1 New Heights




These three words would represent my entire life if I were to describe my life.

I stood and left the seat.

"Another day another gain, or more like pain"

I left the train and made my way to the place.

The building came into view and when I entered the smell of an AC tickled my nose, and people clattering with each other.

I wave my head as if searching for something.

When a guy signaled me by waving his hands around the air, the guy had a blue shirt and airtight pants.

It was Edward.


They are a special type of people that had obtained the power to control certain types of elements.

And I Clark From today on forward will be attending this prestigious school that had produced widely known Hunters.

The international school for hunters "Magia Academia"

I tug snapped me out.

"Hey, Clark have you already awakened your elemental type?"

it was Edward.

I replied with a simple wave of my head.

"Not yet huh."

We continued chatting until a person entered the building his presence made the crowd silent.

The person stood at the podium as he prepared his voice.


A loud noise rang around my ears when the person started speaking.

"I Andrew Lewis III am the head of the school"

The school head continued introducing himself and the academy.

After the speech we students were guided to a room of 10 people and were handed a piece of paper.

In the paper, there were questions written on what certain types of elements I would like to awaken or have already awakened.
