
My Psychopath System

A system that no one wants.... The Psychopath System.... In CPA-4, there’s a rapid rise of psychopaths. After WW3, they began appearing. Some of them possess enormous superhuman power. Jodan, A shut-in who spends his time only playing games. One day he picked a strange diary near a junkyard on his way to buy food supplies. However, things get twisted as he gained a power called the ‘Psychopath System’ by picking the diary. Each day one human has to be killed in order for him to survive. Would the weak-hearted Jodan cast his humanity for his existence? Disclaimer- The cover is not mine. If you are the owner of the image and want me to take it down, tell me in the review. Chapter release: 7 per week / 1 per day

Slave_of_Reality · Fantasy
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124 Chs


Right now, my object was to dump some grub in my stomach. The area seemed dead to me. The cafes were all closed for some unknown reasons. Did some monster on run? Or something?

*Oh! Annoying old far- man here to irritate you more than ever.*

"You were about to say old fart? Don't you?"

*A-ahem, Nope. Today I'm not in a happy mood. So, you should show some modesty. Anyway, why did you refuge the stay at that house? It was better for you rather than getting caught by the police.*

"You don't understand a bit. Why would I be caught in the first place? It's not like I did anything wrong. I'm the victim here. I was severely injured by that woman."

*That might be true but how would you prove your innocence to the police?*

"That's simple. I would do describe my condition to them and try to negotiate my way."

*fuuhaha! Haha! That's ridiculous, That's naïve of you. You think you're that good with talking?* That laugh made me infuriate. If only he came out of my brain, I would punch him on his face. *Until a while, you wouldn't even be able to make a conversation properly. That girl made you somewhat a man. You should appreciate that. However, don't get full of yourself. The law people aren't like a kid.*

"I-I know that. But they are humans. They would understand my situation more or less."

*You're stubborn, Jodan. I think you should trust that man and stay in his house for a while because you don't even have a home of your own. You can't go to your apartment. It should be crowded with police by now.*

"I WOULDN'T GO THERE!" I yelled loudly, But I was out of suspicion as there was no one around. " I don't trust them. They're the monsters. They kill people. Even if I spend much time with them that doesn't deny the fact that they are monsters in a human shell. I only show there's outer self, the inner self is still a mystery to me."


"Come one say! Why're you quiet now." Sh*t, I again lost my calm manner for that old fart.

As I was walking my way, I was a pair of police officers. They seemed to interact with each other. They might be scouting the area. I could see them coming close to me. They're getting closer and closer.

"Hey, Mr. Lukas is something else. He found out the murder area without any help."

"But It's bad that he was a minute late otherwise the murder wouldn't have occurred."

"hmm, too bad, I felt sorry for the girl."

"Don't make me remind that horrific sight."

"Oh, right,"

"Hey! Did you see that boy?"

"What boy?"

"The boy we just passed."

"Oh! The one with the t-shirt?"

"Hmm, that one. I think I have seen him somewhere?"

"Don't tell me, you saw him on TV? The youngster we are assigned to arrest?"

"Right, it was him!"

The police officers stopped and looked behind for confirmation.

"Let's move a little." They walked behind a bit for further confirmation.

"You're imagining, there's no one here."

"Right, My mistake."

"Come one, let's finish scouting this area."


*Huh? Why're you afraid? Didn't you tell me earlier that you are not fearful of them? Did the lion become a mouse? Hiding behind the alley is a losing move. *

He was right so I couldn't argue back. The moment I passed the officers, I hid between the alley. I was lucky that they didn't come to check the alley. If they did then I would be done for.

"Papa... Papa...." I thought I heard a sobbing noise from somewhere near me. It was as if a little boy was crying for his father. I averted my eyes to check around. What I found was rather surprising. A small boy sobbing significantly on the ground. He was cute with his bold haircut. The blue kindergarten dress made him look more charming than ever. I was pulled by him like a black hole. I didn't want to mumble more trouble. I'm already sunk in bad luck. Although I didn't want to pock my nose into other's matters, although I did it to a certain point.

"H-Hey, kiddo! What's wrong? Your father….Not here?"

*That's not how you should talk to a child. Be a little polite.*

"SHUT UP!" Shit, I spoke out loud! Hearing my shout the boy stopped crying and stared at me with his small fearful eyes.

"A-Ahh….I d-didn't mean to say that….geez, Whatever."

"Papa…. Papa….Died…."

"Huh? Your f-father is dead already? Oh, sorry I didn't mean that." I said that much, "That's why you shouldn't take children at old age."

*Jodan, you sometimes say harsh things. Don't be so rude with the kid."

"now. Who's saying that? The guy whose head is filled with nothing but killing?"

*But I don't like killing children. They're good for experimenting. I rather use them to test new formulas. More importantly, they're fu*King cute.*

"The police officer…. K-Killed papa." I was shunted to hear that. "Papa… Let them kill him... If only I was strong…. I could have-e saved him." At this small age, the boy had experienced such terrible things, Not only that he's also regretting over that.

"Y-You might be wrong. Why would the police kill him if he didn't do anything wrong?"

"You don't believe me??" The fire in that boy's eyes anguished me much. I could see the dark hell that was raging inside of him.

*Don't you know Jodan, Kids don't lie. They're pure as angels.*

His uniform was soaked with drainage water. The alley wasn't very clean.

He stood up from his seating posture and close the distance between us. In his cute face, there was a hidden fire that was lit recently. The fire of revenge.

"Here!" The small boy uplifted a paper using his both hands. As there lays a height difference between me and him, he had to lift his legs forty-five-degree. That way the paper could be in my range of sights. Seeing him pushing himself made me heartache and I took the paper from him.

The address written on the paper was an address I knew.