
My Plot-Hole System

Long Tian is your everyday average person who just wants to lead a normal & peaceful life. But things just don't tend to go our way in life, suddenly receiving a System that seems to be a shameless combination of all the systems from the various overrated System Novels that he hates, his peaceful life is now a pipe dream. Let us follow Long Tian in this refreshing journey and see what fate has in store for him. If you'd like to support me, feel free. https://ko-fi.com/narcissistimmortal STRICTLY URBAN, NO FANTASY ELEMENTS. The Chapter Lengths will be adjusted eventually. *Picture in the cover does not belong to me.*

NarcissistImmortal · Urban
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33 Chs

Completing The Vocals.

Long Tian wanted to do the piano first. so he sat down placed his hands on the keys and took a deep breath. He showed a 'thumbs up' sign, and Old Jian started to record. Long Tian's hands started to move slowly and soon sped up.

The music being played was so enchanting that all Fu Shiyi, Su Feifei and Old Jian were lost in it's melody. By the time Long Tian stopped playing all three of them had wet eyes, the music was heart wrenching, it was supposed to be a sad song after all.

"This..." Old Jian was lost for words, he had been a composer for many years and he himself knows to play different instruments, but this level of skill even astonished him.

'Maybe he is a music genius who only practiced the Piano, so it's normal to have this kind of skill when you practice from a young age.' Old Jian thought and comforted himself.

On the other hand, both Fu Shiyi and Su Feifei's mouth made an "O" shape.

"You are really good at playing the Piano!" Fu Shiyi exclaimed.

"Yes, I have high hopes for this song now." Su Feifei added.

"Cough, cough... you can't make a masterpiece song with just one instrument, although this piece that you composed far surpasses the current standards, one pillar simply can't hold a building." Old Jian said with two forced coughs.

"Of course, I know that much. So, now let's add in some Violin." Long Tian said with a smile.

The three folks in the room were stunned, 'You play that too' they wanted to ask but didn't.

Long Tian lifted the Violin and placed it on his left shoulder, his posture was perfect like that of a great maestro. But Old Jian was too busy to notice his posture, he was simply shaking his head and looked as if he was a little disappointed in Long Tian.

He showed the 'thumbs up' sign again and Old Jian started to record, Long Tian started to play, the soft music from the Violin turned loud suddenly causing an 'Adrenaline Rush', Su Feifei and Fu Shiyi put their hands on their chest and felt their heartbeat quicken. The music then turned soft again, then loud, it was like a tidal wave sweeping through your memories causing one to reminisce their past.

Old Jian was so dumbstruck that he was out of words, how can there be such a genius he thought. Fu Shiyi and Su Feifei also had an astonished look on their faces, this fellow looked like he came straight out of a romance novel, he's handsome, tall and skilled. Both their faces showed a red glow for a moment before turning normal.

"Alright, let's end this with some Guitar." said Long Tian before picking the Guitar up and giving that thumbs up sign.

The wide-eyed Old Jian started to record yet again, but this time he was completely convinced that there is no Musician greater than Long Tian in the industry right now. The Guitar brought out a sense of both sorrow and joy.

The instrumentals were now finished, the only thing left was the 'Vocals'.

"By the way, Long Tian, what's this song called?" Su Feifei suddenly asked.

"Moving On." Long Tian replied.

"Why is that so, this sounds more like a break up song." Su Feifei said.

"The lyrics have a deeper meaning than it lets on, everything in the world moves on, the seasons, the sky, tree leaves, animals, almost everything. This song is basically comparing these natural elements with human nature, asking to give the relationship in question one more chance before they move on." Old Jian said with the wisdom that he gained through making countless songs.

"But then how can common people understand these deeper meaning, people aren't as smart these days, they need simple lyrics with flashy music, their heads cannot decipher lyrics." It was Fu Shiyi who asked the question this time.

"That's where the beauty of music comes in, it is actually the music that makes you understand the lyrics. If lyrics are the 'Pizza' then music is the 'Sauce', without that sauce you feel like you're just eating plain dough, but with sauce it becomes Pizza. Now, the thing is what kind of sauce you are using, if you use White Garlic Sauce, the Pizza tastes different than when you use Marinara Sauce." Old Jian explained yet again, but this time there was a hint of pride on his face, probably because of the metaphors he was using, he started to feel like a heavenly teacher.

During this process, Long Tian was left out. It was as if he became invisible.

*Cough.. Cough*

Grabbing their attention with some classic coughs, Long Tian pointed toward the mic, Fu Shiyi gave a smile and drank some warm water, and prepared herself to sing. Long Tian hummed the tune so that Fu Shiyi knows in which rhythm to sing.

Fu Shiyi had a very beautiful voice and above that had great talent, she completed the vocals in a single take without cuts.

"Alright, now let's add some finishing touches." Long Tian said sitting beside Old Jian in front of the computer.


Author's Note :- Well, its a fact that everyone comprehends lyrics in a different way. It's actually the music that makes all the difference. Let's say "I Love You", if I add a flashy pop tune to that, it'll look more like a guy proposing his love. But that same "I Love You" when sung along with a sorrowful tune gives the feeling of a heart broken guy trying to express his feelings yet again, Interesting isn't it?, I guess you readers have recently started to feel like you're becoming smarter, well thank me for that. I will give you some important and interesting knowledge through this light hearted story, so you will keep getting smarter, who knows, maybe you guys will colonize Mars one day!