
My Professor: I am his naughty slave

{Mature Content} "You look hot as always, sir." Yoo Na says flashing the other a sweet but teasing smile, she has been trying to gain his attention, all that was ever needed for her. Yoo Na, a sweet and lovely girl who went through bully and abuse ending up as a weak fragile girl, she has been trying to mend her broken and miserable life. She had lived her life twice before she ended up with suicide, she chooses to give up because she had no will to live. But that was not what was planned for her, she came back once, twice just to end up the same but now in her third chance, she is gifted with a huge surge of confidence and courage to win over her love and to become happy. "Just shut up!" Shin Jae whisper-yells being aware of the surrounding he was -in the school premises. Shin Jae was a guy who was about 6 years older than her and her professor. By nature, he had grown up being confined within with only his false demeanor erupting off. He was the teacher everyone feared, who would approach and piss off a cold rude person. "I will never!" Yoo Na says giggling to herself as she walks away to her class. Yoo Na was among the person to hate him for what he was on the surface but in her past two life, this very cold bastard she thought became her savior and her knight in white armor. And hence, he was her first love. He was her unrequited love, why? Because he had someone else in his broken heart which she was trying hard to win. "Remember who owns you." Shin Jae says through his muffled voice as he runs to her grabbing her arms and pulling her towards the corner which probably would get them into shadows, away from the sight of people. "You." She says happily but her smiles fade away when he says, "And put this in your mind, you are nothing but a slave to me." He walks away leaving that bitter smile on her face, she was used to hearing those words. "I know... but I am making you mine. My everything." Join me on the rollercoaster of these two characters who had been fighting with their life to go on, to be happy, to be loved. I promise fun and fun along the way but I need your help with that. Please read the story and be my companion through, I would love to hear from you all, and please do drop your views. If you want to talk to me then join me in discord, my account is Asin1961# Instagram: Author_asin13 I hope you would love to follow me for updates! The cover is from interest and I edited it with the help of my friends. Credits to the one who deserves. :) As this book is participating in WSA 2021, guys I would appreciate it if you all would support me, please!

Asin13 · Urban
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329 Chs


"The day was insane!" Bo Ra says packing her bag while Yoo Na nods her head, with her elbows against the desk with her palms supporting her chin, she smiles at her friend without any words.

"It's bad to go home just alone. " Bo Ra pouts hoisting the bag across her back, "It's bad to be the only one all alone in the school getting tutored. " Yoo Na replies back heaving out a sigh while Bo Ra chuckles eyeing the other students slowly making their way out of the class happily.

"Who says you are alone?" Bo Ra leans forwards and whispers to Yoo Na, Yoo Na frowns and questions, "Who?" Bo Ra chuckles shaking her head in disbelief. "Seriously, what do you keep in your mind? You don't remember anything. "

Yoo Na scoffs at that accusation, "I do not. " She says huffing out her breath and looking away folding her hands across her chest and leaning back against her seat.

"You literally forgot my boys and even the fact that Ye Eun and Eun Jin are doing their detention. " Yoo Na makes an 'o' shaped as she suddenly remembers the incident but she frowns tilting her head, "You still did not tell me about the boys?"

Bo Ra laughs shaking her head, "You can never figure that out this way, idiot. " Yoo Na gasps getting offended with her calling her idiot, "Idiot, my ass!!" Yoo Na retorts back glaring at her, "I am going, bye!"

"Yah!" Yoo Na yells smacking her palm against the desk with a huff as she eyes Bo Ra walking towards the door with a mocking smile, she stops right at the door and says, "Make your man yours! Fighting!"

With that, Bo Ra runs out of the class leaving Yoo Na all alone in the class surprised, "What did she say?" Yoo Na questions herself flushing a bit while she sighs ignoring the thoughts and looking out of the window.

She waits for him to come and start the class but she just kept waiting with no one coming to teach her, she sighs feeling sad and her longing to see him remained just a wish. She frowns when she noticed half an hour had passed by already with no one coming to teach her.

She packs her bag and stands up with her heavy heart, she walks out of the class but her feet drags her towards the teacher's room instead of walking down the stairs. She takes in a deep breath looking around checking if she could find anyone but seeing the hallway empty, she just knocks on the door.

But no one responds, she then notices the lock by the door making her frown, she heard some footsteps walking towards her, widening her eyes and the thought of that person being him fastened up her heartbeat. She gulps composing herself as she turns around just to find a guard.

"What are you doing here? It is after school time. " The guard says breaking her hopes, she felt her heart pierce with some unknown feelings that she didn't want to decipher, "Uh... I had an extra class. " She says looking down on her feet as she grabs the straps of her bag.

"Oh, you are that girl?" The guard questions making her frown.

"That girl?" She questions back making him nod, "I was told to inform you that your class has been canceled and someone new will replace the previous teacher. " He says making her surprised, she blinks her eyes feeling everything so sudden and unusual.

She gulps nodding her head, "Why is my tutor being changed?" Yoo Na questions wanting to know the reason for this sudden decision, "I heard that he didn't want to teach you... maybe you are really bad at study. " The guard says chuckling at her with the mocking words.

Yoo Na looks away feeling embarrassed, "Why didn't you come before... I would have gone home. "She says trying to hide her teary eyes, "I have lots of work, and I forgot. It's not like this is that big of a deal... now go home. " He says being rude, Yoo Na just nods her head and walks away.

She looks back once to see the guard walking away, she turns around and walks down the stair. Her heart became a mess while her mind chaotic with all those thoughts invading her peaceful mind.

She takes in a deep breath fighting hard with her tears but the memory of him walking past her without any words flashed across her mind. And she couldn't control herself anymore, she felt her legs going numb and she just sits down on the stair leaning her head against the railing.

"It's okay..." She says to herself trying to comfort herself but it was getting harder for her.

She sniffs, "First love is never meant to be... it's okay..." She says clutching the edge of her skirt and clenches her palm into a fist crumbling the cloth inside her fist. She lets out a shaky breath trying hard not to burst out into tears with no end.

"He... w-will never see me. He made it clear. " She says chuckling to herself and biting her lips as she was fighting hard not to give in to that emotions and break down, she takes in a deep breath grabbing the railing and letting her skirt free.

She slowly pushes herself up and stands on her feet, she wipes her tears away as she slowly makes her way down getting the support she needed from that railing, she couldn't stop those tears from flowing out but she did swallow her sobs. Her silent cry and pain went by unheard and unseen in the silent premises.

As she makes her way towards the exit of the building she felt her being pushed, she groans falling straight on her face, she rubs her chin and nose feeling her nose throbbing in pain, with a painful groan and grunt Yoo Na sits on her butt and looks up to find the two devils standing in front of her.

"What do you both want?" Yoo Na says wiping her tears away, "Does it hurt already? We have lots we want to do... don't cry just yet. " Ye Eun says mocking her with a smirk while Eun Jin chuckles.

"Who will save you from us now?" Eun Jin says walking towards her while Yoo Na drags herself away, "I swear-ah!"

Yoo Na gets cut off with Eun Jin kicking her on her stomach, Ye Eun kneels down grabbing her by her hair and glaring right at her, Yoo Na felt too weak to fight them as she was not ready for this after having her heartbroken.

She had no will to stand up because the pain in her heart was more than she was getting physically, "Are you ready?" Ye Eun questions making her groan in pain squirming around trying to free herself.

She just stayed silent with no words coming out except noises of pain, Ye Eun stands up throwing her head down on the floor and smirking at her. Ye Eun and Eun Jin both share a glance and with a nod from each other, they start beating her.

|She just laid there taking in the punch and slaps from the two girls, with a few yelps and pain from her evolved but no protest, they were enjoying making her miserable. And really as they said no one was there to save her.

She felt like she was all alone... she felt her heart ache with tears coming out of her eyes.

[I am really not cared by anyone... I am such a failure.] With that she found herself drowning in darkness as her eyes close shut freeing her with all sorts of pain and aches.

Mini Drama

Ye Eun: Yah! Stop... oh god, run!

Ye Eun yells seeing Yoo Na motionless on the ground. Eun Jin stops hitting her and stands aside, she raise her leg and pushes Yoo Na's body away to find her unconscious.

Eun Jin: Shit! Run!!

And they both run away leaving her there full of bruises and bleeding cuts. Poor Yoo Na.

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