
Chapter 11 - Archie's Gone

Seoul tour is over and we are heading to Jeju Island next. Before going to Jeju, we had a meeting with all the staff but I decided to talk to Elliot in my room alone. He confessed he did drug me but he was forced to. I told him, I saw the video and all he could do is say sorry and that he messed up. He was asking for another chance but I know that even if I give him a thousand chance, he'll do it again.

Yes, It was hard for me to trust people since my past relationship. Knowing that you are doing everything for the one you love but it ain't enough. One day, when I rendered my love to someone, I will make sure to not give her up and fight for it no matter what.

They said, Jeju is a beautiful island so I am really looking forward to it. One of the producers in Seoul contacted Eli if I could attend a two variety show, an interview and a fan meet. Honestly, I wasn't a fan of Korean dramas and all but Sophie really liked them.

She used to let me watch them but I don't really understand so I told her "I don't like it". She was very upset that I was messing with her favorite actor. She really liked the group One Shot too. She was over heels on one of the members. She said they were very popular before but I don't know if they still are.

I slept throughout the ride though it was only a three hour flight. I was still able to sleep and take a time rest. When I woke up, they were busy playing some board games. Eli's busy losing and so does Jona. Jer was busy doing his CEO thing.

It was nice having them as my team. It was a lot to adjust to trusting people but with them I don't know the word distrust. I went to Eli and took her place, Jona was shocked to see that I am better at board games. He told me if I was cheating since I won five times in a row. I told him I ain't cheating anyone.

He asked me if I could share his secret to winning. I don't know but I was always good at board games, the only one who can beat me is my mom. Sophie came very close in winning but I won at the end and her face was unbelievably amusing. It was funny, she lost seven times but still insisting on beating me. The real funny part is, she lost because of the word coffee.

It was her favorite word and drink but then she lost. She was upset with me the whole day and the only thing that brought her back is the coffee we drank at this local cafe in Manila. It was soft and delicious. She was happy after that; we also went to my mom's work place after exploring the plaza.

I was smiling at the thought of all of that like a fool and Eli brought me back to reality. She wanted ice cream at this minute. She said she was craving it. I had a thought and playfully said "Are you pregnant?" she throw me the pillow she was holding and told me if I am crazy. Eli was the joke all throughout the ride.

We arrived in Jeju and we are met with a nice breeze and a touch of silence. It was worthwhile because as soon as we exited the airport, Fans are all over the place. I waved and continued on our way to the van. We are met with hundreds of fans and I can't see the end of this crowd.

We arrived at the hotel an hours later. We are supposed to check the stadium but since it's already late, they decided to do that tomorrow. I'll be spending five days non-stop work here in Jeju Island. We need to be at the location early for the variety show. All in all, I am going to be busy.

That night, there are commotion outside my hotel room. I went out and all the staff are busy doing their stuff. I asked the one who passed by my room and she said that Archie's missing. I asked if they called him already but all they said was, he never turned off his phone on work day.

I got worried and helped with the look out. Everybody's busy then I realized something so I stopped walking, freeze the moment and I know who to call. I call Archie's sister and told her "what's going on". She told me he called her and said that if I call her, she will tell me not to get worried and be back soon. I told her, "did he say something else" but she turned silent and I asked the obvious question "It's her, isn't it?!" I can tell by the way she didn't reply that I got it right.

I thanked her and asked her to call me if he calls. I was busy calling his phone for nth time already and he still didn't pick up. Surrie, Archie's sister, called and texted me a number. She told me to call that number and that it was Archie's new number.

I was about to call the number when Eli stopped me and said "Archie called, he said he's fine". I wanted to tell her that he isn't but all staff are going somewhere and I asked "Where are they going?" she told me that the hotel would like to treat us.

I told her to go ahead and I'll be there soon. She kept on bugging me and I said "I'll change into something formal" she told be it wasn't a formal dinner so I was dragged into the 13th floor to eat a midnight dinner.

It was a huge hall and there were chefs on the site. You can tell that this was prepared beforehand. I continued to the empty table and some middle age guy, around 40 to 50 years of age, asked me if he could sit down with me. I offered the chair and told him "I don't mind at all".

I can say that he is the man of the night through his very dashing clothes and the way he present himself. He thanked me and he sat besides me. "Robin Choi, pleasure to meet me" he extended his hands. I accepted the handshake and he then told me that both of her daughters are a fan of mine. He asked if I could meet up with them. I said that "I'll be glad to meet them, sir". He waved at the two twins near the stage who was playing barbie dolls. They approached gracefully like a princesses.

I assumed that the shy one is the younger one. Mr. Choi introduced them both, the older one is Ellen and the younger one is Allen. I asked if Allen is wanted some photo time but he just hides in her sister's dress. I find it cute and I want to talk to him but I gave him the space to come to me first.

After a while of chatting with her sister, he came to light and sat right next to me. Maybe, he thought that I am not a stranger since his sister talked to me. We bonded for a while but then they had to leave because of their dad. I signed a t-shirt that Eli handed me before then and gave it to each one of them. They both said their goodbyes' and we continued eating.

Archie's assistant came by to our table and asked if he could talk to me in private. I excused myself from the people from my team. "Did the director left any message to you?" she asked. I checked my phone and told her "There's no message". She looked dazzled so I asked "What's wrong? Did something happened?"

"He was supposed to hand in the presentation for tomorrow but I can't find him anywhere." she said both hands tightly grasping the cellphone waiting for an answer. "Why don't you hand it then?" I asked. She said that the video tape is with him and that they still need to finalize the video but without Archie, they cannot start.

I told her that Archie went somewhere and still haven't come back. She looks so worried so I told her I'll give it a try. She smiled and thanked me. When I called the number Surri gave to me a while ago. It always go to voice mail. I called a few times, still no reply.

I went to Eli and asked if she called Archie when she told me that Archie's fine. She said she just heard it from one of the staff. I told her he's not picking up then she told me to not get worried that he can handle his own. I still don't want to believe her so she gave me some scenario when we couldn't contact him. Either his in his room sleeping, drinking, swimming. I kept in mind that maybe he's into those things at this time.

I drifted to sleep as soon as I lie down the bed. Tomorrow will be another busy day.