
My Pool

By Gigi

There was this pool in our house and it always seemed that there were people that drowned in that pool staring at me.

The house was abandoned and my mom and I just have been living there for a couple of years.

One day I decided to face my fear and take a swim in the pool. I dunked my head under the water and looked down at the deep end. It looked to be around 9 or 10 feet deep, but me being me, I decided to see if my feet could touch the bottom.

I forced my body down and counted the feet in my head. But something strange was happening, I was starting to lose count and I felt this gentle force pushing me farther down. Then it got more and more aggressive as I tried to swim to the top. What I could count, I was far past 10 feet deep at this point. The daylight got darker and farther away from me.

Then I finally reached the bottom, It looked to be at least about 300 feet deep. I had an abnormally large breathing span but it was coming to a limit when I was sitting on the bottom of the pool. I couldn't even see the sky, it looked so small and I couldn't swim up to the top no matter how hard my body tried.

I soon became the people I used to see staring at me, with red faces as if they were still holding their breath and I was too. My name is Brandon and I have never gotten out of this pool since 2001. People still come to live here, but the pool always gave them an uneasy feeling, now I understand and I wasn't the last one who will swim and hold their breath forever.