
The Wrong Move!

Hello! My name is Kima and I live with my pets. My dogs. Layluh and Ranger. My cat Tk. My Fish Leo and My snake Rosey. Let's get into the story!

I was cooking food for the pets and for myself but then I heard a big hiss. I knew it was Tk's hiss but she doesn't hiss at the dogs. I turned around and saw they were all siting and looking at each other. They barked meowed hissed and growled. I was wondering what they were talking about but then they went to my room we're I kept Leo and Rosey. I heard splashing and snake hissed but this want the first time. " Dinners ready!" I yelled. All the pets came. Leo and Rosey came too. Tk takes a cup pick's him up with some water and walks him here ok!. I gave Leo some fried worms his favorite, gave Rosey a raccoon to eat gave the dogs their food and gave Tk her food. I ate my food and went to bed like I always do. I'm a short 18 year old who has no job. I make money from art.: The Next Day : I woke up to hear human talking my pets were not is my room so I got scared. I didn't have any time to look before being pinned on the wall by a human with ranger's ears and tail. Tears started to come out of my eyes but nothing came out of my mouth. I was shaking so hard my head hit the wall a lot of times. So many times it made me pass out.: 5 hours later : I woke up in a cage with food and water. With a small bed. I was hoping this was a nightmare. I pinched myself to see if it was real and it hurt like hell. So now I really knew it was real. I heard someone walked behind me and it was my pets. I about to fully turn around but then they turned into humans with their ears and tail. I sat there is shock but then I felt someone put something on my neck. I looked fully and saw Tk wasn't here. They were normal sized adults and they took me out of my cage. I kicked, scratched, hit, bite, but they wouldn't let go. I got put on a leash and then got dropped. I fell and hit the ground hard but I didn't hit my head. " you now will be our pet" Tk said as she held the leash. " you have a shock collar on so I say you do what we tell you to do you got that!" I nodded. We were all in the living room and I was laying on Layluh's lap. I fell asleep and woke up on my bed. I felt my neck and felt no collar. I walked outside to see them again. " oh your awake time to put back on your collar. " Tk said as she started walking to me. I ran to my room and looked the door and back door. But then the door was broken down by Tk. She put on my collar and turned in on low. I hurt so bad and now I knew this was no joke.