
Sweat, Harvest, Melody Begins!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Psychic Energy Water]

[External injury treatment (biological): Weak]

[Internal injury treatment (biological): Mild]

[First Special Ability: Long-term usage has a certain chance of stimulating changes in the organism's genetic chain.]

[Second Special Ability: The absorption of psychic energy has different effects on different creatures. Slightly increases the evolution speed of wasteland creatures.]

[Caution: Stimulating changes to the organism's genetic chain might not necessarily produce positive effects. Please employ a small-scale patch test on the organism's skin and increase the dosage only after confirming the effect. Do not be reckless or the consequences might be disastrous.]

[Comment: A mysterious 'Pandora's Box'. Continuous upgrades might attract the attention of certain existences.]