
My Pet Cat Is The Underlord?!

LoSerR · Teen
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1 Chs

First Encounter

I was on my regular morning walk when suddenly I heard something in the bushes. I then went to investigate the situation and you won't believe what I found... I found a new litter of kittens! I was bewildered as to why they were here in the middle of a sidewalk. So as the good person I am, I decided to take them home with me and show my family.


When I arrived back home I called out to my family to see if the were back from my younger brother Geng Mi's lacrosse match. "Mom, dad, Geng, Are you home?" "Yes sweetie, we're in the kitchen!" My mother replied. I walked over to the kitchen holding the box of kittens, from where my family was sitting they couldn't see what was in the box, just that I had a box in my arms. "What's in the box honey?" My father questioned. "You'll never believe what I found on my walk today!" I exclaimed. "Probably a box of her broken dreams." my brother snickered. "Geng, now be nice to your sister." My mother warned. I lowered the box down on the table and opened the flaps. "Oh, dear! Are they ok?" My mother sadly questioned. "I'm not sure mom, I just found them on the middle of the side walk and decided to show you guys." My father sternly said "You should know better than to bring wild animals into the house." My brother just sat there awestruck at what was in the box until he finally said, "Mom! Dad! Can we keep them?!"

To be continued...

I’m a new writer and I hope you enjoy

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