
My Pokemon system in a cultivation world is very useful

To save the children from an attack, Marcos ended up sacrificing himself and as a reward, a god gave him a wish, Marcos thought of Jessie, Cynthia, Iris and other beautiful girls from the Pokémon anime, along with his favorite Pokémon and without thinking he chose to transmigrate to the pokémon world, but an error occurs and Marcos and another transmigrator end up changing their final destination Now Marcos was in a cruel Chinese farming world, he thought that his Pokemon system would be of no use but who would say that every Pokemon is actually a holy beast

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9 Chs

Marcos restarts

A 23-year-old janitor was sighing as he cleaned the school hallway

Marcos Bavari is a simple Brazilian, life was never very kind to Marcos, a poor childhood with a single mother and a small and poor house

At the age of 13 he dropped out of school to work because his mother was sick, without studying Marcos lost the possibility of having good jobs

His only joy was that when he was a waiter as a teenager, the restaurant's TV was on children's channels and he could watch his favorite anime, Pokémon.

at the age of 18 his mother and the only person who loved him died, Marcos with depression could not deal well with customers and was fired from the restaurant, luckily he got a job at a children's school as a janitor

Every day Marcos felt that his life was bad but for some reason seeing the children playing gave him joy, he created a small ambition to go back to school and be a teacher and who knows how to find a good wife and have his own children

'one more month and I can graduate...with high school to try college' Marcos cleaned the floor with mastery while thinking

Suddenly, Marcos felt a wind at his back and, when he turned around, he saw the front door open.

A teenager with a strange face entered, Marcos saw that he was holding a knife

the teenager ran to the door of one of the classrooms

"NO" Marcos grabbed his broom and ran away

The teenager entered, he saw a small child who was playing to draw

The teacher got scared and screamed when she saw the knife

The teenager raised the knife and when he was about to hurt the child, a broomstick stopped the knife.

Marcos tried hard but was successful, the young man angrily pushed the broom and went to Marcos

Marcos did not have balance because he only concentrated on helping the child, soon a sharp pain was felt by him

A knife entered his belly, the teenager took the knife and went to stab again

"Shit" Marcos was big so he didn't die from a stab wound, he advanced on the teenager

Marcos fell on top of the little shit, with his hand he began to fiercely punch the crazy young man

The lost youth only managed to stab Marcos in the stomach once more, but was soon defeated.

"fuck you damn, why kids" Marcos furious while spanking the little shit's face

"uncle janitor will win"

"yes, the caretaker uncle is goku"


the children in the room screamed and cheered for Marcos

The teacher left and went to call for help

Marcos spanked the little shit while the kids screamed with joy

But unfortunately Marcos started to have blurred vision

your blood loss was severe

That day Marcos became a hero but despite being rescued he died on the way to the hospital.

the crazy young man was disfigured but survived and could not go to jail due to being underage, and was defended by human rights, he was sent to reformatory for only 2 years


Marcos found himself in a beautiful white hall

A being of pure light materialized in front of him, Marcos did not see any form but felt the divinity

"Escola das Pérolas, March 12th and there should have been 3 child victims, but you Marcos prevented this" said the being

Marcos was silent, he soon realized he was dead

"Do not be sad, life on earth is not long and in the end everything returns to the origin"

"But I believe in justice, your act of courage and kindness makes me happy, so I'll give you a chance to make a wish come true" said the being

"Can I see my mother?" Marcos

In this great hall, lies are not allowed to exist, Marcos spoke everything that came into his mind and heart.

"Your mother, Mrs. Teodora, was a great woman and is now in a new life as the daughter of a billionaire, I don't think it would be good for you to meet her now"

Marcos thought and agreed, but he was filled with joy knowing that his mother lived well

"Come on, speak what's in your heart"

"I...would like to go to the world of Pokemon? Also...is having more than one wife really wrong?" Mark couldn't lie

The being of light was still the same, but for some reason Marcos felt that he laughed

"the love between man and woman is the most basic existing principle, as long as there is love there is no problem, pokemon world so let's go"

"I will give you a pokemon system to help you, live well"

Mark smiles with joy


Marcos was transformed into energy without a physical body, just his soul.


great river of souls

milestones in his soul form traveled with joy, when another soul ended up appearing

the soul that appeared tried to pass in front of him, Marcos was in no hurry so he went to the side

when Marcos saw the other soul disappearing over the horizon he continued but he swears he heard some phrase in Mandarin


Marcos just pretended not to hear and finally came to the end