
My Prohibited Love

Just_Writing · Fantasy
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Chapter One

The day starts as usual. I get up and then that's all, I am right back into my slumber. Usually, about 25 minutes later my mother walks into the room and forcefully gets me out of bed. I am not a morning person at all, but it's the only time I get to talk to her since she's usually gone all day and mostly all night.

She, sometimes, comes home late but there are those times where she comes home early, however, falls asleep right on the couch. Of course, I take her to her room and put her in her bed so that the cycle could just repeat the next day. They say the mother is supposed to take care of her children but I'm taking care of my own mother.

It might seem weird but we make it work. I was happy with it until about six months ago when I started my first year of high school.

It should have been no big deal BUT everything went downhill slowly...


The feeling of the cold air hit me as my cover was forcefully pulled off me. I woke up to see my mother standing at the bottom of my bed

"...and good morning to you too"

As I realised that she wasn't in the mood to talk, I just smiled at her and started to get ready for my first day of the new school as we had moved. I liked my old school though, even if I had no friends.

It was fun as I knew everyone while no one wanted to get to know about me. But it worked well with me being a loner. So once I finished getting ready for school, I grabbed my backpack and my lunch off the table and walked to the car.

I have to wait in the car for about 10 minutes every morning for my mother to finally realize where all her stuff is. I get that she might seem like a mess, she might seem unfit but she tries her best and that's everything I care about. When we arrive at the school I hug her goodbye as I watch her drive away.

After I couldn't see her car anymore my smile slowly started to fade away as I turned around and walked to the school doors.

"This should be fun."

As I was waiting for the teachers to get done talking to a student so that they would show me around the school someone walked up to me and sat down directly next to me.

I shuffled over one seat feeling a tiny bit uncomfortable but at that moment the student that the teacher was talking to walk over to me

"Hello, I'm Areum. I'll be showing you around"

She said towards the guy with a mask sitting next to me.

"I'm sorry but I'm not new. I'm just coming back but she is. So, I think that's who you should be talking to"

He got up and walked away as if he owned the place but I ignored it as I saw that Areum was leaving and I had to follow her. Once she was done showing me around and to my class, I introduced myself in front of everyone and then took my seat at an empty desk. Not too long after the guy with the mask on walked in the class.

"Your late, Mr Yoon"

Mr Choi said as he pointed at my seat making me confused.

"You also have a new deskmate"

I kept quiet not saying anything as I felt like something was going on. But I didn't want to be in the middle of it. As he sat down he took off his mask. As soon as I saw his face, I realised he was really handsome. But I had to quit staring as he turned towards me.

Finally, it was time for a break. I was feeling like there was a big hole in my stomach begging to be filled with food.

I got out the lunch my mother usually packs me every morning. It wasn't much but I enjoyed what I could get.

As I opened it, I felt someone's gaze on me. When I turned around to have a look, it was the same mask-guy. He was looking at me again, or maybe I should say, my lunch

"Do you want some?"

I asked but he just turned his head and grunted. I just opened my lunchbox and started eating. Suddenly, our desk was surrounded by a group of girls who were carrying snacks that could feed the whole class.

"Hyungmin Oppa, I spent all night making this for you."

As I looked up, I could see that it was the same girl who showed me around. However, I couldn't remember her name, so I just shrugged off and continued eating. Unfortunately, my relaxed time didn't last for long. My chopsticks and the lunch box were taken from my hand and the said snacks were stuffed into my hands.

"Here. I'm on a diet, so you enjoy this."

He gestured to me to have the snacks that were given… stuffed into my hands. However, as I started to open the container, it was slammed shut and taken from my hands. The other girls, too, slowly cleared up the space and walked away to their seats. As I looked back at him, he was returning my stuff.

"Thanks, I don't want to eat anything she makes." He said putting his head down

"Why not?"

I asked seeing that she didn't seem that mean.

"Because none of it's edible."

he said with a laugh.

"Is she like your ex or something?"

I asked as he looked at me with a devilish look and I just turned as I could hear him sighting

"No, she's just one of my fans."

"Oh I guess you are well known around here then but if I was you I would at least accept a few other gifts"

He took the snacks that other girls had left him and opened them up in front of me.

"Here, happy?"

I looked back at those squealing groups of girls and pointed towards them.

"Was that so-"

I was cut off by a chip being shoved into my mouth. The rest of them were put back into my bag. Even though he seems cold and rude I think there's some niceness somewhere deep down inside. When school was over I packed all my things into my backpack and went to the bathroom. I got some dirty looks from some girls and others just whispered but ignored it.

Once I got back to the class I saw that girl from earlier talking to Hyungmin but he was obviously ignoring her. I walked into the classroom, grabbed my things but was stopped by someone pulling my backpack.

"What's your name?"

she asked, looking pissed.

"What's your name?"

I asked back casually. Wanting to know but she didn't take it that way and I could see as her face got even more pissed off.

I knew she was about to slap me so I ducked as fast as I could. Hearing a loud smacking noise, I slowly turned my head to see Hyungmin standing up with a very bright red cheek.

It seemed like the best time to run so I ran as fast as I could till I was at my bus stop that was two blocks away from the school.

I felt like I should have run more but my bus was already there so I got on. Once I was home I picked the mail up and walked into the house going through it. I see letters from my father to my mother.

I didn't open it but I could see that it was very obviously divorce papers but I just shuffled it in with everything else. I started doing my choice as I made sure the entire house was spotless shining like a diamond.

A few hours later I was sitting on my bed with a TV on thinking about what I should do. I didn't want to go back to school as it was very obvious that I did not like it.

I also didn't want to be alone all the time but I guess I just had to stick with it as I didn't want to put my mother in the trouble of having me to switch schools for the fifth time.

After what happened last time I don't think she would want to a movie ever again unless it's out of the country

"I'll be Okay."


I woke up Sunday morning to the smell of something on fire. I quickly got up and ran downstairs to the kitchen to see my mother sitting at the table half asleep and eggs on the stove burning.

I took the eggs off the stove and threw them away as I sat in front of her. She looked like she was crying all night and a half-empty bottle of wine next to her head tells me she was looking at the divorce papers.

"Mom...Mom wake up"

I shook her slightly as she wasn't waking up but I shook her again and she jumped up out of her seat running around talking about things she had to do. I called her right before she could walk out the door

"Mom today is the only day you have off for another two weeks so take a seat and I'll do the things you have to do today... okay"

I helped her to the couch onces she finally agreed and turned the TV on. I got dressed in a crop top and jeans as I could hear my mother laughing from downstairs and it made me smile. Once I was ready I got the list of things my mother need and grabbed her car keys

"Hey I may have a hangover but I'm not stupid to remember what I said"

I gave her my puppy eyes but she didn't let up

"No driving until I'm Seventeen I Know I Know but please mom"

I tried the eyes one more time but ended up putting them back on the counter and grabbed my bus pass. Once I made it to my bus I got on and there seemed to be no seats left until I saw one next to a tall looking guy with a mask on. I walked passed everyone and got to him

"May I sit next to you sir"

I asked as he just ignored me but moved his bag

"Thank you"

I said smiling as I sat down and got out the list my mother gave me

'pick up an important package, drop off the package at job, groceries, and make dinner'

I read in my head as I was surprised as my mother didn't usually make dinner at all. She would usually order out or I'd make it myself

"You know smiling at a useless piece of paper won't do you any good"

I looked around to see who said that then looked at the guy sitting next to me


I said as he slowly pulled down his mask


I was confused as a why he wouldn't have told me it was him but then I realized we didn't know each other that well

"What's so important about it"

He took it out of my hand reading it out loud as people started looking. I covered his mouth with his mask and took it from him, stopping the bus and getting off. I started towards the postal office as I could feel someone staring down my back. I turned as I was hit in the face by someone's chest. Looking up I was his face and backed up quickly


I said as I turned back around and continued walking. As I was halfway there I could still hear him behind me

"Are you following me"

I said as I continued walking but got no response from him

"Well if you are not going to talk then I wil-"

I was cut off by him again as he put an earphone in my ear

"We're going to the same place today so shut up and stop talking"

He said as I zip my lips and continue walking straight As I listened to the beautiful instrumentals that he was playing. Once I was at the postal office I waited for my turn in line so that I could get this mysterious package that my mother wants. Once I got it I waited outside the office for Hyungmin stupidly as when he came out started walking the wrong way

"Where are you going!"

I yelled as he ignored me and continue walking

"So rude"

I shook my head as I walked the other direction marking off the first things on the to-do list.


We got off and walked up to my home as he stopped before we even got to the front door

"Why did you stop"

I asked as I got my keys out

"Oh it's just your house is so big"

He looked as if he has never seen anything like it

"My parents are lawyers but my father just started running his own law firm"

I said as I opened the door inviting him in as he set the bags down in the kitchen. we started putting things up as I could hear my mother walking down the stairs

"Mom I'm home and I'm with a friend"

I said putting the milk in the refrigerators. Once she got downstairs she came into the kitchen as she saw him and was immediately shocked

"You didn't tell me you were bringing a boy home Hunny I would have cleaned the house first"

I was confused as to why she was acting so weird when I had already asked her if I could have a friend over

"Umm... I asked if I could have a friend over and you said yes and I also cleaned the house, yesterday mom"

She scooted over to me and she hit me in the back hard and it hurt. I looked at her confused at why I was being hit but she gave me a look in the eyes as if she was trying to tell me something but I still didn't know.

"Nevermind that how about you two go upstairs why I put this stuff away and make dinner"

She started pushing me out of the kitchen as Hyungmin followed behind me but I didn't want to leave her alone in the kitchen as I didn't want her to burn anything like last time

"But Mo-"

She cut me off before I could finish my sentence

"No buts have fun with your friend"

Before I knew it I was sitting on my bed with him sitting on the other side of the room and my bean bag. I was confused as to why she wanted me to come upstairs and not help her in the kitchen as it was her day off and I did it want her to be stressed out about anything

"You know she thinks we're dating right".

I turned to him and give him a disgusted look

"Eww gross just thinking about that makes me want to barf"

He got up and sat next to me and leaned in towards my face

"What are you doing?"

I said that I leaned back looking at him as he got closer and closer till my hands we're the only thing keeping us apart. I felt myself about the fall back after he caught me

"Well you haven't barfed yet"

He said in a deep husky voice that made a shiver go down my spine. Couldn't stop looking into his beautiful hazelnut eyes as the light from my lamp turned them a light shade of green. It made me feel like I was safe. We just sat there as the entire room was quiet. It felt like hours but was only a few seconds as my mother walked in making the both of us jump as I fell on the floor

"Oh I'm sorry"

She said as she closed the door fastly

"Wait, Mom-"

I facepalm and looking at him as we both started laughing. He helped me up after I got on my feet at that moment I smelled something burning and quickly ran downstairs as Hyungmin followed behind me. I entered the kitchen as I saw my mother trying hard to cook

"Mom are you okay in here"

I walked to her and looked at what she was cooking and couldn't quite tell what it was

"Yup I'm almost done with done actually"

I go some grapes out the fridge and sat down as Hyungmin did the same

"Oh so what did you cook"

I could see her starting to plate the food


I looked at Hyungmin me as he looked back at me putting a grape his my mouth

"Try it"

She said looking happy putting the plates in front of me and I pushed it to Hyungmin

"Guest should eat first"

Smiling at him as I sat back and mouth the words payback felt good

"There's is enough for all of us here"

I put a smile on looking at my mother


I could feel him looking at me as she pushed the plate in front of me. Once she sat down and made her plate I started to bring the food to my mouth. Looking over to my mother seeing her put the food in her mouth. I waited to see her reaction