
Chapter 23 – Continuous Days Work 02

Two hours of practice is just a short time for me. Checking everything in position seems like a habit of mine. I want to check the things in order from top to bottom. As for the reason, I just felt like, everything should be perfect in its place. After checking everything, I went to my tour director to change the third song to the twenty-eighth song. “You want to change (Angel) to (Law ain’t Nothing To Me) is that right?” Lion said. “Yeah, you know, (Angel) has a very hard moves but if I continue singing after (Look At Me) then It’ll be hard for me to breath. So, I want to sing (Law ain’t Nothing To Me) after the (Look At Me) song. Can we do that?” I said. He agreed after considering my opinion but he still will agree whatever I want because it’s my tour but I try to give my opinion and accept their decision though if I see something that I don’t like, then I reject their decisions.

I ask Jona if he’s okay to stay for a bit. He said “It’s okay” and I know he’ll wait anyway. I resume the practice to see how it’ll go after the song exchange and I can see, it’s going fine and it’s not that quite hard to perform. I can see Jona patiently waiting at the same time observing the scene. “Okay, it’s a break” Lion said.

We go back inside to eat for lunch. “Is Eli still busy?” I asked Jona. He told me she went somewhere running outside the hotel according to the security I left her with. I was confused on why would she ran in the front door and not drive her car. There’s something bothering me so I called her phone but it was “unattended”.

It’s almost 4 pm and the interview will start at 4:20 but I can still see that Sunny isn’t here. I asked the staff they sent a while ago to stay until Sunny comes. She agreed excitedly and asked if she could take a picture with me and an autograph. I immediately said “okay” and wait for her while I am discussing some matter regarding the concert for tonight with Lion. It’s already 4:15 but she still is missing and if she won’t come, we have to change her because I still have to do my final practice and that we will start prepping some other stuff as well.

Finally, she showed up at 4:19 pm wearing a short length white skirt and a white shirt. She still looks the same as the last time I saw her. All the people around us shakes her hand and I heard she’s popular for being the youngest to achieve the award that only veteran reporters are allowed to achieve for working so hard in their line of work. It’s my turn to shake her hand but my hand stayed in my pocket. She looked at me giving me her natural smile and extend her hand for a handshake but I didn’t accept it because she wasn’t really looking at me directly but she kept on changing her audience but stopped since I didn’t accept the handshake.

Lion whispered that Sunny was asking for a handshake. I smiled and accept the handshakes while she glares at me in secret. I smirk thinking how much anger she’s keeping in for how I behave. We did photoshoot and we started the interview. She tried really hard to stay professional even if I’m giving her some attitude. I still keep some professional answer but most of them really is plays underneath every word. There she asked me about travelling on my free time but I answered “It’s super nice to travel but I think I’ll be needing some company on the way, don’t you think?” I answered. Twenty minute have passed but it seems like I am enjoying this interview than her, she looks like she want to murder me anytime soon.

“Do you have to be rude” she asked me after the interview. The interview went well and I can see that she manged to calm herself on her own ways. “What did I do?” I asked pouting like an innocent kid. She put her two hands on her waist like she’s starting to get pissed. “Don’t worry, nobody really paid attention to it. You’re just being paranoid” I assured her. “Are you okay?” I asked her looking at her while she looks like she’s about to collapse and I can see sweat slowly forming on her forehead. “Just tired, maybe?” she replied.

Her answer doesn’t really seem to overlapped with her current situation. I was about to ask her something else but then she collapse and thankfully, I got her before she could fall on the ground. “Hey, Sunny, are you okay?” I kept shaking her. I asked for help inside because we are the only one outside the artist room right now. People started gathering and I was about to follow her when Jona stopped me. “What?” I said raising my voice a little bit higher than usual. “You need to start prepping now” he said letting me go. I remember that now but I’m worried about her. Jona assured me that he’ll send someone to look out for her so I better go inside and start prepping for the concert.

I was very worried but the show must go on. I prepared myself and started the concert. After that, I hurriedly went to the hospital and look for Sunny. I arrived at the emergency room and I found her lying there still asleep. I asked Ian, one of my security, what the doctor said. “The doctor said, it was just because of stress so she needs to rest for the time being.” I thanked him and told him to wait outside with Jona. There are a lot of people in this hospital but thankfully, her bed is at the very end of the room so we have some privacy. I was so shocked to see the person sitting next to her.