought you would stare me down for a positive response, instead you willingly sit here quietly accepting some half-arsed porridge!" Nagisa sighed with complaint.

"Half-arsed?!" Risa raised her voice.

"Yes… as an apology, how about I make you actual rice porridge, and I will not take no for an answer," Nagisa stood up.

"But… this is still edible! It would be a waste not to finish it!" She childlessly took a full spoon of rice porridge and wanted to take another bite.

Nagisa swiftly grabbed it, "No more of your rice porridge!" An assertive Nagisa laid down his ground.

"Okay…" Risa pouted and inflated her right cheek much like a child and had her arms crossed.

Nagisa laughed, "I guess you can be adorable as well, at times?" Nagisa carelessly spoke out.

Risa immediately turned to him and stared. He gulped, thinking he overstepped with his careless remark.

"So you do have a manlier side of you! I like this version a lot more!" Risa broke out into a laughter letting her more serious side down.

She just sat quietly for a while and watched Nagisa in the kitchen.

"Why are you not always like this instead?" Risa asked.

Nagisa's face changed and Risa felt that it was a hard question for him.

"Things happened… but that is all in the past… do not worry about it," Nagisa forced a short smile and resumed cooking in silence.

Both of them were quiet since the mood was struck, only until the rice porridge was finished, did Nagisa break the silence.

"Aight, breakfast is now ready!" Nagisa announced.

Risa's eyes beamed, the aroma was already so different, that she began to almost drool a bit like a child. Nagisa laughed quietly and served exactly two full plates, as the ingredients were insufficient for more. Risa immediately dug right in, and then took a breath gasping for air.

"H-h...ooo—t-t-tt! But it is so good that I cannot stop eating!" Risa ate like an overly excited child.

And then she repeated the same action for the remainder of breakfast.

"Glad you liked it," Nagisa smiled.

"However, I do wonder, if your reaction for rice porridge is like this, wonder what it will be like if I cooked a real dinner for you?" Nagisa pondered on purpose out loud and caught Risa's immediate attention.

"Wait… are you actually really good at cooking?" Risa was delightfully flabbergasted.

"Yeah, I told you yesterday, self-taught, remember?" He replied and Risa stared intently with a mixed look.

"Do not give me that look! It is so obvious you doubt how a young boy can cook so well, yet you are beyond curious to try and dine if I did cook for you?" A deep sigh came from Nagisa, he had fully read her.

"H-how…" Risa was amazed and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Careful love, you might fall for me after all," Nagisa winked.

This made Risa put on the smile from earlier morning while rolling her knuckles, signaling "come again?".

"Ahh… ahh… I am just teasing!" Nagisa panicked.

And then Risa immediately broke out into an uncontrollable laughter. After she had settled down, she wiped her tears with her index finger.

"You are easy to read as well," Risa teased right back and stuck out her tongue childfully and jested.

"You… I wanted some revenge, but you reversed and tossed it right away back at me, didn't you?" Nagisa's realization came a tad late.

"So you can lighten up if you want to," Risa added.

"As can you," Nagisa reversed it.

"Maybe I might fall for you after all?" Risa spoke calmly and kept her smile while putting her hand on her right cheek over the table leaning.

"Nah, not falling for that again!" Nagisa immediately replied and Risa just quietly smiled.

"May I take you up on your offer to try your dinner this evening?" Risa asked.

"How about this, you teach me magic, and I will cook for you? After all your rice porridge was horrible!" He suggested and made a playful remark.

"It was not that horrible!" She reacted instantly.

"Okay maybe just a bit bad then," he surrendered and both laughed and then looked at Risa.

"So we have a deal then?" Nagisa confirmed.

"I guess we do," Risa smiled, "Now time to practice some magic!" she said excitingly.

"Hope the practice is not nearly as bad as your cooking!" Nagisa carelessly laughed, and Risa immediately hand-chopped his head.

"Ouch…" Nagisa regretted joking around.

"Shall we?" Risa smiled back at the slightly injured Nagisa by the doorstep and then both of them headed outside.

* * *

They headed towards the woods that followed soon after they had gone down the small hill. It lied past the farms, on the outskirts of the small village, much like Risa's home, secluded, almost clearly cut-off.

The venture in the woods took roughly half an hour by foot before they had reached an open area with a large meadow surrounding a giant white oak tree. Risa stopped hastily, and picked up two wooden swords which rested on the oak tree's front.

"Catch!" She yelled and tossed one of the wooden swords in the air.

Nagisa caught it and immediately found his world turned upside down and was staring into the clear blue sky.

"Huh?" he reacted.

"And you are dead…" Risa laughed while pointing her wooden sword against Nagisa's throat.

"What was all that? I could not even react…" Nagisa asked, brimming with excitement.

"You shall learn in due time," Risa replied and then they began with the basics of sparring.

The sparring session took a few hours, yet Nagisa did not feel fatigued at all.

"Risa, don't you think it is time for a break?" Nagisa was breaking out in a sweat despite not feeling his energy levels dropping any time soon.

"Yeah, it is about time," she nodded without a single drop of sweat.

"You have yet to hit me before dusk-like you claimed thirty minutes into our practice?" Risa laughed at a remark Nagisa had made mid-practice.

"No point, only a fool would be optimistic enough to think he could hit you by the end of the day at this rate," Nagisa pouted and laid himself on his back on the grass.

But Risa did not laugh for once.

"Do you know why you are unable to hit me?" she asked.

"Because I suck? Because I am weaker than you?" Nagisa jumped back up.

"Or maybe, it is, because you are using magic and I am not?" He gave it another shot.

Risa still did not laugh.

"Do you know why you do not feel fatigue? The tree behind you rejuvenates magic, and only those who can wield these wooden swords that were carved from this tree can withdraw and benefit from its magic. It means you have a strong aptitude for magic, Nagisa," Risa dodged the question and explained something else.

Nagisa shook his head, "No, the bishop and the ancestral orb clearly said my aptitude was low," he corrected her.

And this was when Risa smiled after his reply.

"No, I picked you Nagisa, since you have two types of magic, you just do not yet know which one it is besides Wind," Risa gently smiled.

"Remember when you closed your eyes, what color did you see, what did you feel, manifest your power through that earlier image," she continued.

Nagisa closed his eyes and focused, the image streamed back into his mind. First, it was very cloudy, but slowly did it clear, and once the fog had all dispersed, there was a pink, almost electric thing intertwined onto a single white clear fog which had manifested in a physical form.

While Nagisa was concentrating, his wooden sword began to increase its glow.

"Open your eyes Nagisa," Risa instructed and Nagisa opened them.

For the first time, he could see the white glow of the wooden sword, the same magic that he now felt was coming from the white oak tree.

"Wow…" Nagisa was in complete awe, mesmerized by its color.

"Indeed wow! I cannot believe you have awoken such a rarity!" Risa was completely blown away.

"What? All I am able to do now is see the magic it draws from the tree that surrounds the sword," A clueless Nagisa replied back to her.

"No… compare our two swords…" Risa put her sword next to Nagisa, and they saw an increased glow in the one Nagisa was using.

"You have awoken the mythical magic type, Arcane!" Risa concluded excitingly.