
My randomic road to power

An 18 years old dude with ADHD gets transmigrated in Deku's body with a random system, literally, how will he survive in a world where 80% of people have powers, and he is part of the rest? book image, and plot, aren't mine

DaoistKQnDFL · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

chapter 62

( I forgot to mention that Izuku gained 5 levels in the Engenieer class)

" So let me get this straight, You created a lightsaber?"

" Something like that, more like a flame sabre, I can't bend light, for now."

" For now? I swear to god kid, if you try to do something that stupid I will kick your ass." Power Loader says while massaging his forehead.

" I already had Mei, but now you too? Kid, you were already a problem because of the times you destroyed your suit, but now you want to destroy the whole support department with your crazy experiments."

" Everything was under control the whole time," I said while acting my way out of this.

" Yeah sure, and Mei won't make anything explode today."

The world must hate him, because as soon as he said those words an explosion happened in a room near the one where we are.

" Why can't I just shut up?" He said while nearly crying.

" You, stay there and don't do anything stupid." He said while going out of the room to assure everyone was still alive.

After he went out of the room I pondered his words, he was right, my suit couldn't withstand the type of fights I go through, mostly because I take hits and don't evade them.

' I think my next best step would be to create an armour that I can use until I find something better, or should I wait until I have good enough materials, my body can already be considered armour after all.'

I checked the Engeneeir tree to find a possible solution for this problem and I found this skill, that I could buy but would deal a huge blow to my tree points reserves.

'Ah fuck it.'


You have bought Assimilation Lv. Max (500)

Assimilation Lv. Max

Your creations are a part of you and will forever be When creation has a direct impact on the user body ( dermal protection, neural link, mantis blades) the parts will fuse completely with the host body, they won't impact the host body image and and will grow stronger with the stats related to them.


Happy that I have removed a major problem in my future chromed life, I finally started studying the Ripper doc chair Lasers to be able to open my skin and apport modifications to it.

While I continued my studying I was so focused that I didn't notice someone sneaking in.

" Where is your baby?"

I turned towards Mei, who was covered in ashes and had the lower half of her top burnt and her usual pants.

' Meh, if it's fine for her.'

" How did you escape Power Loader?"

" That's not important now, where is it?" She asked with a kind of lust in her voice.

I take it out. ( Not that you dirty-minded fuckers)

When she sees the sword( I am judging myself now) her smile widens and tries to snap it away from my hand.

Before she could I moved away and karate-chopped her forehead.

" What do you think you are doing with another creation, at least ask."

" You are right, can I see it, please?" She said, make a sad dog face with a trembling lip.

" Here, don't turn it on for too long though, it might make the fire alarms go off."

She started examining it, checking the blade, the resistance of the materials, and lastly the battery I had created.

" You made a battery?"

" None of the ones here would be able to sustain the consumption of this beast if I didn't"

" Yeah okay, but how, we don't have the materials required... IS THAT AN INFUSER?" She says while dashing towards the machine to examine it.

" Oh my god I have asking Power Loader from the moment I have been here, can I use, can I use it, can I use it."

She began repeating the same question while moving towards me, before I could even answer she had already placed her forehead against mine, being too near for my comfort I shut her mouth with my hand.

" Fine, but only when I am here, the last thing I want is for you to burn all my projects, got it?" I ask her.

She starts nodding faster than any human should be able to, and as I was about to remove the hand, someone got inside.

' I think this Anime world logic is starting to annoy me.' I thought while using every fibre in my body as fast as possible, while not hurting anyone, to move away from Mei and not create a strange situation.

Aizawa came inside the room and looked around for a second and when he spotted me he looked at my attire for a second, sighed, and then told me to come with him.

" Mei, as you heard, you have to leave, Whenever I am here I will try to tell OK?"

She nods and skips out of the room, not caring about the blood some of the kids will lose from their noses because of her.

I followed Aizawa after wearing my reserve UA gym clothes and he led me to Nezu's Office.

Inside were Rumi, Yagi, Nezu, and who I recognized as Gran Torino.

They were arguing against each other while Nezu simply smiled and drank his tea.

When I arrived they looked towards me in unison and were about to start talking, but Nezu had already started.

" Ah Midoriya, you arrived just in time, the discussion was about to become too heated for my comfort."

I approached the trio and looked at Nezu.

" What seems to be the problem?"

" Mirko here wants you as her partner during your hero internship but All Mights thinks you should go with Gran Torino to train your control over One For All."

I looked at Rumi.

" They already explained everything, You were already strong and growing after everyone else, but now you even have something like that? Lucky Bastard." She says walking to me and ruffling my hair.

I smile at her, after all this time I still see her as my older sister and it makes me happy to see her.

" Yeah yeah, fuck off, you know how hard I had to train to reach that point."

She scoffs and remains silent.

" Young Midoriya, what do you think?" Yagi asked.

" I don't think I need any type of training over One For All, I already have quite a good control over it, my body just has to get used to it, currently I can use 50% and three of the quirks." ( x5 boosted stats, because his stats went higher)

" WHAT?" Gran Torino shouted when he heard what I said.

He most likely doesn't believe me, after we are talking about a power that could level whole cities, and I got used to it in two days?

" Prove it, kid." He said while activating his quirk and teleporting in front of me to punch me. ( he didn't really teleport, it's how he saw it)

I activated One For All in a blink and used Blackwhip to catch Gran Torino before he could actually hit me.

Seeing the incoming danger he uses his quirk once again to evade them and move away and fly away in the enormous room.

I activated Float and using the air pressure created from every movement I made I was able to fly towards him while adjusting my direction with Blackwhip.

He continued escaping while I got used to flying like this, It was hard, but I just needed to get used to it and it would be much easier.

I was about to finally catch him when I heard Nezu's voice.

" I think that would be enough Midoriya."

I smiled and deactivated everything while going down.

Torino was heavily breathing, he hadn't needed to use this quirk as much for a long time.

" That... Fine, you can choose whoever you want." He said, finally giving up.

" Actually I would prefer going with both of you."

" What?" They said at the same time.

" While Mirko can help me train and fight villains, you can help me get used to using Float and One For All."

" How would that work?" Rumi asked.

" I go with you on odd days, I go with him on even days."

" I approve it," Nezu said with a smile.

" Same here I guess," Rumi said while smiling.

"... I guess I have no choice then." Torino was the last one to accept it.

I guess I will be quite full the incoming days.