
My Prince Charming - Lovely Husband

Her niece married her fiancé and her family kicked her out without any hesitation. Three years later, Wu Jinyan witnessed a road accident. She never thought just a simple favour of donating her blood to the patient would bring her a free husband. Only after getting married, she came to know her husband was the walking load of gold, the city's top businessman, Ryan Gu aka Gu Zichen. -- "Holding hands, walking down the streets, had all the fun we made the best memories All those kisses, all that bliss I know, it was momentary Too good at predicting cause' I've seen too many movies there's no perfect love story What a shame, whom to blame we've got no love, no love no love in our story Darling, You don't have to be sorry You're now nothing for me to worry Why don't we end this just like we should? Why not just go on our separate ways? cause we've got no love, no love no love in our story" Mr. Gu gave a downcast look with a gloomy heart while listening to the latest song playing on the radio. He seemed to not understand the reason for his wife to run away from the country. Unknown to him, the person who sang the song was his wife. --- All the songs and scripts mentioned in the novel are original and written by the author. *The cover picture doesn't belong to me, all credits to the owner*

SG2905 · Urban
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59 Chs

I'll sue your wife

Gu Zichen entered his office and slouched down on his chair. He seemed to be lost in thoughts since the moment he left Wu Jinyan in Mu Feng's care last night. His face always had a frown and he was so distracted, he even failed to pay attention during all the meetings he attended on that morning. He was truly in a bad mood frightening his employees. Even Chen Fei was walking on thin ice with how weird his boss was acting. He was afraid his boss might erupt any second.

"President Gu, the representative from LX International Group has arrived" Chen Fei who followed Gu Zichen informed in a cautious tone, silently praying he shouldn't become target to his boss's wrath. He was much terrified of the present Gu Zichen who was dull and gloomy than his usual boss who's always cold, mad and terrifying.

Chen Fei's words pulled Gu Zichen back to reality. He should still work no matter how much he was worried about certain someone. He was still the same CEO of a huge business firm and his every decision shows major impact on thousands of employees. He couldn't make any mistake while holding such great responsibilities.

"The meeting starts in about twenty minutes" Chen Fei notified and he placed a file related to the meeting on the table.

"Okay, I'll be there soon" Gu Zichen said in a tired voice before he lazily waved his hand indicating Chen Fei to leave.

He opened the file placed on the table but instead of scanning it, he fell in a daze again with Wu Jinyan occupying all of his head.

He didn't know why he was feeling unsettled and disturbed everytime he thought about Wu Jinyan's distant attitude. It's not like he had some special feelings towards her for his heart to ache on seeing her aloofness towards him. He simply blamed it all on their bond as husband and wife. He thought he was affected by her only because he was responsible for her wellbeing as her husband. He didn't expect marriage would be this troublesome and disturbing.

He was happy to see her awake but her actions of not recognising him as her husband made him more restless and anxious than the intimacy she had with Mu Feng. 

From the start, he didn't care about the relationship Wu Jinyan and Mu Feng had as Wu Jinyan was now not the same woman from the past but Mrs.Gu. He knew Mu Feng could become a bad boy at times but not to the level of misbehaving with his aunt.

He wasn't sure if Wu Jinyan really lost her memory and forgot him or if she was just acting, but her every single action and expression influenced him greatly.

He looked at the mobile phone again that he had been staring at every now and then since morning but he didn't receive the call he was waiting for. He guessed he would get an update about Jinyan's condition first thing in the morning but this guy was testing his patience. Helpless, annoyed and worried, he took the iniative to call. He put the file in his hands aside and picked his mobile which was lying silently on his table.

The call soon connected and before he could speak anything, a pathetic voice from the other end came crashing towards his eardrum.

"I can't take care of your wife. She's gone crazy" 

Gu Zichen was perplexed hearing Mu Feng's voice that sounded agonized and hurt. 'Wasn't he previously fighting with me for her sake? Didn't he act like he would never let anyone hurt her? Then why was he suddenly reluctant to take care of her?'

After a few seconds, Gu Zichen sighed as if he realized his wife could be irresistibly adorable at one moment and become frightening the very next second, one would sure want to run far away from her.

"What happened?" Gu Zichen immediately asked. Without something serious happening, Mu Feng wouldn't cause a scene like a child.

On the other side, Mu Feng was brushing through his hair at the point where his scalp was stinging, still standing outside Wu Jinyan's apartment. He was staring at the door Wu Jinyan slammed on his face with resentment when he received a call. He held his mobile near his ear with one hand while his other hand clutched a tuft of hair tendrils tightly that just came apart from his scalp. With a simple touch, strand after strand of his hair came out just like how petals of plum blossoms fall from the tree and scatter on the ground, creating a scenic effect. 

Staring at the bunch of black strands that he effortlessly gathered simply by ruffling on his head, Mu Feng felt his heart throbbing as though someone stabbed it hard. Tears formed at the bottom of his eyes instantly.

He always refused to dye and style his hair with fear his hair would get damaged duetothose chemicals. He took care of his hair like it's some kind of valuable treasure. But now his precious hair was gone...all because of that damn woman.

"My hair" he mumbled in anguish. The more he looked at the thick lock of strands he was holding in his hand, the more his heart ached. Why was his life so hard?

"What happened?" Mu Feng tried his best not to cry but his uncle's question full of concern broke the dam he was struggling to hold.

"Wahhhh...my hair" he immediately let out a cry with tears trickling down his face. His tears kept flowing down continuously, no matter how much he wiped them. He wasn't ashamed of crying as a big man because he felt crying was the only thing he could do at the moment to flush out the pain he was suffering.

He knew he couldn't do anything to Wu Jinyan with Gu Zichen as her support and his helplessnes made him cry more than the pain of losing his hair. Gathering the last bit of courage in him, he let out those few words gritting his teeth "I'll sue your wife"

Mu Feng was so mad, he felt revulsion to mention her by her name and kept addressing as Gu Zichen's wife. In his eyes, his friend Jinyan aka charm was never this wild. He thought she became like that only after marrying Gu Zichen.

"Are you sure about what you are saying?" Gu Zichen smirked. In his opinion, Wu Jinyan could behave rash and reckless at times but would never commit a mistake that could cause the other party to sue her. 

Even if she did something wrong, he was confident that he could prove his wife innocent unless until she killed someone leaving behind evidences that he couldn't erase.

Moreover, everyone close to Mu Feng was aware about his fragile heart. Gu Zichen seriously thought that his childish nephew was someone who would really cry for something as simple as hair loss.

Hearing Gu Zichen's smug voice, Mu Feng lost his cool. "Your wife is already discharged from the hospital. She's now in her apartment. Take care of her by yourself. Hmph" He yelled and ended the call with a pout, unaware whatkind of storm he caused in the other party's heart. He simply stomped his feet in anger and walked away from the building.

Gu Zichen was elated hearing the news. If she was discharged, then she must be in good condition. He wanted to confirm about her condition in person but was also afraid that his appearance would trigger her emotions and make her unhappy.

Nevertheless, he felt he should visit her to make sure she was alright. He grabbed his coat from the hanger and his car keys and walked out of his office.

"Boss, the meeting" He got straight into his personal elevator unconcerned about his assistant who was calling and following him from behind. He closed the elevator door right on his assistant's face and got down to the lobby. "Cancel all the meetings"

His feet increased their pace and he almost ran towards the parking lot, making his every action prominent and noticeable to which his employees in the lobby were flabbergasted watching him rush like a madman for the first time.

He rode his car to her apartment. He unlocked the door to Wu Jinyan's apartment and walked inside when like a tornado, a slender figure came running upto him and hugged him tight, stunning him.

He looked down to his side to watch the woman who held him like she's about to become a part of his body and then he saw a gaudy woman who spoke looking at him "Hello, Uncle" 

I know how Mu Feng exactly feels...sigh

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