
My Psychopathic Nature

Naoma_Sayoi · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Damn Nature!! (2)


Who's getting away, you may ask?

Ale and Ru, the men who North picked a fight with.


"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Ale yelled as he and his co-worker, Ruiz, ran down the sidewalk.


Ru has no idea why, but he didn't want to waste his breath on Alex for being a total disgrace and wasn't saving his breath for running.

A memory was scratching at the edge of his mind, but he took no effort to stop and try to grab it by remembering.

Then another memory came to his head, pushing the tiny, distant one from there.

He knew this street well. So he knew where a police station is.

Daring to talk, Ru gasped a few words, made sure Alex heard it, then started running with his body breaking down from exhaustion and his lungs screaming. He didn't want to faint there!


North was running behind the two men, panting, but his so-like- realistic voice of Psychopath screamed in his head, so he made no effort stopping.



North wanted to shut Psychopath up, but he can't.

+ A explanation- You see, when North was a small baby boy, he never heard Psychopath until he was 13. After that day that broke everything, two natures came to him. 1. Emotionless 2. Psychopath. Natures was what everyone gained. This world didn't have magic, but it did have Natures.

These 'Natures' wasn't like the fantasy magic and monsters. It was abilities. When you gain a Nature, your personality might be changed to the ones you've gotten, but sometimes it's rare to get 2-3 Natures altogether. It's something very similar to a new VR game. These 'Natures' might effect your strength, speed, talent, etc. Maybe even looks! It's something that happened about 8 years ago. Even if it did, why didn't North get it until 13? It was because he had to awaken it himself before it will move. Whenever North tries to shut Psychopath up, it makes his head hurt, like he was literally removing his own brain cells. So he never did that again. (And yes, my original idea was gonna be something like the game became reality and yada yada, but it didn't. I wanted my original idea of the world before North reincarnated. He was originally going to be a regresser! But yea, Natures came before the game could take people from the tutorial, and they have gotten used to it.) +

When he thought about shutting Psychopath up, it made him stumble a bit, as if thinking about it already made him do it.

North didn't know these streets very well, so when he heard the ginger head shout to the four-eye black hair about a police station, that made him more willing to catch these rats.

They took some turns and twists, but before long, North started to see a police station ahead.

It was starting to drizzle, but he didn't care. A Lightning bolt shot, and thunder rumbled into the distance. North could see the police station, but good job the builders, because it was on the other side of the road!

North thought he was lucky again, but something in his head told him he was wrong.

His brown hair got into his eyes, but his eyelashes were in the way. He took both of his hands and did a swift movement of taking it from his face.

While he did that, the two men were crossing the street. A car pasted by, and they had to back away quickly before it hit one of them. It started to honk as the car slid into the distance, uneven by the rain drops slick on the tires.

As North took the hair from his eyes, he saw the men crossing the road-

NO!!!! NO!!! NO!!!!!!! STOP, STOP, STOP!!!

Psychopath screamed and screamed. NORTH! NORTH!!! THEY ARE GOING TO REPORT YOU!! It warned.

"I KNOW!" North couldnt help but talk out loud, and ran a little faster. He panted and panted, the sweat no more then extra water added to rain drops.

North wasnt exactly the person you will call a 'Bad guy,' but it was the only point of view for him.

Others viewed him as a criminal, villain, and such other things. He never really wanted to be that to begin with, not only after he piped his own ex-best friend and the bestie still in coma, then yea, ofcourse he's villain!

North just wanted peace.







North wasn't paying attention to where he was going with his peaceful mind, but the next thing he knew, he was flying in the rainy, thunder storm air, rain drops flying across his face, his expression giving away to shock not even Emotionless can handle, and sheering hot fire pain in his side.



Ruiz and Alex would have thought as the insane brown hair dude a animal, but seeing him getting hit by a truck and his expression giving away to shock, Alex turned away.

Even with his cloudy glasses and hair in the way of his vision, Alex thought he could feel the pain that guy must have felt.

His clothes were wet and his glasses handle was slick and slippery, hair dripping with rain and hands on his knees from panting, Alex knew he had to get on the phone and call the ambulance no matter who the guy is.

Then he realized he didn't have his phone. He was sure he had it- Oh.

Looking behind the madman, Alex trailed his eyes under the stopped truck, his phone was glittering with rain, and was almost crushed.

He didn't care, he just had to call one ambulance.


Thunder rumbled and clambled. Lightning must had striked again.

Ruiz handed Alex the phone, and he dialed 9-1-1 quickly.


North was in pain, flashing white hot lights turning from stars to white Black holes as they changed shape from the pain.

He wanted to cry. Emotions wasn't in for him though. He knew what crying was, but since he never cried after his own Natures came to him, he almost forgotten what crying was.

Even if Emotionless didn't work well, crying wasn't something that will most likely glitch and happen.

But for the first time after that day, he cried.

Then he wanted to scream in pain. Instead, it came out as a laugh.

"HA- what?" North questioned himself as police poured from the station building, and some came to question the two men while they questioned the driver.


People started to gather as North opened his eyes again. A police officer was checking his pulse.


The police officer left him for a little to panickly talk to his fellow co-workers.


Finally getting the pain under control, North noticed his vision getting blurry. Looking at the two men he chased, he could still see their expressions. They were-

" STOP! STOP THAT THOUGHT RIGHT THERE!" North screamed. Some police officers flinched away, and the two men flinched too, fear befalling that disgusting expression before.

Looking to his left, lots of people were looking at him. Blood pushed itself from Norths mouth, then he hacked on some.

Their expressions were fear to-


Cough! Cough! Hack-

Choking on his own blood, North saw he has injuries everywhere. Some rushes from being flung, and blood pooling from them. North expect this, but not this bad-


He heard sirens. It was very faint, but it was coming closer. A police officer by he name Ray was looking after him, giving him things to keep him alive.

Yes, Yea! More, more, more!

North thought. The pain was a lot, but looking from side to side was worth it. Even though he didn't like that disgusting expression, it felt good.

The rain was a bother though. They haven't moved him from where he was at, because they needed to confirm that they can. One young boy, 5 by the looks of it, wasn't moved.

"Daddy, why is that man laying there? What is that chemical?" He asked curiosity, while his father was facing the other way, throwing up.

The boy clearly didn't understand what was happening, or how serious it was, because some people were crying, some were throwing up, and some where in shock by the sight.

North was thinking joyfully even with the pain until it increased drastically. Looking behind his head, police officer Ray was holding his fist up. He had a look on his face-




Ray laughed. "OH? BUT YOU NEVER STOPPED WHEN ZYA WAS PIPED?!" Rays voice was dripping with mockery and anger, making North get the slightest chills.

"STOP! HE WAS THE ONE WHO STARTED IT!!" North coughed up blood. Ray didn't listen, and only punched him harder.


North was now fainting from the pain, no, dying from the pain.

He now wished he never got so mad at Zya, his ex-best friend. If he didn't, his fate might had not gotten down this path.

Taking his last breaths, North now just noticed Psychopath quiet. Welp, it realized what it did. Wait, it's really PSYCHOPATHS fault!

North felt peace. Taking his last breaths, he thought of numerous things he did, and, his last, he heard a faint voice.

+' Well aren't you so lucky?? '+ Then it sang, the last thing North heard.

Longer chapter then expected

Naoma_Sayoicreators' thoughts