
Chapter 01 - A day in My Life

"Done. It's a break." Allan shouted, we've been shooting for three hours. Allan wanted all perfect and I can't disagree about that. Being one of the top 5 international famous photographer, you have a reputation to protect. We are shooting for the cover magazine for L&M here in San Francisco.

I was checking the photos when Elizabeth, Eli, called me for an important call. I excused myself and walked towards Eli, as she was handing me the phone, she told me it was the Rachel, the president of L&M, I nodded and answered the phone. "Collin, how's the shoot?" she asked. She looks after me every time I have a work with her that's why I can't really resist when she asked me to be the model for her company.

"It was fun....you hired one hella scary guy" I laughed. She somewhat laughed but not much, such a refine woman. "All I want is from the best alone." I can imagine her smiling and giving such feminine laugh. I asked why didn't she asked for Royce, the sold out photographer ever. She simply said he wasn't her vibe. We finished the call after she said to drop by her office today. I agreed because we'll go to New York after the shoot for my music video that I will release soon this year.

By the way, I am Ian Collin Black, I am 22 born as a Filipino and raised as an American with my Filipino-Spanish mom in the Philippines but I live in Los Angeles for a long time now. My father was from UK somewhere in London. You can say that I have my mother's features but some of them are from my father too. My father was a very popular singer and a respected actor but no one knows that he is my father. I kept my family a secret because my mother was a very private person and I don't want the world to know my father as well.

Though I haven't visited my mom for 4 years now or is it 3 years and half because of my very tight schedule. I already released four albums and visited a lot of countries already for my tours although most of that are all in US and Europe. I talk to mom on zoom a lot and catch up on each other. She watches my documentaries and movies too. I can't really sneak out because paparazzi are all over the place.

I last saw my father during my tour in London 2 years ago. He was sitting on the front row and I can't really say if he enjoyed it or not. I was really close with him when I was a kid but he left when I was 10 years old and we didn't talk after that until now also, he still lives in London. Still, should I be happy that he attended or not? Does he still care about me?

My parents were separated, obviously, they still love one another but some circumstances drove them apart. They weren't married but he almost proposed to mom but it turned out... mom rejected him even before he proposed. I didn't ask mom the reason why though. Since then, my father visits my mom some time. I can say, he's one hell of discreet guy, I am amazed that paparazzi still didn't figure out who my father's lover is still.

The car stopped at a 35 story building across the cafe I visited a lot. People recognize me right away and camera are all out ready for some new twitter post and I how can I resist such fans. Handshakes here and there and security helped escorted me to the building.

Eli tagged along because we are kind of inseparable. Aaron, Rachel's secretary, was waiting for us at the information desk. He escorted us throughout and he is a silent dude. Anyway, Rachel was busy on the phone when we entered her office. She ended the call after that and greeted us with a hug.

I like the smell of her office, it felt lovely and cozy "I missed you, dear" she said. She updated me about the current status of the sell on last month's shoot. She said that I am a very big help on her company.

I told her "It was fine as long as I can help and just call me if anything changes". She nodded politely and Eli reminded us of the time. We have to finish the shoot for my music video today because we'll be flying tonight to Japan for my ASIAN TOUR. All the make up artist and staff are all ready and they are waiting for one person only, ME, and when I arrived the studio became a market. People are chattering, running and I couldn't see anyone not working.

The studio is so crowded that I feel like they're suffocating me. I told Eli to clear the studio when I start. Eli took the clues and gather the pieces. She knows when I am uncomfortable or just tired. Jona is always observing my every move but he doesn't talk much. He is always on guard and He doesn't let anyone come to my dressing room without my approval.

I have a very tight schedule this past years and I am very grateful for my team. They were always there to protect me from anything from my fight accidents to social media attacks, and scandal rumors. I am like a magnet to them especially Elizabeth (Eli), my manager, she is like my aide to everything.

I am visiting 9 countries and 11 cities. Cities that include Tokyo, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, New Delhi, Shanghai, Beijing, Bangkok, Manila, Cebu, Seoul, and Jeju Island. it's going to be a very exciting one because finally I am going to tour ASIA alone. I may not visit every countries but we'll see soon.

I have a very spoiled, kind of, image in the industry. They wrote bad articles about me like very rude, arrogant, not a gentleman kind of articles and I appear to be a very bad kid to everyone but I am thankful that I still have millions of fans, still supporting me on my journey.

Being famous makes you the target of every reporter and paparazzi. Even small things makes an issue, I am always on the news to newspapers even on the social media. I went to a public restroom once and paparazzi makes it a big deal by adding some salt in the story. I mean, seriously?

After the shoot we directly went to my house to fetch my luggage. "Are you ready?" asked Eli. She was busy arranging the shoes I left, scattered, on the floor. "Yup, just a moment!" I fetch my sunglasses and head out to the living room. My house isn't gigantic, if that's what you're thinking, I only have few things I need, you can call it minimalist.

Some reporter asked me outside if I could have a 5 minutes interview. I was hesitant at first but Eli said it was okay. He was waiting outside my compound and Eli was shouting downstairs. "Ian, are you all set?" Eli asked.

"I am all set" I said putting my shades on. The reporter asked the same questions they asked me on my press conference. He asked a lot of questions like; What preparations did I do before starting the tour, When will I release a new song, Am I dating anyone at the moment. I got used to people asking me if I am dating anyone but right now, I am too focused on the tour.

After that, we went straight to the airport and settle in our private plane for the "Asia Tour". We usually use the big bus when I go to tour and they said it was okay to send the bus via ship but I told them we can rent a car on the spot anyway. We kinda just chilled here and relax for the flight. It was also my time to take a nap or play games. It take a lot of stress worrying about the tour and I just want to relax for a bit.

I watched 'A thousand words' for the nth time already. I just like how funny it is, it relaxes me somehow. We had a little meeting with the crew because we bump into a little trouble on the booking and the reservation and a lot more stuff. I don't know but I easily sleep wherever I am. I think because of the workload that my body can really take all the stress it gives me. The longest I slept was 7 hours tops but that was before I started the tours.

When we arrived in the Tokyo airport, I was greeted by thousands of fans. I signed some autographs then went on. The security was tight as always and fans are swarming into the car and the crowd are slowing us down. I always feel loved whenever I see them chasing the car and just shouting my name. Just like in the airport, my hotel was packed and we had to run amid the crowd. I immediately flops onto the bed. I was tired and sleepy but I unpack my luggage and spread my legs into the bed then I took a little nap first.

I woke up at 12:38 am and showered. I set up my laptop and played some games for an hour. Right now, I checking my twitter account and read some comment on my last tweet. I thought I'll return to sleep after playing but it just woken the night owl in me. I stretch and played some music but I was able to stretch my back for the time being. Eli called and said to deal with other problems tomorrow and just rest for tonight. I am very obedient kid and I follow the instruction without a struggle. I can't resist the smell of the bed anyway. I daydream for about an hour and finally my eyes closed on its own.