
My Quiet Life With My Coworker

Kenta is a 22 year old convenience store worker with no ambition and even less direction. That all changes when he meets his new coworker, Millicent, who soon after, moves in with him! They'll have to learn to live together and work together. Family troubles are just the start as their two very separate lives collide in this cute romantic dramedy!

Rooker_Alistae · Teen
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6 Chs

Fashion Crisis and the Farmers' Market

It felt like it took forever but a day where Mil and I were both off finally came. The first snow of the year left Avon Peaks blanketed with powder.

Here I was fixated on the mirror, matting down a cowlick that decided to appear.

"Come on you!" My battle with this stubborn tuft of hair pressed on. Gel, mousse, spray, I must have rewashed my hair a dozen times for nothing.

"You win today… Maybe I'll wear a hat."

Resigned to my fate, it didn't take long before I found myself back in the mirror's clutches.

"Do I wear a button up? Or a t-shirt?" I ran back to my closet and grabbed a few more options. "Would a hoodie be too informal…? Wait… Do I need to be formal?"

I grabbed my phone and feverishly dialed the only one who I knew could help.

With each ring of the dial tone my anxiety grew. Finally, the click of my call being picked up sent a rush of relief through me.

"Sis! I need help."

Twenty minutes passed.

My front door unlocked and in walked Reiko Murphy, my sister.

"Okay, what's the crisis I had to leave the office in such a rush for?" Reiko dropped her pumps by the front door and made her way to my bedroom. As she passed, I noticed her honey brown hair was short, just about chin length.

"Did you get a haircut?" I asked.

"Yes, I did," she said with a sigh. "Two months ago. And you clearly need one. What's with the cowlick?"

"It won't cooperate."

"Hat day?"

"Hat day."

"Well that can't be why you summoned me… Wait…" She looked at all my clothes strewn about then back at me. "Do you have a date?"

I rushed over and covered her mouth with my hand.

"It is not a date… I think it's not a date. Is it a date? She wants me to help her buy a coffee maker."

"Can't she just look up reviews online?"

"She wanted my expert opinion."

"It's a date," Reiko said matter of factly.

"It is!?" I jumped back.

"As of this moment, we are going to operate as if it were. She clearly wants alone time with you for whatever reason. So it's fine as long as you don't look sloppy."

I sat down as Reiko rummaged through my closet.

"Hmm… Okay, god this is a disaster. But I think I have a few things I could work with," said Reiko.

"Will I survive, doctor?" I asked.

"You're in rough shape, but I think we'll pull through." She gave me a thumbs up with a cocky smile.

Button up shirt, cardigan, cross body bag, a pair of slacks and a pair of loafers later, I was transformed.

"I really am a master at my craft," Reiko praised herself.

"Thanks, sis."

"Don't mention it. Always happy to leave my office for a while to play dress up." She looked around my apartment.

"What's up?" I asked, feeling like I should ask if she had a warrant.

"You aren't planning on bringing her back here are you? The place is kind of a mess."

My apartment wasn't anything exciting, honestly I could barely pay the rent, but I liked having my own space. One bedroom, one bathroom, a balcony that faced the parking lot. Nosey neighbors and a surprisingly understanding landlord, the last part being my saving grace. Last night's dinner plate was still on the coffee table, and laundry was littered all over the already small living room.

"Is– is that an open milk carton on your counter!?"

"It would appear so…"

"How long?"


"Gross." Reiko grabbed it and dropped it in the trash bag. "Alright nerd." She clapped her hands together for a job well done. "I'm not gonna fix your life. That's something only you can do. But I think today's a step in the right direction."

She walked over to me, straightened me up then looked at me. No escape.

"I'm happy you called. I was worried. Especially since we didn't see you for Thanksgiving." She gave me a big hug, then headed for the door.

"Listen, come by and see your nephew sometime? He misses you. Not to mention I could use a babysitter one of these nights," said Reiko as she put back on her shoes.

"Sure thing, give me some dates and I'll see what I can do."

She opened the door and paused. Then turned back to face me.

"Ken. No one expects you to be okay overnight. But keep letting yourself be open to stuff like; helping this girl buy a coffee maker, or whatever. I think it's good for you. I'd say call mom, but I know better than to waste the energy."

"Thanks, Reiko." I waved, a sentimental smile crossed my lips.

"Bye loser. Forget the babysitting, just come over for dinner some night this week, okay?" She walked out the door.

Looking at the clock, it was about time I should get going. I slapped my cheeks to get my blood pumping, grabbed my wallet and phone and ran out the door.

The beautiful thing about Avon Peaks is that it's a pedestrian friendly city. Public transit is a major plus for living there.

I hopped on the nearest trolly and rode it straight into the center of town. It was a Saturday, so there was a farmers market in addition to all the local shops.

As my trolly came to a stop, I could see that Mil was already waiting for me.

She had a huge sweater on, it went down to just above her knees. Her usually messy hair was under control courtesy of the beanie she was wearing.

I stepped off and waved to her.

"Ken!" Mil ran over to meet me. "You made it!" She beamed at me.

"Yeah, here I am… You, uh, look nice."

She tilted her head in confusion then smiled big.

"Oh! Thanks. Let's go!"

I followed behind her as we walked into the farmers market.

"Alright, all-knowing expert. Where should we start?"

I pondered for a moment.

"Well, what kind of space do you have to work with at home?"

"Hmmm… I have a kitchen. But truth be told, I will probably be making coffee in my room. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that should be fine. We'll just make sure that we don't go overboard… It may not sound exciting but I think instant coffee may be best for you."

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"Instant coffee is a fine powder made from coffee beans. It dissolves when you add hot water or milk to it. But it can be very good. There is a vendor that is usually here… Oh! I see him. He's got really good instant coffee. I highly recommend it."

"Oh, okay!"

I walked over to the booth.

"Hey man, how's it going?" I greeted.

"Ken! Hey bud. Scoping out for your supply huh? Let me know when you want to make a deal. I'd love to work with your cafe."

"Ahhh, thanks. It's kind of delayed for now. But I'll let you know."

"Sounds good. I'll let ya browse. Let me know if you need anything."

Mil leaned over.

"What's this about a cafe?" she asked.

"Oh, it's… I guess a dream of mine. Almost achieved it too. But something happened."

"Don't give up!"

"I'm sorry?"

"You absolutely, should never, ever give up on your dream!" Mil stared at me with fire in her eyes.

"Yeah, but—"

"No buts! Whatever happened is just a setback. Your coffee is really good, and you seem to really care about it. So don't give up!"

"Buddy, how could you say no to that face?" the vendor chimed in.

"Uh huh…" I looked back at Mil. "We'll see. Okay. I don't promise anything. But I'll keep it in mind, that good?"

She nodded.

"Okay, we're not here to fix my life. Let's get your coffee." I searched around the table and spotted a good mild blend, the one I usually buy. "Here."

I handed the bag to Mil.

"I think that's a good start." I smiled.

Mil turned to the vendor.

"How much is this?"

"Hmmm… Since you're trying to get this knucklehead back in the game. First bag's on me."

"Are you sure!?" she asked.

"Yeah, don't make me change my mind. Get out of here. And Ken, thanks for keeping me in mind."

"I really don't have a choice now." I laughed.

We waved goodbye and continued exploring.

Next was a small used bookstore. I went straight to perusing the hardback books that came in recently. A few original printings of some cheesy sci-fi books had been dropped off, so I quickly snatched them up.

My haul in hand I rejoined Mil who was squatting down looking at the notebooks.

"Ah, adding to the horde I see."

"Not today, just window shopping," she said, her eyes carefully scanning the options.

I left Mil and purchased my books. She joined me and we headed out.

As we exited, a bakery caught Mil's eye and she ran over.

"Oooh it smells so good!"

"Want to grab a bite to eat?" I asked.


Inside the bakery the shelves were filled with freshly baked breads, cakes, treats and more. We grabbed a few items and got in line.

"Hmm… I think I'm going to do the club sandwich." I turned to Mil. "Anything catch your eye?"

"It's pretty chilly. I think I'll get some soup."

"The tomato sounds really good," I said.

"You have good taste, Mr. Ken."

"I try."

We grabbed lunch together and just chatted about work. Then Mil's phone rang.

"Crap," she said.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Just a second…" She answered the phone. "Hi– Hello? Dad?"

I'm not sure what was said on the other end, but Mil's face went dark.

"Okay… Bye." She hung up the phone.

I just looked at her, and smiled an understanding smile.

"I think you can guess how that went." Mil scratched the table top while staring at her finger.

After a moment of tense silence, Mil stood up.

"Well, I have to get going…" She grabbed her things. "Thanks for today, Ken. I appreciate you taking the time."

"Sure thing."

"See you at work." She waved and left.

I sat there for a little while longer finishing my sandwich, the tense mood ruining my appetite. I couldn't help wondering about what lay ahead for Mil when she got home. I gathered my things and headed out.

Wow it has been a while! Life has been crazy but here we are. I am hoping to get back to writing regularly again. But either way, let's hope this is a step in the right direction!

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