
Chapter 2: Forming the Squad (Part 2)

Then, Speed regained consciousness.

"Big bro, we're gonna be uncles!" Flare told Speed.

"So, Michael? Where are your parents? I'd love to meet them!"

"I...don't have parents anymore." I answered Mollie.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I shouldn't have asked." Mollie said. "Since you saved my daughter, how would you like to be my son?"

I blush a lot. "I...I'd be honored!" I stammered.

"Well then, welcome to our family, Michael!" Mollie said.

"So, Mollie?" I asked.

"No, Sweetie, call me Mom." Mollie suggested.

"Okay. So, Mom?" I asked.

"Yes, Sweetie?" Mollie asked.

"Do you have any siblings? I'd love to meet them!" I asked.

"Well, Sweetie, I have a brother named Ralph and a sister named Dawn." Mollie told me.

As soon as Mollie told me about her siblings, a male Umbreon and a female Jolteon walked into our room.

"Ralph & Dawn!" Mollie said, hugging the two Eeveelutions.

"Sister!" Dawn said, hugging Mollie.

"How's it going?" Ralph asked Mollie.

"Pretty well. Oh! I also have someone for you to meet!" Mollie said.

"Ralph, Dawn, I'd like you to meet Michael! He saved my daughter's life." Mollie introduced me.

"Wait. He's your adopted son? He's a human." Ralph asked.

"That's pretty cool!" Dawn complimented.

"Nice to meet you, Michael." Dawn said, hugging me.

"Nice to meet you too, Aunt Dawn." I said back.

"Michael! I'm glad you met Uncle Ralph and Aunt Dawn!" Crystal said.

Then, Ralph and Dawn notice Crystal's belly.

"Crystal? Are you pregnant?!" Dawn asks her.

"Yes I am, Aunt Dawn. Thanks to my boyfriend." Crystal answers Dawn.

"Oh my god, Ralph! We're going to be a Great Aunt and Uncle to our Great niece or nephew!" Dawn said to Ralph.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Ralph asked Crystal.

"Umm... Michael and I don't know yet. We'll have to wait and see." Crystal told Ralph.

"Oh! I need to go to Motostoke's Gym to enter the Gym Challenge!" I told everyone. "Anyone want to come with me?"

"I'll come with you, Honey." Crystal told me.

"Us too!" Speed and Flare said.

"Let's go, Sweetie!" Mollie said.

"And we're off!" Dawn said.

We left the Budew Drop Inn and made our way toward Motostoke's Gym. "Wow! There are a lot of Gym Challengers here, Sweetie." Mollie said with awe.

"Let's get us signed up, Honey!" Crystal told me.

"Okay." I replied.

As we were approaching the registration desk, an Arcanine finished signing up for the Gym Challenge, shot us a mean look, and walked out of the Gym.

"I wonder who that was..." I said to myself.

Then, the person at the desk noticed us waiting. "If you're here to register for the Gym Challenge, I'll need to see your endorsement, please." the person at the desk told us.

Then, I remember Sonia gave me my endorsement for the Gym Challenge. I walked up to the desk, with Crystal by my side, and showed my endorsement to the desk guy.

"Fancy that... This is the first time we've had a challenger endorsed by the Champion!" The guy said.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yeah!" he said, "There! You two have been successfully registered as Gym Challengers! You can now choose your preferred number for your uniforms, if you'd be so kind? It will be displayed on the back of your uniform you must wear for any official match."

"Hmmm. What should our number be, Crystal?" I asked her.

"How about 227?" Crystal suggested.

"Good idea! Our number will be 227 please!" I told the official.

"Number 227, is it? Very Well. And here. Please wear this Challenge Band at all times to identify yourself as a Gym Challenger." The official told us.

"The opening ceremony for the Gym Challenge is to be held here tomorrow." The official added.

"Okay. Thank you." I told the official.

We all walked outside to discuss what we should do until tomorrow.

"Well, what do y'all think we should do until tomorrow?" I asked everyone.

"Oh! Let's explore the Wild Area!" Crystal suggested.

"Great Idea, Kris!" Speed said.

"Good Idea, Sis!" Flare said.

"Yeah! Let's explore the Wild Area!" Jin said.

"Good Idea, Sweetie." Mollie said, kissing my cheek.

I blush a little.

We walked outside Motostoke to explore the Wild Area.

Then, we saw a box next to the stairs leading to Motostoke. Crystal and I walked to the box to find a male Leafeon and a female Flareon.

"Hey there. What's wrong?" I asked the Leafeon and Flareon.

"Oh! The problem is our daughter, Pearl." the Flareon told me to look inside the box.

"She's not breathing." the Leafeon told me.

Then, I knew just what to do. I carried Pearl in my arms to try to warm her up. It was snowing in this part of the Wild Area, so it was cold. Then, I saw something else in the box: A Soothe Bell! I grabbed the Soothe Bell and put it into Pearl's paws. After I gave Pearl the Soothe Bell, she began glowing! I knew right away that she was evolving. It was also day.

When Pearl was done evolving, she was no longer an Eevee, she was an Espeon! She had slender legs and dainty paws. She was covered in fine, lilac fur. This velvety fur is sensitive for her to sense minute shifts in the air, thus allowing her to predict the weather. Her ears are large, and she has purple eyes with white pupils. There were tufts of fur near her eyes, and a small, red gem embedded in her forehead. The gem boosts the psychic powers that she gained to protect her Trainer from harm. She also had a thin, forked tail that quivers when she predicts her opponent's moves!

Then, she wakes up. "Who are you?" She asked me.

"Hi Pearl. I'm Michael." I introduced myself.

"I'm his girlfriend, Crystal!" Crystal said.

"I'm Speed." Speed said.

"I'm Flare." Flare said.

"I'm Mollie." Mollie said.

"I'm Jin." Jin said.

"I'm Dawn." Dawn said.

"And I'm Ralph." Ralph said.

"Nice to meet you all! I'm Blaze!" Blaze introduced herself.

"And I'm Brian." Brian said.

After we met Pearl's Family, a female Shiny Vaporeon, a male Shiny Jolteon and a male Shiny Eevee came running out of nowhere to see Pearl. "Hello~" Blaze greeted the Shiny Vaporeon.

"Sister!" the Shiny Vaporeon said, hugging Blaze.

"I'm so glad to see you!" Blaze told her sister.

"Yo!" Brian said.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my sister, Rin, her husband, Bolt, and my nephew, Axel!" Blaze told us.

"I'm Michael." I told Rin, shaking her paw.

"Thank you so much for saving my niece, Michael!" Rin thanked me.

"Hey Michael, since you saved my daughter's life, I'm proud to be your Aunt!" Blaze told me.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Yes I do. You're such a brave hero!" Rin said.

"Thank you, Michael. I'll be glad to make you my brother." Pearl said hugging me.

"Okay, Pearl." I said.

Then, Pearl's family notice Crystal's belly.

"Crystal?! Are you pregnant?!" Blaze asked her.

"Yes I am, Aunt Blaze." Crystal answered.

"Will it be a boy or girl?" Rin asked.

"Michael and I don't know yet." Crystal answers.

After meeting the rest of Pearl's family, we continued to explore the Wild Area.