
My possesive idol boyfriend

Eun Ae is hardworking and talented makeup artist who is infatuated with Jae Hyuk, a popular singer and a member of Eternal wings idol group. He is tall, handsome with a drool worthy body which is packed with muscles. A dominant male like him can makes any women's legs feel soft with his aura and charisma. After getting the job of being his makeup artist, Eun Ae's world turns upside down, her infatuation reaches a new height and she becomes determined to make him fall in love with her. Unexpectedly, Min Jun who is Jae Hyuk's best friend and also a member of Eternal wings promises to give her a helping hand in her efforts. Eun Ae has silent and aloof nature due to the bullying and unfairness she has suffered since childhood hence the naive her didn't ever took a notice that someone has set his eyes on her and will posses her at any cost. ***** Falling in love with an idol is easy but the consequences are going to be pretty ugly. But when a pair of possesive arms sweeps her to his heart and clutches her tightly, being stubborn as he is, he won't let her go. The warmth in those arms makes her comfortable and content, her heart comes alive and the flames of desire are keen on burning her inside out, she resigns to her fate and gets ready to face the cruel world of idols.

Jade_12 · Urban
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11 Chs

Eun Ae's new solace

I will be your eternal light..hmmm🎵

Taking away your sorrow and fright...uhhmm🎵

I will be there for you forever 🎵

leaving you alone never ever🎵

Just wanna see you smile bright....🎵

I will be your eternal light...🎶

The song eternal light by Jae Hyuk kept playing softly in the earphones, while the girl wearing them leaned on her chair in front of the computer and signed helplessly closing her eyes in the process.

The girl is of course EunAe who is feeling distressed due to her family.

She had always been passionate in art and being a makeup artist is a dream that she had harbored since her childhood but her parents have always been against it.

They are a stereotypical pair who just wants their child to have a high income job by studying day and night. They wants her to study well, be a top student, get a good job and then get married to a guy they have arranged for her....like fu*k..she has a life as well...she has dreams...she doesn't want to be a caged bird who would dance whenever they want and however they want. She wants to experience the feel of beautiful blue sky and soft cool breeze. All in all she wants freedom from the restraints that her parents had chained her with. 

Since her childhood they had never let her play with the children in her neighbourhood nor had they ever allowed her to hangout with any of her classmates.

While the kids of her age were having the best time of their life, she was sitting on her study table locked in her room reciting various formulae and poems. 

She had got her first android phone only after entering the top university in seoul.

It's no wonder she had no boyfriend or had any kind of relationship with any boy, her mother had made sure of that.

During her high school years, she was under a lot of study pressure and felt suffocated whenever she saw books, she was only able to survive those days because of the Eternal wings idol group.

They were her solace, her escape from reality.

It's them who inspired her to pursue her dream of becoming a makeup artist, their songs encouraged her and brought light in her dark life.

The first time she heard their song was on a radio show, in the stationary shop, her heart was captured by their soulful voices making her feel light headed. Since then she would secretly listen to their songs. She also started attending free professional  makeup tutorial classes by lying to her parents with the reason of attending extra study classes.

She was very careful to not let her parents discover her secret and it was easy to fool them as long as she topped her grade.

Currently she lives in the dorm provided by her university. It's the second week of her university life. After arriving at the uni. She was in delusion that she had become free from her parent's dictatorship but after today she would no longer live in this delusion.

It's not that she is unfilial nor she hates her parents but she is disappointed by their too much meddling in her life. She had tried to explain her opinions in front of them many times but they have always disregarded it thinking that she is still just a kid. 

Eun Ae was lost in her thoughts and past and started feeling the urge to cry. She was so lost in her own world that she didn't notice her one and only roommate entering their dorm and had called for her many times. It was only when Soo Aha started shaking her head that she got back from her self pity. 

"Ahh...finally miss Einstein got back from her imaginary world!" Soo Aha signed dramatically and wiped the fake sweat on her forehead with the expression of having saved the world.

Eun Ae giggled at her cheerful and only friend and thanked God again and again for letting her meet such an angel. Soo Aha was everything that she was not, she was funny, bold, confident, sarcastic and cheerful.

Soo Aha was also beautiful campus belle due to her jade white skin and delicate facial features. Eun Ae was also beautiful but she could never match her beauty with Soo Aha.

Eun Ae was somewhat cold and aloof with others due to her parent's upbringing. Eun Ae was not talkative while Soo Aha could talk about anything and everything. They were tailor made for each other and got along after just a few hours of meeting each other. Even EunAe was unable to resist her charm. But the main reason they bonded with each other so quickly was that they both were die hard fans of Eternal wings!!!

Even the calm and collected Eun Ae was super excited when she heard that Soo Aha loved Eternal wings. On the first day of uni. they both just kept going on and on about how much they are crazy for their idol group.

Seeing Soo Aha's chirpy face and bright smile, Eun Ae felt her sorrow disappear and her heart felt light as the hands of frustration clutching it turned into illusion. Her new solace was Eternal wings and Soo Aha's friendship. With this thought EunAe removed the earphone attached to her phone.

The lyrics of the song still playing in her mind on loop.
