
Smellivator (R-18)

Author's Note: This is the final chapter in this scene.


As a person of the modern workplace, Ben believed in the tenets of mericockracy…

So with the beautiful Laura in front of him, hosed down yet high on jizz…he squeezed tight on the two mounds of her luscious asscheeks…as he avoided when she tried to kiss him because she was still jizz-spattered.

However, that didn't seem to be a problem for Laura who still had one hand around his schvontzon…

Her face was still red from hanging upside down so long, besides for the speckles of white, of course…

Still, she was as energetic as ever, pulling Ben into her with her back pressed against the wall, rubbing the head of his cock on the spot between her legs against her wet pantyhose…

Next chapter