
My Professor: I am his naughty slave

{Mature Content} "You look hot as always, sir." Yoo Na says flashing the other a sweet but teasing smile, she has been trying to gain his attention, all that was ever needed for her. Yoo Na, a sweet and lovely girl who went through bully and abuse ending up as a weak fragile girl, she has been trying to mend her broken and miserable life. She had lived her life twice before she ended up with suicide, she chooses to give up because she had no will to live. But that was not what was planned for her, she came back once, twice just to end up the same but now in her third chance, she is gifted with a huge surge of confidence and courage to win over her love and to become happy. "Just shut up!" Shin Jae whisper-yells being aware of the surrounding he was -in the school premises. Shin Jae was a guy who was about 6 years older than her and her professor. By nature, he had grown up being confined within with only his false demeanor erupting off. He was the teacher everyone feared, who would approach and piss off a cold rude person. "I will never!" Yoo Na says giggling to herself as she walks away to her class. Yoo Na was among the person to hate him for what he was on the surface but in her past two life, this very cold bastard she thought became her savior and her knight in white armor. And hence, he was her first love. He was her unrequited love, why? Because he had someone else in his broken heart which she was trying hard to win. "Remember who owns you." Shin Jae says through his muffled voice as he runs to her grabbing her arms and pulling her towards the corner which probably would get them into shadows, away from the sight of people. "You." She says happily but her smiles fade away when he says, "And put this in your mind, you are nothing but a slave to me." He walks away leaving that bitter smile on her face, she was used to hearing those words. "I know... but I am making you mine. My everything." Join me on the rollercoaster of these two characters who had been fighting with their life to go on, to be happy, to be loved. I promise fun and fun along the way but I need your help with that. Please read the story and be my companion through, I would love to hear from you all, and please do drop your views. If you want to talk to me then join me in discord, my account is Asin1961# Instagram: Author_asin13 I hope you would love to follow me for updates! The cover is from interest and I edited it with the help of my friends. Credits to the one who deserves. :) As this book is participating in WSA 2021, guys I would appreciate it if you all would support me, please!

Asin13 · Urban
Not enough ratings
329 Chs


"Brother..." Yoo Na pokes Jin's waist as he silently serves her breakfast, ever since their little fight last night, Jin had suddenly stopped talking to her and ignoring her. She felt bad for doing that but she didn't regret it.

" You will really not talk to me?" She questions when he distances himself and handing her a glass of juice without a glance and a word, she sighs feeling bad. She silently grabs her plate dragging it towards her and playing with the food.

"Eat it. " he mumbles walking back into the kitchen, she sighs looking at his back disappearing behind the door, "Is he really mad? Tch. " She says rolling her eyes but she chuckles remembering the night she enjoyed.

She couldn't help but chuckle, "How long will he continue?' She says smirking to herself as she digs into the plate.


"Yoo Na, morning!" Yoo Na smiles, "Morning, Bo Ra-ah!" She waves her hand watching her walking towards the car, she opens the door and walks in, "Morning uncle!" She greets the old man who smiles back nodding his head from the front.

"How was your day?" Bo Ra questions buckling herself and leaning against the seat comfortably, "It was good..." Yoo Na says forcing out a smile but the words Soo Min said suddenly comes across her mind making her sigh.

"Hey, I know it is hard but I would appreciate it if you would trust in me. " Bo Ra says softly patting Yoo Na against her back, Yoo Na chuckles. "How do you always know when you say such cheesy lines?" Bo Ra smirks with a proud smile on her lips.

"Who am I?" She questions wiggling her brows while Yoo Na shakes her head rolling her eyes, "of course, Hwang Bo Ra- the legendary idiot. " Yoo Na says just to receive a smack against her head. Bo Ra scoffs glaring at her, "I am not an idiot!"

Yoo Na laughs trying not to laugh at her cute face looking pissed off, "Okay. Then you are stupid. " Bo Ra yells huffing out a breath and looking away while Yoo Na burst out in laughter. The old man enjoys them bickering and shakes his head focusing on driving and the road ahead.

"Anyway, Did you complete the assignment?" Bo Ra questions with her brow raised, Yoo Na stops laughing and goes completely silent, she tilts her head with a frown, "We had one?"

Bo Ra slowly nods her head making Yoo Na gasp, "Oh shit!" Yoo Na yells with her eyes wide opened, "You didn't?" Bo Ra says with a worried look, "No! Give me yours, I will come it fast!" She says fidgeting with her bag and taking a note out.

"Who gave it anyway?" Yoo Na questions waiting for Bo Ra to give her the note, "Mr.Kim. "She replies back shortly while Yoo Na sighs tapping her feet against the floor, "Hurry up. " Yoo Na says looking at the watch.

"Chill, it's not that much. You will finish... if you don't get disturbed by anyone like always. " Bo Ra flashes an awkward smile, Yoo Na sighs ignoring Bo Ra and busies herself with copying the assignment, Bo Ra grabs her phone out and plucks the earphone in blasting the music as she looks out of the window.


"Shit, Bo Ra... I have still half of it to copy. " Yoo Na says grabbing both the notes in her hand, "If you go to the library they will find you and disturb you. " Bo Ra says patting her back, "Idea!" Yoo Na gasps with wide eyes when she thinks of something.

"What?" Bo Ra says as they both walk inside the gate.

"I am going to the nurse room and bunk the first period, I will copy it in there. " Yoo Na says eyeing Bo Ra with anticipating gaze, "Are you sure?" Bo Ra questions tilting her head and an uncertain look, "Would it be better to just bunk Mr. Kim's period?"

"Um... I need to submit it anyway so... I will just bunk now and complete it. " Yoo Na says forcing out a smile, [I can avoid him too!] She thinks to herself and smiles happily as she was in no mood to see him after everything going on.

"If that is what you want... I will inform the teacher. " Bo Ra says stopping on her step, "bye!" She greets waving her hand and parting her ways while Yoo Na sighs turning around and walking the other way heading towards the nursing room.

She knocks on the door taking in a deep breath, "Come in!"

Hearing her voice made her smile, she slowly opens the door and peeks her head in, "Oh, Yoo Na?" Miss. Lin stands up with a smile but she frowns at her sudden appearance. "Are you okay?" She questions walking towards Yoo Na as she walks in and closes the door behind her.

"Um, just a bit of headache, and I feel bad. " Yoo Na lies straight but the teacher believed in her since she has been going through problems, "Aw, poor you. " She says pulling Yoo Na along with her and having her sit on one of the bed.

"You shouldn't have come to school then. " Yoo Na blinks her eyes and smiles softly, " I think... I will be fine to join the next class. " She replies back trying not to get herself caught.

"Do you need medicine?" Miss. Lin questions caressing her head. "No, I will be fine after a rest. I don't want to disturb you but can you send my teacher a pass slip?" The teacher tilts her head and a slight nod.

"I will do it now since I also have a class about health. Can you stay here alone?" Yoo Na squeals internally thanking God for giving her such an idea and even with the coincidence, it was going great. "Of course! I can. " She says with a gloomy face even though her words were shrill.

"Okay, if anything happens I will put the medicine on the table, just take it. "Yoo Na nods her head flashing a sweet smile, "I will go when this period ends and continue the others. " Yoo Na says notifying the teacher.

"Okay... I will go and work until the bell rings then. "


The bell rings with the students running away into their respective classes, the hallway becomes silent with a void of the presence, Yoo Na was busy scribbling in her notes while Bo Ra was just waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Bo Ra looks around to see everyone glancing at her since she was all alone, she ignored them busying herself with the music, music is the perfect route to escape the world, and she was intending to do that.

After a few more minutes, Yeong Jae walks in looking all handsome with a tag- unapproachable, everyone stands up greeting him good morning, he nods his head as he places his things on the table.

He looks around, obviously, his eyes looking for Yoo Na the first thing but her absence had his frown, he tries not to seem interested so sudden but he was feeling itchy to know about details. He clears his throat and composes himself.

"Is anyone absent today?" He questions avoiding looking towards Yoo Na's seat.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone says in unison, "Sir, Yoo Na is in the nursing room and she will join the next period. " Bo Ra says raising her hands before anyone could mutter nonsense.

"Why?" He questions but curses when he had denied himself from getting interested.

'Uh... she is sick. " He frowns nodding his head trying not to think of her, he starts the class but his mind was constantly asking,

[Is she really okay?]

He shakes his head with another thought overpowering him,

[Why do you even care?!]

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