
Chapter 09 - Archie's Problem

The moment they opened the door, the first thing I saw was the host of the night, I guess. She welcomed us and I sat between Eli and Jericho with Jona on my right and other security.

I am use to this press conferences. Everytime, I deal with this, it's either I caused another headline or I let them eat me. I am very concern with the fact that I did that but we were just dancing, the sad part was we are on tour.

I introduce my self, first, I told them they can ask anything they want. One reporter, who is an American, raised his hand even before the host could react, he stood up and asked already "Aren't you supposed to be on tour? Don't you think that they'll watch with this state?..." I got furious with that question. I was about to answer when he continued "...Aren't you taking your tour seriously? Is this what the people looked up to?".

I was totally pissed. I am not taking my tour seriously? What is his problem. I picked up the microphone and answer "Who doesn't take their work seriously, are you stupid man?!" I almost throw him the microphone.

I always take my stuff seriously. I always take time to be the perfect example to the others. What do they want from me. I am doing the best I can to be the perfect figure. The room fell into a deep silent. I was reluctant to do this press conference anymore.

I was about to stand up when Eli pulled my polo shirt and whispered. "You are making this big, you sit down" I look at Eli and she smiles like a devil. I can see Jer giving me the eye to sit down. I sat down but I already felt like making a mess in here.

The host lightened up the mood and asked if there's anyone who want to raise a question. One reporter raised his hand and I didn't even look at him, I am already pissed. "Uhm... Collin, were you conscious when that happened?" Eli picked the mic for me and hand it to me. "Ian?" Eli kept on bugging me. I lifted my head and look at the guy who asked me.

I can see he is an Asian and I can tell he's nice because of the way he preset himself. I extend my hand for the mic and asked him to repeat the question. He asked again in a more properly way this time. I answered "The...uhm...video is almost ending. I was already drunk after a two bottle drink. I don't know why I continued drinking or did someone let me drink" I continued explaining "I am not trying to say that, that wasn't me on the video. All I am saying is that it wasn't me anymore when that happened".

One reporter asked "Can you say that you were drugged?". I was quite surprised to hear that and I was already in deep thought. Is it really possible that someone drugged me? Then who? I was in that too long that I didn't realized that they're already waiting for my answer.

I still am processing what he asked. I answered "It could be a possibility because I don't usually get drunk with just two bottles". He nodded and all of them were quite whispering. They asked me if I will investigate it or ignore it. I was about to answer when Jer answered instead. "We'll keep you all updated if there's an investigation. Thank you" I stood up and we left like that. I was still thinking who might wanna drug me? Is it my team? The crew? Staff?

Eli brought me back to reality and I realized I was already in my room. "Just take a rest for now. We'll know more. Okay?" she left and locked the door. I was too tired to think more than what I heard today. I was restless and I thought of talking to someone, so I called my mom.

She wasn't picking up and I received a text saying she's in a meeting right now. She'll beep me later or maybe tomorrow. Right now, there's only one person I want to talk to, Sophie. I dialed her number, it was ringing but after a few ring it stopped then when I called her again she cannot be reached anymore.

I sigh and just lie down on my bed. Staring at the ceiling, I kept on thinking what happened to us. We were happy but since I got into this industry, she became distant and I know I made a lot of mistakes but I can't tell who is who anymore. I guess, I just have to wait and see.

I didn't realize I fell asleep with my face on the other side of the bed. I move my body and look at the feet beside the bed. When I look up it was Eli, looking down on me. "Morning" I smiled. I move too quickly there I fall down the bed. Eli helped me to get up "Easy there Ian". I said sorry and she looks stunning today.

"Do you have a date?" I asked one eye still closed scratching the back of the head. She put her left hand on her waist "Seriously? In this situation?". Then I remember what happened yesterday. She told me she had a news. "What do you want to hear first?" she asked. I fixed my hair and said "The bad one" still don't know what I really want to hear.

"Bad news.... We still don't know who it is. Good news is...." she looks at me then she laughed. I asked her what's funny? She continue what she said "Good news is.... You are practicing today." she smiled. I was disappoint to think there's nothing really good in that news.

We prepared to go to practice. I wore yellow hoodie and a black jeans. I added some cap and a sunglasses. I was quick to notice that I haven't wear my shoes yet. Eli called me to get out already, I was met with some crew, Archie and Jona. I asked them where Eli is; they told me she met someone downstairs.

They told me to get in the car and Eli will meet us in the stadium. I obliged to everything they said. I practiced a lot, bearing everything in line. I thought that no ones gonna come tonight but I saw some tweet that fans are still excited to see me in this tour.

Thankful and sorry, I continued to perfect everything. We ate at this restaurant called "Milestone". We came to the aquarium to see some live dolphins show. I enjoyed it today, I called Eli and she said she can't come and be back tonight. Where is she? Why isn't she telling me anything?

I haven't seen Archie as well. I came to his room to play some video games with him. I knocked on his door many time. Caren, Archie's replacement, told me he's sleeping in, that's why I came to his room. I was about to give up when the door opened and saw a half sleep Archie.

He told me to come inside and don't mind the mess. I look at his room right now, you'll tell there was a fight. "Are you okay?" I asked sitting on the edge of the bed while he sat on the chair with clothes hanging on it. You can see some broken glass as well.

"Archie, you can talk to me man." I look at him and he is still down. He looked upset, in pain to top it up, he is a zombie. I stood up, picked up his scattered clothes and I know he was upset but I stopped picking up the trash to asked this very simple question. "Is it her?"

I knew from the start that she isn't good for him. He is too innocent and naive when it comes to girls. I can't let him do this to himself anymore. I tried before but I can't stop him from marrying her. "why can't you just leave her? Your losing yourself, Archie!"

I feel frustrated looking at him. I calmed myself and asked "Do you really love that girl?" he just nod and continue sulking. "Why can't you just let her go?" he tighten the grip on the phone he's holding and said "She's my everything".

I stood by the window and stare at the bright moon tonight. "I hate her. You know that right?" I felt like he look at me so I continue talking "I can't stop you if that's what you want but I can't guarantee that I'll be gentle with her. I will promised not to bother you with her. So, fix it before I fix her. You know what I mean right?

I face him and put both my hands o my jacket pocket. "Just take care of yourself okay?" I tapped his shoulder and left. I managed to call my mom before sleeping. I left my room after to get some fresh air but I can't just feel good.

I went to the parking lot to go to an arcade with Eli. I opened the door for Eli and I don't know if I it's just me but I saw Michelle walking towards us with that kid.